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(chopping sounds)
(upbeat music)
Hi everybody!
Today, very interesting project.
We are going to sprout soybeans,
make soybean sprouts.
So, soybean sprouts is 'Kongnamul.'
Everybody knows soybeans are really nutritious,
but when you sprout this, vitamins and more minerals created
To grow this soybean sprouts, the soybean we use is a little different.
Smaller than usual soybeans.
See? You can see the difference.
The soybeans for sprouts is smaller than usual soybeans.
And I'm going put this in a strainer.
Wash it nicely.
You will can see little bubbles coming out from this.
We're going to soak this
[ Day 1 ]
in water.
[ Day 1 ]
Twenty-four hours.
So, see you tomorrow!
[ Day 2! : ) ] I am back.
[ Day 2! : ) ]
[ Day 2! : ) ] My soybeans are soaked for twenty-four hours.
[ Day 2! : ) ]
[ Day 2! : ) ] I'll show you, come on.
[ before / after ] It looks plump, it used to be really small,
[ before / after ] and I'm going to rinse this.
It's broken, it's not going to sprout, we have to get rid of these.
Pick out all rotten.
See? You can see this.
If you don't pick out these broken beans, they are going to rot,
and also,
the other beans are going to be influenced.
Unlike other kinds of sprouts, like green colored sprouts,
[ So that the color won't change ] we need to block light.
[ So that the color won't change ] That's the very important tip for growing soybean sprouts.
So, we need [to] find some planter,
I use this like a basket, on the bottom, there are many holes.
You know, to show you very clearly,
I'm going just using this glass bowl, but you don't have to, black color is better.
And like this, it fits together.
This is my used black T-shirt that I don't wear anymore,
and I just cutted this only, the torso part.
I use this way,
and this is rubberband.
Like this.
And then,
one more time I'm going to use this.
So all the blocked lights.
Put it in the dark room or just near kitchen sink, really dark place.
Now, just I water this,
at least every three hour, four hours, you need to water again.
Okay, see you soon~
[ Day 3! : ) ] Twenty-four hours later.
[ Day 3! : ) ] I am standing at the same spot, with my same baby.
[ Day 3! : ) ] So, I am going to show you.
[ Day 3! : ) ] Exciting!
Here you go.
Roots coming out.
Water like this.
This time,
I'd like to put something underneath,
so that these roots are not going to be rotten.
[ No problem! : ) Use a small container! ]
And then,
Precious, my baby~
See you soon!
[ Day 4! ]
[ Day 4! ] All you beansprouts.
We really want to see the sprouts are growing straight up,
but sometimes you see, every direction they grow.
but in case of that, put it back
[ So what, Maangchi? We're living in a free planter!" "No, no! You gotta grow straight!" ]
in, roots down.
[ So what, Maangchi? We're living in a free planter!" "No, no! You gotta grow straight!" ]
And then, press it, tap tap tap tap.
So that,
these guys are growing really plump.
I like really plump stems,
so this is the way.
Use this water one more time.
[ Put on the black hat and colorful jacket again! ; ) ]
[ Day 5! ] Our Kongnamul present is done, let's take a look!
[ Yay! Each kongnamul looks like Miss Korea with long legs! : ) ]
Look at this!
[ Yay! Each kongnamul looks like Miss Korea with long legs! : ) ]
Really crowded.
Give this a really good shower.
[ Harvest time! : ) ]
Some beans are not sprouted on the bottom, and there are lots of skins.
[ Suddenly I sound like a mathematician? : ) ] Two and a half inches (6.35 cm) of stem part.
[ Suddenly I sound like a mathematician? : ) ]
[ Suddenly I sound like a mathematician? : ) ] and root is one and a half inches (3.81 cm).
How do you like it?
This is exciting project,
so one cup of soybeans
makes more than one and half pounds (680.389 grams) of soybean sprouts.
Kongnamul is really growing fast,
if you keep keep watering, it grows fast.
That's why in Korea, there's a really funny joke,
when I was young I was kind of short
and then people used to say, "Hey, you should eat more kongnamul
if you keep eating kongnamul, just like a kongnamul, you are keep growing faster."
So I really believed that. (laughs)
With soybean sprouts,
you can make soup,
you can make stew,
you can make even pancake,
you can make kongnamul bibimbap!
So many dishes you can make this with soybean sprouts.
[ Kongnamul-muchim (cooked and seasoned soybean sprouts) ] My next video, I'm going to make this kongnamul-muchim
You can make so many different dishes with your homegrown kongnamul.
See you next time!
Bye bye~!
[ Check out what I make with these nutritious roots in my next video! : ) ]
[ Happy life! Happy cooking! ]