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we first, though, want to get to those new headlines this morning.
Corona virus cases worldwide are now topping a 1,000,000 take a look at just how quickly it spread here in the U.
This chart showing where we were just on March 20th there were 19,000 cases here.
Now there are close to 1/4 1,000,000 cases.
And, of course, New York is still the hottest spot in the country right now and with Johnson starts us off from the Javits Center in Manhattan, where they're about to start taking Cove in 19 patients.
Good morning, Wet George.
Good morning to you.
The military is really stepping up in a new role here that Javits Center was converted initially to act as an overflow hospital for patients without Corona virus.
But President Trump approved Governor Cuomo's request to convert it once again.
Now taking on patients with covert 19.
As the number of cases in New York state increases dramatically this morning, America's growing pandemic is rapidly consuming precious supplies.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, warning the state could run out of life saving ventilators in less than a week if a person comes in and needs a ventilator and you don't have a ventilator.
The person dies.
That's the blunt equation here, and right now we have a a burn rate that would suggest we have about six days in the stockpile.
But the federal stockpile is nearly depleted, and California's governor says 170 ventilators sent from the federal government did not work.
Cos now scrambling to make new ventilators or refurbish old ones.
Not sure if they'll be able to get enough to patients in time onto the next phase.
Overwhelmed hospitals Taking unprecedented steps to save lives.
She's still excavated and breathing easily.
Write Wonderful this cardiac I C U.
At New York's Mount Sinai converting into a unit for covert patients only.
We were able to transfer face, not the unit.
The U.
Death toll climbing above 6000 Overnight.
New York City's mayor joining Los Angeles, the nation's two largest cities, advising residents toe wear face coverings in public.
It could be a scarf.
It could be something you create yourself at home.
It could be a bandanna.
We don't want you to use the kinds of masks that our first responders need that our health care workers need.
The White House is expected to release formal guidelines soon.
But Dr Deborah Birks of the Corona Virus Task Force, saying masks are not a substitute for social distancing.
The most important thing is a social distancing in washing your hands.
And we don't want people to get an artificial sense of protection because they're behind a mask Across America.
Health officials fear new hot spots could emerge in states like Texas and Florida, which were slow to mandate social distancing guidelines.
In Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp struggled to explain what prompted him toe Wait until Wednesday, finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs.
We didn't know that until the last 24 hours is this is a game changer.
But doctors have warned for weeks that people without symptoms can spread the disease.
The pandemic especially cruel toe.
One family in Ohio, three members dying in just three days.
Katie Gar brand losing both of her grandparent's and uncle or a stepfather now in the hospital.
Listen to what your main told.
Take it seriously, Um, we want to spare any family we can from the trauma that we're going through we can't have a funeral the proper way.
We can't grieve with our friends and our family.
Um, and it just makes everything to nine source and tougher, unimaginable loss.
But also reason to hope.
Amanda Palm a chance husband t to leaving the hospital after nearly a month thief, 44 year old father of three who was on a ventilator, Surviving Cove in 19 reuniting with his wife and daughters.
The only thing I saw was bad news.
5000 people want this, and 15,000 people died.
I'm glad, Um, and they've been using hope to other people.
There isn't it Does some good stories out there an emotional reunion there.
Meantime, back here in New York, there is an issue that is of growing concern because the Navy hospital ship Comfort so far has only been able to take on a limited number of patients.
So here's what they plan to do now that they have converted the Javits Center here.
They will take on those cove in 19 patients at this facility, and they will then begin to move some of the overflow patients here to that ship for further treatment.
Michael, Thank you so much for that with hi everyone, George Stephanopoulos Here.
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