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In the course of a criminal investigation,
sometimes the government requests information on Google users.
政府有時會要求我們提供 Google 使用者的資訊
Here's how we protect users' information from excessive requests,
以下說明我們如何防止使用者資訊 受到不合理的要求侵害
while also following the law.
Let's say the US federal authorities want information from Google about user HughDunnit22.
假設聯邦當局要求 Google 提供 使用者「HughDunnit22」的相關資訊
Google protects your rights by upholding the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
Google 會遵守《美國憲法第四修正案》 保障您的權利
The law requires authorities to use a search warrant
這項法律規定執法機關在搜查 私人內容 (如電子郵件) 時
when seeking private content -- like email.
If there's enough evidence to support an application for a search warrant,
如果有足夠的證據可證明 使用搜索令的必要性
the Investigator goes to court.
The Judge inspects the application and, if satisfied, issues a search warrant.
法官審閱聲請要求後 如果獲准即會核發搜索令
Then it's served on Google.
然後將搜索令送交 Google
First stop? The Screener. The Screener sorts and prioritises search warrants.
搜索令會先送給審查人員 他們負責歸類及判斷搜索令的處理順序
If it's an urgent matter like child safety, it's given high priority.
如果搜索令與緊急事件 (例如兒童安全) 有關 就會優先予以處理
Next stop - the Producer.
The Producer examines warrants and protects users by catching errors
監製會詳閱搜索令並挑出錯誤內容 來保障使用者權利
and determining what information to provide.
They fix glitches so we don't access someone else's account.
他們負責修正錯誤的部分 以防我們誤入他人帳戶
Sometimes they're illegible, or the user name is misspelled.
錯誤內容包括字跡潦草難辨 或使用者名稱拼寫錯誤
Or the request is meant for a different company.
Sometimes, the data request is so vague and broad
如果資料調閱要求的範圍過於模糊 或涵蓋範圍過大
we have to go back, narrow it down and play catch-up.
我們就必須重新進行調查、縮小要求範圍 再進行後續步驟
So, we'll get a hold of investigators
to narrow the warrant
or go back to court
to ask the Judge
to amend the warrant.
If legal and appropriate,
Google notifies the user that law enforcement has made a data request.
Google 會通知使用者 某執法部門向我們提出資料調閱要求
And looks closely at the warrant, to see exactly what data to produce.
我們也會詳閱搜索令 確認需要提供哪些資料
Say the FBI wants all information and content on HughDunnit22's account.
假設 FBI 要求調閱「HughDunnit22」帳戶的 所有資訊和內容
We'll need to clarify.
我們就必須向 FBI 加以確認
>> PRODUCER: Hello, it's Google, about that warrant. >> INVESTIGATOR: Yes.
>> 監製:您好,這裡是 Google,想向您請教有關搜索令的事宜 >> 調查人員:是
>> PRODUCER: You need everything for all services? >> INVESTIGATOR: Yes.
>> 監製:您確定須調閱全部服務的所有資料嗎? >> 調查人員:是
>> PRODUCER: Gmail, YouTube, Photos - >> INVESTIGATOR: Everything.
>> 監製:您是指 Gmail、YouTube、Google+ 相片... >> 調查人員:所有服務
That's a lot of information that may not have anything to do with the case.
但這其中許多資訊可能根本 與調查案件沒有任何關聯
So, we'll look to narrow the warrant.
>> PRODUCER: This sounds like a case where only email from the last month matters.
>> 監製:看起來這個案件 只牽涉到上個月至今的電子郵件
How about we go with that? >> INVESTIGATOR: OK. That'll do.
我們就提供這部分的資料,可以嗎? >> 調查人員:好,那就夠了
We can then move forward.
We then gather the information, carefully and accurately.
開始著手收集 正確且必要的資料
Data is then sent to Investigators, along with a Certificate of Authenticity.
Matter closed for ever? Not yet.
We may need to show up in court and present the data.
A Producer may serve as Custodian of Records.
The Custodian of Records travels and appears in court.
They may travel to authenticate the records,
verifying that the data is exactly what Google provided.
確認資料確實為 Google 所提供
>> PROSECUTOR: [Indistinguishable] >> CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS: [Indistinguishable]
>> 檢察官:[低聲耳語] >> 紀錄保管人:[低聲耳語]
>> JUDGE: The records are hereby admitted into evidence. Have a nice flight back.
>> 法官:這些紀錄在此納入呈堂證供 你可以回去了
Matter closed. Let's recap.
事情總算告一段落 讓我們再次回顧要點
The Judge signs the warrant. The Screener sorts it.
法官簽署搜索令 審查人員予以分類
Producer takes over. Oops there's a problem. Wrong company. Wrong user.
監製接手處理 發現公司、使用者的名稱不正確
Vague request? Broad request? Go back and play catch-up.
要求過於模糊、調閱太多資料 重新調查再進行後續步驟
Whoa! Narrow the scope, okay, time to gather data, gathering, double-checking...
搜索範圍縮小了,很好! 接著著手收集資料、反覆確認...
What's the cow doing here?
Deliver the data. Now hand it over to the Custodian. Nice moustache.
將資料送交給紀錄保管人 鬍子很有型喔!
He flies to court, authenticates, matter closed.
That's how we respond to a US search warrant,
while working hard to protect our users' privacy and security.