字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Celestia(VO): There's nothing in this world quite so amazing as the first winter's snow. 天日(旁白):這世界沒有什麼 比冬季初雪還一樣美麗的了。 The first few flakes falling from the sky, signifying great change. 幾片雪花從天空落下, 象徵著大環境的轉變。 The time for the land to rest 該是讓土地休養生息了。 The animals, to dream 一個個動物,進入了夢鄉。 And the ponies of Equestria to relax and play 而馬蹄利亞的小馬們 在悠閒玩耍著。 Knowing another year has successfully reached its eve 發覺到新年的前夕已經圓滿到來。 holiday celebrations 慶祝著假日佳節。 peaceful nights of rest 在寧靜的夜晚裡休眠。 Brisk laughter in the day 在白日下的愉悅笑聲。 All brought forth by a single, powdery flake. 這些都是由一片細小的雪花所帶來的。 Some may scoff at the idea, that something so small could hold so much power. 有馬也許會對這樣想法嗤之以鼻, 竟然這樣的小東西,會有如此強大的魅力。 But they are the ones who have forgotten how the snowflake came to be. 可是他們卻已經遺忘了 這些雪花的來由。 Windith: The eve following the spring sunrise, the rain pegasi 隨風:在立春日出之前, will bring forth the snow-melting showers from the south 降雨飛馬們會從南邊帶來融雪陣雨。 can anypony tell me the southern nation that allows equestria to collect 有馬能告訴我南邊的哪個國家 允許馬蹄利亞去取得他們的暖鋒雲層系統嗎? their warm-front cloud system? 捲捲? Cirrus? 捲捲:嗯...安德...呃... Cirrus: uh...Ande... 仁堡... Zibber... 隨風:坎米盧。 Windith: Camelu. 捲捲:喔,對。 Cirrus: Oh. Yeah. 暴雨積雲:不管在哪裡,他們得趕快去那裏拿到鋒面。這裡。冷爆了。 Cumulo Nimbus: Wherever it is, they need to hurry up and go get the front. It's. Freezing. 隨風:就算他們取得天氣系統回來了, 也還不能讓它降雨。 Windith: They couldn't produce the rain yet even if they were back with the weather system. 大地還需要時間休息。 the land still needs time to rest. That's the only reason we create winter to help 那就是為什麼我們要創造冬季... rejuvenate the soil for the earth ponies below. ...來幫助地面上的陸馬恢復土壤養分。 Nimbus: Well I'm sick of waiting 積雲:我等不下去了。 Windith: you won't have to wait much longer the springs sunrise is only two days away 隨風:不會等太久的, 距離立春日出已經剩下兩天了。 then you won't have to see a speck of snow for a whole year! 妳就不用一整年看那一粒粒的冰雪了! On that note how is everyone coming along with their spring sunrise 說到這個, 大家的立春日出報告進度如何了? presentations? Is everypony and their partner ready to present their seasonal 每一組都準備好報告他們的 給公主們的季節作品了嗎? gifts to the princesses? 雪綴? Snowdrop? 妳的作品進度如何了? How is your project coming? 雪綴:我...嗯...我的作品? Snowdrop: My... uh... my project? 隨風:對呀,妳和妳那組的馬準備好上台報告了嗎? Windith: Yes, are you and your partner ready to present? Snowdrop: My partner...? 雪綴:我這組?嗯... Windith: Do you not have a partner still? 隨風:沒馬跟妳一組嗎? Snowdrop, this isn't just a small school project. This is the one hundreth 雪綴,這可不是那種學校小作品而已。 spring sunrise under the princesses' rule 這是在公主們的領導下,第一百次的立春日出。 They've honored us with the opportunity to show what Cloudsdale's future can create 我們有幸有這個機會... to invigorate the seasons ...來展現雲谷城未來的 主馬翁能創造氣氛來活化四季。 Have you even begun your work? 妳到底開始做了沒? Classmate: Ms. Windith is going to make somepony work with her again, isn't she 雪綴:嗯... 同學甲:隨風老師又要找馬跟她一起做了,對不對? Classmate2: It's not like she can make anything when she can't see in front of her own face... 同學乙:看不出來她能做出什麼東西, 她連自己的眼前蹄都看不到... Classmate3: We worked with her last time, you do it! 雪綴:我... Snowdrop: Of... course I've started! 同學丙:我們上次跟她一組過了,換你們了! I've actually been working on something for a while now. 雪綴:喔...我... ...by myself, because it's a... 我...我當然開始做了! A surprise! Nimbus: A surprise? Snowdrop: Uhuh. A surprise. 其實那東西到現在已經做一段時間了。 That's why I wanted to work alone-- ...我自己做的,因為那是個... Windith: Alright everypony, be careful going home. Remember to bring in your projects for ...驚喜! a final work day. 積雲:呵,驚喜? The princesses arrive in two days! 雪綴:嗯哼。一個驚喜。 Are you sure you'll be ready 所以我才想自己一馬做── working by yourself can't be easy 隨風:好吧,大家回家路上小心呀。 I can still place you in another group, you'll get credit. 記得最後一天要帶妳們的作品來喔。 Snowdrop: Oh. No! 公主們兩天後就會到了! I have something really good planned, Ms. Windith. You'll see! 妳確定妳能完成嗎? But, it has to be a surprise. It has to! 自己一馬做可是不簡單的。 Windith: Alright then... 我還是能找馬跟妳一組的, 功勞會算妳一份的。 be careful going home. I know you know you know your way but the last blizzard of 雪綴:喔,不用了。 the year's always the worst Snowdrop: I will! 我已經有份很周全的好計劃了, 隨風老師。到時候就知道了! Really good surprise... Sure. 但,嗯,這一定要是個驚喜。一定要的! I can't go to the spring sunrise. 隨風:那... I just can't. 那好吧... A useless foal like me could never make anything for spring. 回家路上小心呀。 The princesses would just laugh at me, and... 我知道妳可以自己回家, 但每年最後一次暴風雪都颳的很大。 You can wish on them? 雪綴:我會小心的! Primrose: Yes. Once there was a time you couldn't, when stars were rare. 真是棒的驚喜啊... But when the princesses came, the stars began to come out every night. 是呀。 I bet if you listened you could hear them twinkle. 我沒辦法去參加立春日出。 Snowdrop: No I couldn't... 我就是沒辦法。 Primrose: You listen better than anypony I know. 像我這樣的廢馬根本 沒辦法對春天有所貢獻。 Snowdrop: All I hear is quiet. 公主們也許會... I'd rather see them. ...會嘲笑我,還... Do you think if I wished hard enough they'd let me see them? 可以對它們許願嗎? Primrose: It's better to save your wishes, Snowdrop, 櫻草花:是呀。以前曾有一段時間 不能許願,那時的星星很稀少。 for something you really need. 但當公主們來了以後, 星星們開始在每個晚上都會出來。 Snowdrop: Don't I really need my eyes? 我敢說如果妳有仔細聽的話, 妳可以聽到它們閃爍喔。 Primrose: No, not you. 雪綴:我沒辦法... You're too special for that. Snowdrop: I am? 櫻草花:妳是我所知道 聽力最厲害的小馬呢。 Primrose: Who else can discover an entire cloud's shape without denting the surface? 雪綴:我只能聽到寧靜而已。 Only one little filly's wings and hooves are careful enough to do that. 我還比較想看到星星們。 And I bet if you listened you would hear the stars twinkling at night. 妳覺得如果我許願的夠誠懇, 星星們就會讓我看到它們嗎? You're a special filly my Snowdrop. 櫻草花:好好珍惜妳的願望,雪綴。 Don't worry. You won't need your eyes to find your place in the world. 許下妳真正需要的東西。 Snowdrop: I think I hear the twinkles... 雪綴:難道我不需要我的眼睛嗎? Twinkles... 櫻草花:不,妳不需要。 What good are twinkles. 妳是個與眾不同小馬。 You can't wish on twinkles... 雪綴:真的嗎? I don't know if one of you is out there tonight 櫻草花:有哪個馬能不踩壞雲朵的表面 就能知道它整個的形狀呢? in all the snow... 只有一個小小馬的翅膀跟馬蹄 才能夠小心翼翼的辦到。 I don't think you are... 我敢說如果妳有仔細聽的話, 妳就能聽到星星在晚上閃爍。 But, please, if you are... I... 妳是個特別的小馬,我的雪綴。 I wish... I hope... I dream... I pray. 別擔心。妳不會需要妳的眼睛 來找到妳的馬生定位的。 By the princesses' rule, light my way. Please, I... 雪綴:我想我聽到閃爍了... I just want to show I can do something for once. 閃爍... Everyone else says I can't do anything 閃爍有什麼好的。 But I just... 妳又不能在閃爍上許願... But... that wasn't snow. 我不知道你們有沒有在今晚的飄雪中... Snow... snow is... 我不覺得你們在... Primrose(VO): You listen better than anypony I know. 但,但,拜託,如果你在的話...我... Snowdrop(VO): Tell me more about the stars 我... Primrose(VO): Well there are all sorts of stars 我希望...我期許...我夢想...我祈求... All different shapes and sizes 在公主們的領導下,點亮我的道路。 But they all have little points at their edges 拜託,我... When they sparkle, their shapes shift 我只是想證明我能做點什麼事情。 They leave little glowing spaces, only for a moment. 大家都說我什麼都做不了。 And the few that streak across the sky and fall to the earth 但... The shooting stars 但我只是想... Those are the ones you make your strongest wishes on, because they can carry them through. 但...那不是雪。 Primrose: Snowdrop! What are you doing!? 雪... It's freezing! Come inside. 雪是... Snowdrop: Mother... Mother, look! 櫻草花(回想):妳是我所知道 聽力最厲害的小馬呢。 Celestia: Thank you all very much your hard work. 雪綴(回想):告訴我更多星星的事。 After a long winter, it is wonderful to see so many young filly's and colts 櫻草花(回想):星星分成很多種。 bring us such wonderful ideas to make the seasons shine. 每個形狀跟大小都不一樣。 Now, we can only choose one for the centenial symbol, but... 但它們邊邊上都有小小的端點。 Snowdrop: Wait! 當它們發光時,形狀就會改變。 Classmate1: She's here? 它們會留下個小小發亮的空間,只有一下下而已。 Classmate2: She didn't show up to class at all yesterday. 而另外有些是從 天空劃過並落到地面上。 Classmate3: I thought Ms. Windith excused her. 也就是流星。 Windith: Snowdrop? 那些就是能讓妳許下心中最大心願的星星, Primrose: Forgive us the interruption, your highnesses, it's just-- 因為它們可以讓妳的願望實現。 Snowdrop: I've been working so hard! Please, I have a gift for the seasons to and- 櫻草花:雪綴! Nimbus: Doubt that. 妳在做什麼?!外面很冷!快進來。 Celestia: May we see it? 雪綴:母親...母親妳看! Cirrus: You brought snow? Nimbus: And just one little dot of it! 天日:很感謝你們大家這麼辛苦的努力。 Classmate2: Maybe she grabbed the wrong thing on her way here? 度過了一個漫長冬季後, Classmate1: Why would you bring snow to the spring sunrise? 很高興能看到有這麼多 年輕的小雌馬跟小公馬們... Snowdrop: It's not snow, I made a star. ...帶來了它們絕佳的創意 讓一年四季能夠大放異彩。 Cirrus: A star? You can't make stars. It doesn't even look like one! 現在,我們只能挑選一項來 做為我們一百周年的象徵物,但... Snowdrop: Maybe it doesn't look like one but it's still a star! 雪綴:等一下! It's a star for winter! 同學甲:她來了? I can't see what the stars look like out there. 同學乙:她昨天 一整天都沒來上課呢。 Just like I can't see what spring looks like 同學丙:我以為 隨風老師放過了她。 But I can hear it all, and I heard the snow twinkling just like the stars do every night! 隨風:雪綴? So they should be able to grant wishes too, shouldn't they? 櫻草花:請原諒我們 打斷演講,殿下,只是── Winter's been giving us a gift this entire time and we've jsut been ignore it! 雪綴:我費了好大的功夫!拜託, 我也有個禮物要送給四季而且─ Celebrating spring is good 積雲:可能嗎? But, winter can't be all bad if it gives us these. 天日:可以讓我們看看嗎? It may be cold and dark... 捲捲:妳帶了雪? 積雲:還只有那麼一點而已! But that doesn't mean there isn't any good to it. 同學乙:也許她 趕來的路上帶錯了東西? Maybe winter is sad that everypony doesn't like it. 同學甲:為什麼妳要 帶雪來參加立春日出? So maybe we need to make wishes on the winter snow 雪綴:這不是雪,我做了一顆星星。 just like how we wish on the night stars 捲捲:哈哈!星星?妳又做不出星星。 而且那看起來也不像是個星星! Maybe then we can have a happy winter instead 雪綴:也許看起來不像, 但它還是顆星星! We already have a happy spring, and summer, and fall. 這是給冬季的星星! Can't winter be happy too? 我看不到星星在天空上是長什麼樣子。 Because, winter is important. 就像我看不到春天一樣... Even if it seems useless, it can give us wonderful things, so... 可是我可以聽到它們,而且我聽到 雪花每個夜晚都跟星星一樣在閃爍! Luna: May we see your wishing snow? 所以它們應該也能賜予 大家願望,不是嗎? Celestia: Could you make us some more? 冬天一直以來都想要給我們這個禮物而... Celestia(VO): the following year's snowfall was one ...而我們卻都忽視了它! of the most celebrated events in equestrian history 慶祝春天的到來是不錯。 Winter's blessings had at last been discovered. 但,如果冬天給了我們這些, 它也不全然是不好的。 From then on, snows were gentle 也許很寒冷也很黑暗... behaving the weather team's wishes. 但這不代表它就一點好處都沒有。 Foals could play Ponies could see beyond the icy chill. 也許... and a new sort of starfall could bring everypony sweat dreams. 也許冬天很傷心, 因為大家都不喜歡它。 Luna: Is it really the last one we have? 所以我覺得我們要在冬雪中許下願望。 Celestia: It has been over a thousand years, sister. 就跟我們在夜晚的星辰上許下願望一樣。 And she only made so many. 這樣也許我們就能 有個更快樂的冬天。 Luna: Can we not save it? 我們已經有了 快樂的春天、夏天還有秋天。 Celestia: You know she wouldn't've wanted that. 難道冬天就不能快樂嗎? Luna: But she... I.. I never got to. 因為,冬天...很重要。 Celestia: I am sorry for that. I know she was a dear friend to you. 即使它看起來沒什用,它還是 能給我們很棒的東西,所以... Luna: The only one who truly knew my night... 月夜:能讓我們看看妳的許願雪嗎? Celestia: She still knows it Luna, You know that. 天日:妳可以為我們多做一點嗎? Guard: Princess, the weather captains are waiting for your signal. 雪綴:嗯哼! Luna(VO): Thank you, my friend. 天日(旁白):接下來每年的落雪 都是馬蹄利亞史上最多馬慶祝的活動。 for everything you gave 冬天的祝福最後終於被發掘了出來。 And every wish you never knew came true. 從那時候起,雪是溫和的。 Goodbye... 表現出著天候隊們的願望。
A2 初級 中文 星星 小馬 公主 同學 願望 雪花 彩虹小馬同人創作 Snowdrop - SillyFillyStudios 983 54 Carol Chen 發佈於 2013 年 03 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字