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  • In 1620, Francis Bacon wrote a book arguing that scientists should trust experiments instead of old philosophers.

  • And in that book he somehow found the time to mention that sugar emits light when you crush it.

  • This non-sequitur is the first documentation of a phenomenon we now call triboluminescence.

  • Today, we know that his sugar wasn't special; tons of different crystals shine under stress

  • like, those minty Lifesavers candies that spark blue when you chew them.

  • And modern scientists are researching ways of working stuff that glows like this into all sorts of futuristic devices.

  • Although they can't quite agree why it happens in the first place.

  • Triboluminescence, also called mechanoluminescence,

  • is the release of some sort of light from some sort of crystal because of some sort of physical stress.

  • And if that definition sounds pretty wishy-washy to you, that's honestly because it /is/.

  • The most famous kind of triboluminescence is from Wint O Green Lifesavers

  • If you take one into a dark bathroom and bite down on it, crushing the sugar crystals inside,

  • you can often see a little flash of blue light in the mirror.

  • But some crystals shine when they're fractured instead of completely broken, and others shine when they're stretched or squeezed.

  • And sometimes, the color of the light that comes out depends on the gases surrounding the crystal, but sometimes it doesn't.

  • This isn't a rare phenomenon, either.

  • Scientists estimate that between 30 and 50 percent of crystals triboluminesce.

  • They even found x-rays shooting off a roll of clear tape when they unpeeled it under a vacuum back in 2008.

  • But all this variety has also made understanding the phenomenon pretty tricky.

  • Many scientists think that if you can unify all these different effects under a single heading,

  • something fundamentally similar is probably happening in all of them.

  • And thatsomethingseems to be somewhat straightforward.

  • Breaking a crystal means breaking chemical bonds between atoms.

  • In messier breakups, atoms on one side can lose electrons to atoms on the other.

  • The side with extra electrons becomes negatively charged,

  • which pushes those electrons back across the gap to the other piece of the crystal.

  • And as they move back and settle down around the right atoms,

  • the electrons emit the light that we recognize as triboluminescence.

  • This model helps explain why triboluminescence is more common in asymmetric crystals --

  • where the arrangement of atoms is different in different directions .

  • That asymmetry can make it easier for electrons to move or pile up in one direction as opposed to another.

  • And scientists have even counted electrons coming from fracturing triboluminescent crystals.

  • But it doesn't fully explain more complicated cases.

  • Like, certain crystals shine in different colors depending on the kind of gas around them.

  • Crush sugar in nitrogen and it flashes blue, but crush it in neon and it's red.

  • It's pretty clear that those electrons aren't just interacting with the crystals;

  • they're also doing some sort of dance with the atoms around the crystals.

  • But, the kind of gas doesn't always change the color of the light.

  • Whether it does or not depends on the crystal.

  • And scientists are still working on why.

  • Some crystals don't need to be totally broken to shine, either.

  • They'll shine every time they're stretched or compressed.

  • Nobody's even positive what makes some fractures messier than others.

  • Lots of things can make electrons find new temporary homes,

  • from the fracture changing a crystal's symmetries to some extra charge

  • that hitched a ride on whatever hit the crystal in the first place.

  • And things can get even murkier, like when crystals have impurities in them,

  • unexpected atoms that change how electrons move around.

  • That makes it really hard to study triboluminescence on its own, isolated from other effects.

  • Like, let's go back to those Lifesavers.

  • You'll see light when you crush basically any sugar.

  • But most of the light emitted isn't visibleit's UV.

  • And it just so happens that the oil which makes Wint-O-Green Lifesavers taste the way they do is fluorescent:

  • it absorbs ultraviolet light and re-emits it as blue light that we can see.

  • That's why the flash from them is so much stronger than from other candies:

  • some of the light we see when the candies crack is straight triboluminescence,

  • and some is the blue from their fluorescence being activated by the UV rays from triboluminescence.

  • So it's hard to determine exactly what's happening at the atomic level.

  • People are working to understand exactly what happens in all these complicated cases.

  • But we don't need to know exactly how they work to put them to good use, which is why

  • some scientists are working on innovative ways to capitalize on these sparks.

  • Like, there's the idea that doctors could inject tiny triboluminescent probes that act

  • like lamps, lighting up fluorescent substances so they can map out what's going on inside a person's body.

  • Other engineers see a future where crystals that get crushed by some natural process give

  • off light that we can turn into electricity much like we do solar light.

  • And others have proposed a triboluminescent layer for equipment that can wear out over time.

  • Once it's worn enough to expose this layer, it'll start glowing, and everyone will

  • know right away that it's time to replace it.

  • Similar tech could be used in building materials to warn engineers of weakening long before

  • the structure becomes unsafe.

  • And those are just a few of the applications being explored.

  • Triboluminescence is already all over the place, in the sense that it occurs in a good

  • fraction of the crystals where scientists have looked for it.

  • But give it a few years, and it really might be everywhere.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

  • And thanks especially to our patrons on Patreon.

  • Your continued support allows us to make videos like this one.

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  • head over to

In 1620, Francis Bacon wrote a book arguing that scientists should trust experiments instead of old philosophers.


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B1 中級

從救命的火花到救命的技術。三光子的科學 (From Lifesaver Sparks to Life-saving Tech: The Science of Triboluminescence)

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