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  • Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.

  • Today, we have a very special episode

  • with a very special guest

  • and of course you guys know this person is...

  • Hilary Hahn.

  • But today's episode is us reviewing...

  • Random Etsy...

  • Links with random violin related products...

  • - Yes. - Online.

  • So Etsy's a website I believe is...

  • Basically an online shop with a lot of people's creations.

  • As a kid a lot of people who knew that I liked

  • violin and was playing violin

  • would give me all these little...

  • Violin craft things.

  • As I tour now, people make their own things

  • and I think those are so cool.

  • So it's funny to see stuff being sold as kind of like

  • more official professional stuff...

  • That sometimes isn't as knowledgeable as the

  • crafts that people make as fans,

  • but then on the other hand,

  • there are some really amazing surprises on Etsy.

  • I spent numbers of hours there.

  • So I feel pretty authoritative about Etsy.

  • Okay, so this is the...

  • Led night lamp.

  • LED night lamp.

  • Oh yeah, LED, led.

  • Yeah.

  • Dude, that's actually kind of cool.

  • It is kind of cool.

  • You know, it's actually really hard

  • to get the number of strings right.

  • Yeah, I was gonna say.

  • The strings are right.

  • But it's cool and you can get your name on it.

  • - And you can fall asleep and wake up... - That is cool.

  • To...

  • Violin.

  • Instead of your name,

  • you should just engrave like "practice".

  • - Yeah, I was thinking, it should remind you to practice. - "Do your scales"

  • And just lights up.

  • That is cool though, I like it.

  • It's cool.

  • It's not the most accurate violin, but it's pretty good.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh! It's so cute!

  • It is so cute, like the grasshopper is so cute.

  • But then you actually look at the violin and you're like...

  • (Nani?)

  • That bow looks really interesting.

  • Is it like a baroque bow

  • - or is it like - It looks like a hacksaw. - I think so.

  • - Like a hacksaw. - Like a saw?

  • It's not a correctly formed insect either.

  • Yeah, that's true.

  • It's very cute though.

  • Oh dude!

  • It's got a little cape.

  • That side pose looks just like Heifetz.

  • Yeah. Oh...

  • Just jump to the next one.

  • Did you say - Did you say jump?

  • - Yeah, jump. - To the next one...

  • Walnut wooden violin and bow hanger.

  • Interesting.

  • Very interesting.

  • I wanted to talk about this one because

  • I think it's an interesting...

  • Situation, like...

  • I've never seen a violin in a violinist's house,

  • like a classical violinist house on the wall.

  • Yeah.

  • - Right? You don't need... - Never.

  • You don't need to hang it up.

  • You don't want to hang it up.

  • You want to put it in the case...

  • Zip it, buckle it.

  • Put it on a shelf where

  • no one in the house is gonna bump it.

  • That said, a lot of...

  • A lot of people appreciate the look of a violin

  • and they might find a violin that...

  • Isn't playable but they like the look of it...

  • I don't know.

  • Yeah, it's almost like a...

  • Painting. Hanging up a painting.

  • - Mhm. - Right? Like an artwork.

  • It will be gathering dust, so...

  • Us, actual musicians will never do it.

  • Is that what the bow hairs are for?

  • Dusting.

  • Yeah...

  • It should be steady, but it's...

  • Just feels...

  • - Yeah, I'll be anxious walking pass it. - You feel a bit anxious.

  • Yeah, it looks so peaceful, but then it scares me.

  • Imagine you had like, you were given a...

  • - Ten million dollar Stradivarius. - Oh no...

  • But you're only allowed to keep it on that wall rack.

  • I think you need to like

  • hire a security guard to stand in front.

  • And all those extra padding everywhere at the bottom.

  • - Someone's like wiping it down. - You would have to do insurance.

  • - Wipe it down. Brush it down. - Brush it down.

  • So, I think this is a really common meme, right?

  • And they just put it on a shirt

  • or have you guys not seen this before?

  • I haven't seen this exact meme, but it's totally relatable.

  • Yeah, I've done it before with a pencil.

  • Yeah.

  • I've also brushed my teeth like that before.

  • - I just - - Really?

  • Yeah, I'll just be practicing this finger movement.

  • I don't know if that's how you meant to do it.

  • - But I'll just try to brush my teeth. - No, that's great.

  • - Yeah...With - - It's actually harder than bowing.

  • Cause you have to do - Sort of, lateral pressure?

  • Lateral up and down, circular.

  • Get the molar -

  • Molar teeth behind.

  • Any opportunity to practice.

  • - I love there's a wine bottle. - Yeah!

  • It's like why is there a wine bottle next to the

  • - t-shirt? - It's too sick, and there's

  • - sunglasses. - Yeah, right?

  • What's that about?

  • But you know that bow grip is really good.

  • - It's a lot better than a lot of movies we watched. - Neutral bowhold.

  • Yeah.

  • I just wonder what the point is?

  • Like I don't know what you're supposed to do with it.

  • I guess it's decoration?

  • Like a vase or something? Or...

  • Do you drink from it?

  • Oh, but then the paintings on it is really nice.

  • It's pretty. You can tell someone put a lot of effort into it.

  • Looks a little bit like a bass

  • when you go through the third picture.

  • Yeah, the proportions.

  • Yeah.

  • Bit clunky.

  • If I'm not mistaken, when I was a kid, my teacher

  • in her collection of...

  • Violin gifts that had been given her...

  • She had a bottle...

  • Shaped like a violin...

  • And there was something about Beethoven's fifth on it.

  • And I didn't know what a fifth was.

  • Uh... Still, I'm not entirely sure.

  • But I know it has to do with drinking.

  • You just have that bottle in your practice room...

  • Next to you while you're practicing

  • and every time you play out of tune, just take a shot.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Until you think you're playing in tune.

  • Soap dispenser, let's do the soap dispenser.

  • Okay, soap dispenser.

  • - Here we go. - I want to see

  • if you have the same reaction to it that I had.

  • That's kind of cute actually.

  • - It's kind of classy. - Proportionally it's so wrong,

  • but for some reason I like this one, I don't know why.

  • It's the viola and the violin.

  • So my first thought is, that's kind of cool.

  • My second thought is...

  • I think that would fall over.

  • You try to push down and the violin is not meant...

  • - It's not meant to... - Just tumbles... - It's like psssh.

  • Yeah...

  • Like it's never meant to be upright.

  • Like this photo right here.

  • Yeah.

  • When it's lying down.

  • - Photo... Yeah, the 6th one. - That's how it's gonna end up.

  • Ooo! They have different colors, that's cute.

  • I hadn't seen that and the cat!

  • It's got a tuning fork!

  • And it says Stradivari -

  • Strad - Oh.

  • Stradivarus.

  • Stradivarus.

  • But then I just feel a little cringy about...

  • Like the idea that the violin is filled with soap.

  • You never get any liquid inside a violin.

  • Have you ever heard stories?

  • Have you guys heard stories of people

  • accidentally getting liquid inside the violin?

  • Um...

  • I mean, I'm keen to hear your story

  • that you seem to be thinking of.

  • There's one time I -

  • So I was on vacation.

  • And I went camping and I was like I should practice.

  • I have to practice, what am I gonna do?

  • And it was a like a whitewater rafting trip.

  • So of course the rafts got soaked...

  • Snd so I brought a violin that was not a wooden violin.

  • It was an electric violin but I wasn't gonna plug it in.

  • I think it was wrapped in a trash bag inside a dry bag.

  • But...

  • They both leaked...

  • And...

  • So...

  • The bow and the violin both got wet

  • and the bow I took it to my bow maker

  • and had him put on...

  • Real horsehair in advance of this trip

  • so it could feel right

  • and I wouldn't be using too much pressure.

  • So the horse hair got wet.

  • And...

  • I thought, well, at the bow...

  • When I get my bow re-haired,

  • sometimes they use a flame...

  • To...

  • To dry the hair.

  • I was like, we have a camp fire.

  • So I was standing at the edge of the campfire

  • trying to kind of...

  • You know, move...

  • Move the hairs back and forth and of course,

  • this was very amusing for my fellow adventurers.

  • And I tried to put the hair -

  • The frog back on and the hairs...

  • Shrank so much,

  • I couldn't even get the frog to the groove.

  • And they didn't even shrink in the same size.

  • They shrink...

  • All haphazards, some were shorter, some were longer.

  • I looked at it, and I was like this is a mess.

  • Okay.

  • I guess I'm not gonna practice bow stuff.

  • I'm more impressed that

  • you took a violin onto a whitewater rafting trip.

  • - Yeah. - What? Like that - That's...

  • - Dedication. - That's so dedication.

  • Woah...

  • Whoa...

  • That looks like a legit vio - It is a legit violin.

  • - They did it on a legit violin? - What even -

  • $3700.

  • No...

  • Hey, I guess it's cool.

  • Probably doesn't sound very good, but...

  • The sound will sound very...

  • Metallic.

  • Imagine how heavy that is to hold?

  • - Oh no! - Ew...

  • Oh!

  • Your thumb would be shredded.

  • Ka-ching!

  • Every shift you do just cuts your hand.

  • The like your thumb and...

  • - This part too... - Oh...

  • Would be so shredded.

  • - Shredded... - Cause you have the edge of the middle

  • as you moved around.

  • I'm equally horrified and interested.

  • Yeah. Same.

  • It's like as a piece of art, that's really cool.

  • If you got gifted this...

  • Where would you put it in your house?

  • - Or what would you do? - The walnut hanger.

  • Yes!

  • That's what the walnut hanger is for.

  • Yes.

  • It's a combination set.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • Ooh...

  • Uh...

  • I love how she tried to pose with it.

  • And I -

  • I mean the different scenarios...

  • You can play it...

  • On a swing.

  • You can play it at the office.

  • You could play it outside with a very short bow

  • and the scroll upside down.

  • You can play it in a gazebo.

  • You can play it in a gazebo again.

  • And again.

  • And again.

  • It's suited for the gazebo.

  • The bow looks like a magic wand.

  • - Yeah, looks like Harry Potter. Yeah. - Harry Potter. Yeah.

  • What's the purpose for this one? Because it feels like...

  • It could be a kid's toy but it's being modeled by...

  • - Yeah... - It's actually -

  • It's actually a stress relief ball, but for violinists.

  • So when they're sick of doing Paganini Caprice...

  • - Argh! - Argh!

  • And they go back to their actual violin.

  • Da da da da -

  • Puts the original violin down.

  • Takes this one...

  • The soft toy's like, "not again..."

  • - Wait, the description. - Okay, okay. Read it.

  • The best gift for those who like violin,

  • plays music or a music fan.

  • Hmm...

  • This is the best gift.

  • Oh yeah, get this.

  • - This is the best gift. - This is the best gift.

  • The best gift.

  • If you want something plush, get a TwoSet hoodie.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah.

  • Exactly.

  • I've been wearing my TwoSet hoodie a lot,

  • but it's currently in the wash.

  • Cause I wore it so much.

  • Alright guys, well, thank you so much for watching.

  • Obviously, these are some very interesting...

  • Gifts we can get for people.

  • Yeah.

  • My favorite one is...

  • I think this soft toy is pretty funny.

  • Oh yeah Hilary, what is yours?

  • Uh...

  • Okay, I have to say for character

  • the grasshopper violinist.

  • - Yeah, I was thinking of the grasshopper. - I love that...

  • - That one, but I couldn't have it in my... - Yeah, that was cool.

  • House necessarily, cause every time I looked at it,

  • I would be like...

  • Mmm...

  • So cute but, mmm...

  • So check out Hilary's YouTube channel.

  • - Mhm. - And instagram.

  • And all the recordings online.

  • All in the link below.

  • Yes. Thank you so much for your time.

  • Is there anything you want to say?

  • It's always fun to talk with you guys and...

  • I'm in the middle of a sabbatical,

  • so I have not put myself together like this...

  • For...

  • Seven months or so,

  • so it's nice to have a reason to pop out.

  • And then go back in.

  • But yeah, it's been - It's been great.

  • Cool. Cool.

  • Thank you so much. And hi to everyone out there...

  • - Who I haven't seen in a while. - Yeah.

  • I'm still here.

  • All right guys, please like and subscribe

  • and we'll see you guys next time.

Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.


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