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This is another New Zealand tradition that Jared introduced me to
I didn't believe him at first when he told me
But they eat spaghetti on toast
You'll eat pies with your hands, but toast with your forks and knives
At 5:00... we're about to leave for Christchurch.
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Intro Theme ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Jared and I are going to Christchurch
Jared has actually never been to the South Island
How does it feel to finally see a part of your own country?
Yeah, this is the closest we've been to Antarctica
Our next goal is to find Andrew
Geograpeep Andrew... he's gonna take us around
Ah, there he is! Andrew, say hi to the world!
How are ya' doing? Hello!
Alright, here in Christchurch, with Andrew!
How are ya' doing, Andrew?
Very well!
What in your opinion is the biggest dichotomy difference between Southern islanders and Northern islanders?
It's more sort of... down to earth...
Manual workers and farmers and things like that on the whole.
Jared, confirmed?
Yeah, definitely. There's way more farmland.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
We're here at Andrew's place, there's Andrew, making himself breakfast
So here's where our room is... we've gotta go up... this ladder.
He's still renovating this room... so, this is the guest room.
You have to climb up this ladder
Alright, I got to meet up with Geograpeep Christiana
from South Island, New Zealand
How ya' doing? Say 'hi' to everybody!
What do you think everybody should know about the South Island of New Zealand?
Oh, it's scenery. Scenery. Definitely the scenery.
There are so many beautiful things here.
The South Island's bigger than the North island.
♫ Laughter ♫
Quote... on that.
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
We... are gonna go in a cave!
A cave... in the middle of a mountain.
And, what can we expect in the cave?
Water, lots of water.
Lots of water.
Alright Christiana, this is your first time here, right?
And you were born and raised on the South Island?
How does it make you feel to do something like this?
Spontaneous and exciting.
Have you ever done anything like this?
I don't go outdoors much, I'm more of a stay-at-home playing video games person.
Really? Yes.
Stay at home, play some video games, and now you're in the ultimate video game.
Andrew, lead the way.
Uh-how? It's like a real cave!
It's too late, I'm too far in.
Woah, that's freezing!
We're in the cave!
This is crazy!
There's water!
Let's get outta here!
Ready to get out of here?
Let's get out!
We did it! We did it! We did it!
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Uhh, now I know why they call it the Southern Alps
This seriously looks like Switzerland or something.
So we're here... at Arthurs Pass
We're gonna try to find the Kea bird.
They attack you.
So let's get attacked by birds.
♫ Laughter ♫
Oh my gosh, this is so cool.
♫ Laughter ♫
Oh they love my shoe.
This... is a proper New Zealand forest.
You've got the moss, you've got the creek, you've got the ferns...
You've got the precarious stepping positions
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Here at the Willobank Wildlife Center
And we're gonna find the KIwi. You can literally get up close to the animals like that.
See? They're like right next to you.
Just met up with another Kiwi Geograpeep, Kaleb. Say hi to Kaleb!
What's up?
What are some things about the South island that you think everybody should know about?
Um... The mountains, they're just better, Obviously, one of the more scenic things we have to offer in this country
South island... it's just nature!
Just nature!
These are Kea birds... they are everywhere!
♫ Birds Tweeting ♫
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Oh, what the?
Wanna peck my hand?
You wanna, you wanna? You wanna see my hand? No?
Okay, I'm not gonna encourage.
Are you serious, they just walk up to you?
Hey ducklings!
Aw, those are ugly!
♫ Quack Noises ♫
Do you guys want attention? Is that why you kicked out the ducks?
Why are you staring at us?
What do you want?!
What do you want?!?!
You fought against the Australians, yes you did!
And you won!
They've got Wallabies here!
Hey wallaby!
Wanna sniff my hand?
Why do I always ask animals to sniff my hand?
The dark room!
Quiet please, Kiwi sleeping.
♫ Birds Tweeting ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So that's that! Thank you Willowbank Wildlife reserve for providing this awesome experience!
I just wanted to see a Kiwi, but I also got to see Wallabies, and Emus, and... aggressive Geese!
It was a great experience! Thank you Willowbank Wildlife Reserve.
So one thing you've gotta know about Christchurch is the earthquake that happened in 2010 and 11.
To this day, lots of buildings in the city still have, you know, cracks, or some of them are completely demolished and are left standing as they are
And it's actually kind of like an iconic landmark to the city that's been left over
So these chairs represent each person who died in the earthquake.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So you can typically tell which buildings are abandoned based off of which ones have graffiti on the rooftops.
This whole building is empty and abandoned.
Oh my gosh, the crown plaza was abandoned too?!
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So, as you guys know, I love Urban Spelunking, and today we're at the Christchurch AMI stadium, which has been pretty much all but abandoned.
Since 2011, the earthquake kinda affected this place and they kinda had to shut it down for a little bit...
And by a little bit I mean indefinitely.
And we're gonna go look around with my GoPro
I'm pretty sure what I'm doing is not legal... but... eh.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Wooooow! That's Christchurch, New Zealand!
We're here at Worcester Street, this is also known as Museum Row.
This is where all the free museums and cool art galleries are located.
We're here at the Christchurch Art Gallery
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
The Christchurch Museum.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So we're on our way to Container City, so, first of all, explain, what is Container City?
It's an outdoor mall entirely built of metal shipping containers
Six years ago, after the earthquake, all the retail space was entirely wiped out.
So they were like, we want to keep selling stuff, so we'll do it in shipping containers.
That is so cool, so Christchurch is like the capital of catastrophic improvisation
Wow, you weren't kidding, these things are really made out of shipping containers!
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
For a place made out of shipping containers, this place is kinda posh and expensive!
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So if you're in Christchurch, and if you have time, try to stop by the beach and check out the amazing, cool sculptures by Donal Gibson
He's actually blind and deaf, and every time he makes one of these, he kinda feels it out and chisels as much as he can.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
The cool thing is, after checking out the sculptures, you can go check out the beach!
Tapu? What's Tapu?
So we're here in New Brighton and Andrew and Jared wanna initiate me in this Kiwi ritual called Tapu.
So you jump in the hole... and you get buried... and that's it.
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Laughter ♫
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
So this is Port Hills, right?
So we're gonna have a good view of all of Christchurch, we gotta go through this little forest path.
♫ Instrumental Music ♫
Hey everybody, say hi to Bev!
Bev was actually here during the major earthquake in 2011.
What was it like? What was it like to actually experience all of that stuff?
It was mad. Just living in a completely normal town and having your life pretty much turned upside down.
Just the fact that the power's out and the water's out and the sewage is out
For my particular area we were without water for a couple of weeks
And we were without internet for a few months, it took a long time.
So you basically just lived like cave people for a week or so, right?
Essentially, yeah, but the positives, yeah, it really did help to bring a sense of community
And to really look at all the good things and to feel very fortunate rather than to take life for granted
♫ Shouting ♫
It's crazy, this whole village is just smoking!
♫ Water Sounds ♫