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  • do you have that season long relationship with an ensemble off such a lustrous and storied history?

  • To be a part of that family I'm really excited about what I set out to do is to to make some beautiful music with wonderful musicians and two to truly be a member of the orchestra and a member of that administration.

  • And what, what an amazing opportunity to be able to do that with was with one ensemble and to come and revisit and you have a report.

  • It's like slipping back into a wonderful friendship, right?

  • I was interested in looking back at some people who in many ways paved the way for four great artists who fit the Bill Marian Anderson way One more way, we're gonna have a good time.

  • We're going to honor some amazing people, and we're gonna have some amazing people concert singers of today.

  • I don't know of any any other operatic opus that that has this kind of cult following.

  • It's like Star Trek.

  • It's great to be able to sing parts of it with a full orchestra and two, and also, I mean with with with an orchestra, that's like right there to sing Mahler with Mother's orchestra.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • I'm looking forward to that Any time that I get to do something like that.

  • I mean, it's such a precious gift.

  • You're mean, Mr Reach, that's probably gonna notice is stupid.

  • But that's probably like my favorite thing coming up this.

  • He sits with me when they asked me if I would do that, Yeah, be fun.

  • Cool has some fun on stage being a person who's come up through the public school system and was given so much by so many different people, you know?

  • I mean, it's cliche of a zit is you give back, and I just want to to make music and be a part of a community.

do you have that season long relationship with an ensemble off such a lustrous and storied history?


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Mary and James G. Wallach駐場藝術家 Eric Owens (The Mary and James G. Wallach Artist-in-Residence Eric Owens)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日