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  • We can't do too much joking around because this is a serious show.

  • You know that?

  • E.

  • So I pretty much just read an article on Mac World saying that Ipads airbending?

  • Yes, I have heard about this.

  • I got the tweets, the people they reached out.

  • You may or may not know the whole bending of apple products.

  • Bend Gate.

  • People want meat away in a lot of people requesting that I talk about this.

  • Yeah, it's a touchy subject.

  • Do you have any thoughts?

  • Well, no one wants bent anything.

  • No, I don't know if that's true.

  • Maybe there's some things that it always comes back to this conversation of how big of a deal is it?

  • Is it catastrophic?

  • How many devices does it effect?

  • It's the same kind of conversation that happened back in the day when the original iPhone bent the iPhone six.

  • The thing I like to talk about from this end of the spectrum, I'm not a brand.

  • I'm not Apple, so I'm always gonna advocate for the people.

  • If you are someone who is affected by this, I think you have a point.

  • It should be fixed.

  • It's not an ideal scenario.

  • and in the case of the original iPhone that bent Apple went back to the drawing board and switched their materials because they knew something was wrong, even though they didn't necessarily admit to it publicly.

  • Can they do that?

  • In this case, I don't actually know the makeup of the alloy being used in the iPad.

  • What I do know is that it's impossibly slim, like that thing is crazy.

  • Thin is mine bent?

  • I don't think so.

  • Maybe I don't know.

  • Yeah, you would probably have to use, like, a level.

  • Yeah, you probably use a level.

  • How durable is anything that's this thin Like, of course, there's a common sense component, and that's always what the Apple fans get angry about.

  • They're like, Who's bending your bending?

  • What are you bending your stuff?

  • You're just not taking care of it kind of thing.

  • What I've been reading online is the biggest culprit to these types of Ben's, In the case of the iPad is putting it in a backpack.

  • So some individuals, apparently they put the devices into a backpack, and the textbooks and other weight that you would typically have in a backpack was leaning up against it, and then they end up with a bent iPad.

  • That's a regular use case scenario.

  • You should be able to do that without having a bent.

  • I I don't know about you.

  • Would you agree?

  • Yeah, I can imagine, you know, being late for class or something, and then you just stuffing textbooks and iPads and you're in your bag.

  • It's pretty normal, but the fact that they you know, our bending just like that it's It doesn't make you feel comfy with your new product.

  • Your new $1000 are absolutely not.

  • The other point to make is I was reading some of the responses, some of the follow up from Apple.

  • It's a bit confusing because I know The Verge reported that they had an official apple response.

  • But then Apple was like, That's not our official response.

  • Anyhow.

  • There was this guy, an engineer or wherever he was.

  • He was responding to email requests regarding the bending from customers, and he stated that this is that this device is designed to their specifications.

  • If it's a little bit bent, no big deal.

  • Keep using it.

  • It's a manufacturing thing.

  • It'll stay as bent as it is now.

  • That's weird.

  • That response is probably more weird than the actual bending, because here you have the biggest consumer electronics company coming out and saying a little bit of a bend, no big deal, even if it's out of the box when you buy it.

  • That's unusual.

  • Yeah, I mean, in their unofficial statement saying, You know these ipads air either, Eh?

  • Not bent or be supposed to be bent?

  • Yeah, by design yard of the cooling process, it's hard to figure out where to land on it.

  • Of course, when I made that original video, it was a big It's still the most popular video that I posted.

  • I think it has 70 million views on it.

  • A follow up to that story that many people didn't necessarily catch up on was effect that further problems on the iPhone six.

  • This touch disease problem that crapping up later was a consequence of these slight vents.

  • So for people who were thinking that it was strictly aesthetic at the time, it went on to have this further issue with these phantom touch is taking place on the display because it screwed up the digitize er when it had that slight bend in it.

  • But that didn't happen for like a year or two afterwards, so people that thought they were they were safe out of the woodwork.

  • Went went on to acquire different problems eventually from that issue, and Apple went on to replace many devices under a repair program because of said touch disease.

  • In the case of the iPad, it might not even be a thing where you realized the extent of the damage immediately.

  • But there may be other issues that creep up because of these slight bend in the frame over time, and it might not be strictly aesthetic, but like a lot of these things that generate a ton of hype.

  • And as you know, new Apple product comes out.

  • It's a whole experience.

  • It's a whole thing because Apple's already doing a good job of telling you why you need it.

  • So you're trying to find out Well, okay, that's cool.

  • But maybe why not show me the Why not?

  • And that's what people depend on this type of content for.

  • So when I saw the video online, where the iPad was bent in half really easy, of course I'm not bending things anymore.

  • You can attest to that.

  • Yeah, I've gone.

  • Look, take a look around.

  • I moved on, but I think we're at a point now where these devices are shrinking down so much that it's kind of inevitable.

  • They're not going to be is tough because we demand thinness.

  • Way demand.

  • Lightweight, lightweight, thin.

  • Powerful.

  • Yeah, beautiful.

  • We want it all on.

  • We never want to pay the price with a bent.

  • Anything.

  • Yeah, but with this iPad, I mean, it's 800 bucks.

  • It's expensive.

  • The problem is that a lot of people are seeing eye pads that are bent when they just first open it.

  • Yeah, yeah, I mean, out of the box.

  • It's no fun that that part of the experience in relationship that you have with the product is so important.

  • So it's It's obviously no fun, especially an apple, especially an apple product, fresh box, sleek design and so on.

  • I'm actually gonna be a little bit optimistic on this one.

  • I know.

  • Right now, some people are having issues getting their units replaced.

  • I think Apple's gonna do the right thing.

  • I think if that's your iPad, the one in that picture, I think they're probably gonna replace it for you.

  • I think they should.

  • Apple, if you're watching, just just replaced a bent one, at least some sort of unofficial something.

  • Do something, do something about it, cause that's that's no fun.

  • That's not a happy customer, obviously.

  • And your apple, you have a few bucks laying around.

  • There you go, you know, offshore, offshore cash and possibly go back to the drawing board like they did with the iPhone.

  • Six.

  • Maybe change some materials, put some reinforcements, and hopefully we get a better product.

  • That's the main thing.

  • That's the main point with these types of topics.

  • It's like you're not just talking about it for the for strictly the purpose of hype.

  • That's helpful.

  • Of course, you want people to watch the content that you make in the stories that you write, but also because uncovering things like that actually leads to further development and improvement of physical products.

  • The ones that end up in your pocket, like happened with the six s as a response to the iPhone six.

  • So it's all good if you like Apple.

  • It's good if you don't like Apple, it's good.

  • It's good to have this kind of stuff out in the open, better ipads in the future, regardless of the bending and stuff and the fact that it didn't replace a laptop.

  • For me, it's still an incredible achievement, this product in the sense of how powerful it is, how wonderful the screen is in a form factor like this.

  • They did strive for a good iPad.

  • I think that's what they did here.

  • You know?

  • Um, you know, minus the bending.

  • I don't think there's any other issues with it, right?

  • And I think a lot of people, maybe we'll use this may be the price.

  • Yeah, that's for sure.

  • But you know, if you're a college student and you know it's either that or the laptop, maybe that's a good option.

  • Does it in any way stop you from recommending this device?

  • Possibly to a loved one?

  • A family member, a friend.

  • I would totally recommend it for anyone who doesn't want to use a laptop.

  • I think that's the best right tablet that's out there right now.

  • But let's be clear for 1000 bucks, you can tell people to get a laptop still, I know, I am sure, sure, It's a lot of money for a tablet for an iPad.

  • Yeah, but it's the best tablet I would have to say.

  • I'll say the same for sure.

  • How does this end this show?

We can't do too much joking around because this is a serious show.


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A2 初級

iPad Pro是彎曲的。我不高興。 (The iPad Pro Is Bending. I'm Not Happy.)

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