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  • Welcome to I'm Ann Reardon. Today I'm gonna show you how to make a triple

  • chocolate cheesecake and I'm gonna show you how to present that in a couple of different

  • ways. This is one of the oldest recipes in my recipe file. I wrote it out when I was

  • about 7 years old from my neighbors house when I went there and she made this amazing

  • chocolate cheesecake.

  • So to start with you need to choose a container and line it with non-stick baking paper. I

  • like to just put two staples in it, right at the very top, not down the bottom because

  • you don't want them to go in the food and then a circle of paper down the bottom. Choose

  • a deep container because I like the cheesecakes to look tall.

  • For a printable copy of the recipes with all the quantities just go the website, there's

  • a link just below in the description.

  • You'll need some biscuits and put them in a plastic bag and then just gently roll them

  • with a rolling pin to crush them. In a bowl place your chocolate and just melt that in

  • the microwave and then stir in the Nutella into your melted chocolate, then tip in your

  • biscuit crumbs that you crushed earlier. Stir them all together and then what we're going

  • to do is pour that into our already lined container and that will make a very chocolatey

  • base for our cheese cake. Just spread it out. I like to give a little bang on the bench

  • just to make it level and even, so you get that nice even edge. Put that in the fridge

  • while we move on to the next step.

  • Next we want to put our gelatin in a cold water. Just sprinkle it over the top of cold

  • water and we're gonna leave that to sit and the gelatin will swell up while it's sitting

  • there and absorbing all of that water, and then when we're ready to use it we'll heat

  • it up to melt it.

  • Put your cream cheese in a mixing bowl and turn it on and leave that to keep beating.

  • While that's beating, melt your chocolate in a microwave, then add your sugar, your

  • egg yolks and the chocolate that we've just melted, pour it in, and then beat that up

  • until it's smooth and it's starting to look chocolaty delicious already.

  • I get quite a few questions about cream, doesn't matter if it's thick cream or pure cream,

  • just look at the back it should be about 35% fat so if it's 35 grams per 100 fat and then

  • just put it in your mixing bowl with electric mixers and beat it until you get nice soft

  • peaks. You don't wanna over mix it or you'll get butter. We also need to whip our egg whites

  • until we get nice soft peaks in those as well.

  • Now our gelatin has swollen and absorbed the water. Now put it in the microwave until it

  • is liquidy and there are no lumps at all. Now tip that into your cheese cake mixture

  • and beat it well. Then we are going to fold in our egg whites using a spatula.

  • To fold you just go around the edge or down to the bottom and then turn it over like you're

  • folding over a piece of paper it's a bit different to stirring. If you stir it you gonna get

  • rid of all the air that even incorporated to the egg white, so around and fold it over.

  • Then the same again with your whipped cream. Add that in and fold it in into your mixture.

  • Going around and over until it's combined and looking absolutely beautiful.

  • Then we are going to pour that into our lined container and put that container in the freezer

  • and allow it to freeze solid.

  • To make your round cheesecakes, you need to fill two half sphere silicon moulds and place

  • them in the freezer also. To top it off now that our cheesecake is frozen, we're going

  • to pour chocolate glaze over the top. You could use ganache or you could use whipped

  • cream if you don't want another chocolate layer but I like the real glossy sheen on

  • the chocolate glaze and then again place it back in the freezer to set.

  • With your chocolate spheres you need to fill any gap that you have between them. To do

  • that just take a little bit of cheese cake mixture and heat it up in the microwave so

  • that you can melt it down and fill any gaps that you have there.

  • Then we're going to place the whole sphere inside a bowl of chocolate glaze and cover

  • it over. Using two forks one on either side you wanna gently lift it out, and I'm placing

  • it on top of an upturned medicine measuring cup. So something smaller than the sphere

  • so that you have that nice chocolate glaze going the whole way around.

  • Take your frozen cheesecake, gently push on the sides and ease it out of the container.

  • Then once you've done that you need to peel your paper off the base then stand it up on

  • the plate or platter that you're going to be serving it on. And undo the staples at

  • the top and peel it off around your cheese cake.

  • Make sure you know where both those staples went so that they don't accidentally go into

  • someone's plated desert, as that would not be good. And you should have a beautiful looking

  • cheesecake. But to finish it off, we'd like to put some chocolate decorations on top.

  • Place some tempered chocolate in a Ziploc bag. If you are not sure what tempered chocolate

  • is just click on the link. Then using the back of a tea spoon drag it through the chocolate

  • just to make a long tail.

  • For your sphere cheesecake, take a spoonful of you biscuit crumbs and place it on the

  • plate. Gently lift up your chocolate cheesecake and place it onto the plate. Again I'm just

  • using two forks so that I can steady it on one side. Then I've got some raspberry sauce

  • that I'm using here. Just placing dots of it on the plate of increasing size. Chocolate

  • decorations have been in the fridge and are set. Peel one off and place it on top. And

  • that is our plated chocolate cheese cake sphere.

  • For our tall cheesecake take the same chocolates decoration and just place them around the

  • edge.

Welcome to I'm Ann Reardon. Today I'm gonna show you how to make a triple


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巧克力芝士蛋糕食譜如何做巧克力芝士蛋糕安里爾登 (Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe HOW TO COOK THAT Chocolate cheesecake Ann Reardon)

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    Elma Chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日