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Hello Internet, virtual cooking friends. I am Hilah. Today I am going to show you a foolproof
and delicious way of making pork chops in the skillet. Pork chops are my husband's favorite
kind of meat to eat, and I am pretty sure they are up there with America's favorite
too, unless you are Muslim or Jewish, but at any rate, let's make some pork chops!
Okay, so I've got some boneless pork chops and some spices and I am going to do a spice
rub, and remember if you want the detailed instructions and the ingredient list, go to
the website HilahCooking.com. It's all on there, along with some, you know, really fascinating
write-ups from myself about how much I love food and stuff. It's really good. Okay, so
my little spice rub. I got some mustard seeds, some dried thyme, some black pepper. I am
going to grind this all together. Okay, now I've got this ground up, I am going to add
some salt and some paprika. Give it a little whirl around the bowl. Okay, now on to my meat stuffs. These are really thick.
They are a little more than an inch thick, so I am going to go ahead and butterfly them
to make them thinner, they'll cook faster, they'll cook more evenly, and they're also
at room temperature which is pretty important when you're cooking meat is that it just cooks
more evenly, you don't end up with all like raw in the middle because it's cold.
Okay, this is how you butterfly something. Okay, so you can see with these like one side
has kind of a line of fat on it. I am going to cut from that side just get it about in
the middle, hold it still, and slice across, don't cut all the way through. This is the
butterfly part of it. Then you end up with a thing like that. You can kind of flatten
it out, and now we have one bigger pork chop made out of our smaller pork chop. Ta da!
And it's like a little butterfly look. Fly away little butterfly, fly away. [laughs]
That's enough touching raw meat. Actually it's not, I am about to touch it some more.
I am going to turn on my skillet so that's getting hot while I put my, c'mon oven, while
I put my rub on. Now this here makes enough for four pork chops, so I'll just use not
all of it, how's that? Just kind of sprinkle it on there, get it evenly coated, and kind
of pat it in.
Getting pork juice all over the place. It's like a salmonella free-for-all in here. Okay,
now I am going to flip them and do the other side. Okay, my pan is real hot. I am going
to put in about a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of oil. Hopefully I can get it
in there before my butter burns. Yeah, get that all around. That's sizzling hot! Okay,
now I am going to put my little pork chop then. Get in there you pork chops. Okay, now
these are going to. Owww! These are going to take maybe three minutes on the first side,
and then I'll flip them and oww! And I might turn the heat down. It's popping at me. It's
just going to leave that alone over there, it's in over here. It's been a couple of minutes.
I turned my heat down to medium and I am going to flip these puppies, and I got the one side,
it's all nice and brown and good looking, but I don't want them to cook too fast, so
I turned it down and the other side will cook a little longer. C'mon you little, there you
go. Yum! Okay, a few more minutes. Okay, it's
been about six minutes total, and I believe my little pork chop babies are done. So, I
am going to check them with a little knife, and see how it looks in there. Looks only
very slightly, slightly pink in the very middle, but everything else is white and done looking.
So I am going to pull this one out. Now I will take a bite of my pork chop and prove
to you how yummy it is by the look on my face of pure joy when I eat it. Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmm!
Delicious and tender pork chops. Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm! Hold on. Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm!
Okay, now don't forget to check out the website for the full recipe and all that stuff at
HilahCooking.com, and tell your friends about the show and I will see you next time. Bye!