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  • where OS by Google doesn't just tell time.

  • It helps you get more out of it so you can make anywhere in the world your gym and know when it's time to pick up the pace or time to hit the beach or time to take off.

  • You can stay informed and connect it.

  • You can change your song without missing a beat and get your heart pumping.

  • You can refuel when your hands are full, and even when you're here, you can feel like you're here.

  • So you never miss a meeting or a moment, and the things that matter most are always at hand where OS by Google make every minute.

where OS by Google doesn't just tell time.


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A2 初級

谷歌的Wear OS。讓每一分鐘都重要 (Wear OS by Google: Make every minute matter)

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