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Welcome to show me the curry dot com Im himmel have unusual.
And today we're gonna show you how to make strawberry shortcake.
And this is a great dessert you can make individual individuals are for big group of people.
So very simple recipe.
Let's get started.
And here we have a bull with one and 3/4 cup of all purpose flour or meda.
And to this, we're gonna add 1/4 cup of plain white sugar happen teaspoon of salt in one tablespoon of baking powder.
Yeah, we're just gonna mix this through.
And while happens during that, I have a stick.
Basically 1/2 a cup off cold butter.
Just taken it out of the fridge right now.
And it's eight tablespoons and we could open it up and I would have cut it into smaller pieces.
And we're using unsalted butter for this recipe.
Pour it into the flour For this recipe.
It's important that you don't have direct contact with your hands and the butter together because we try to keep that butter from melting as much as possible.
So we have two knives here.
If you have a pastry cutter that works really good forward is gonna mix the butter into the flour toe where it forms small, small crumbles, probably about the size of small piece, but we're going to use two knives and try to do that.
Just cut into the flower.
This process does take a little time, so I have patients.
But this is a very important step to make sure you do it the right way.
It didn't take.
So our butter is incorporated into our flour and you can see that there's small, small Granules of butter still visible.
That's exactly how we want it.
So in here, I'm gonna make a little well in the center of this flower like so.
And then we'll add 1/4 cup, plus 1/3 cup off heavy cream.
Put it in that little well, but one teaspoon off vanilla.
Now I'm just gonna gently mix this together and then fold the flower in again.
You don't want to use your hands yet, so once a flower comes together, we're going to gently need it until the whole dough comes together.
Now the flower looked really dry at the beginning, but as you can see when you work at it, just a little bit.
It does all come together and you don't want to overwork it.
I know.
What you're gonna do is we're just gonna likely flower our surface work surface.
You're going to stop ruling it out.
So there's a couple of different ways that you can work on this.
You can either just for round ball and just use cookie cutters and just cut them.
Or you can just make a big square and just use a knife and just make a shape that you want.
And once it gets to a decent shape, we can put some flour over the top, little in her hands.
Just dust a rolling pin and you roll it out.
You want to roll it out to about 3/4 of an inch, and I'm gonna kind of help it become a little rectangle so that we can cut it evenly later.
We're trying to get eight servings out of this, like had mentioned me.
Make approximately 87 out of this.
Now a little bit here.
There's okay.
You're not looking for the gate.
Perfect tangles.
Don't obsess.
Thought this is getting We're gonna keep this in the refrigerator for just about 10 minutes and let it get a little chill back into there.
In case any of the butters has started melting.
It'll just kind of stiffen it up and they're gonna come back and cut it into pieces.
So oven is preheated it.
We heated up 204 125 F, which is approximately 220 degrees centigrade.
And it's ready, and we just pulled us out of the refrigerator.
It's been chilling for about 10 minutes, and we have a dough cutter here.
You can use a regular knife as well, and we're gonna portion these out into approximately eight portions.
Yeah, we're gonna gently lift this up way here.
We have a baking tray just going to line it with parchment paper.
Now, if you don't have parchment paper, you can put some foil and likely very lightly grease the boil.
And the thing you don't want to use his wax paper.
So if you have lex paper, don't use it for this application, and then we're gonna place thes gently, and we're gonna leave a couple of inches room between each of the pieces.
Okay, So what we have now is some cream, some additional, just a couple of tablespoons and a brush.
A PC brush.
I'm just gonna lightly coat the top off this.
Now, this does a couple of different things that 1st 1 gives a wonderful listening.
In fact, it looks very pretty, and it helps sticks on the sugar on top, which we're gonna do next.
And here's airplane, regular table sugar, white sugar.
We're gonna Sprinkle it over the tops.
But if you have brown sugar, you can forgot as well look really cute and pretty, and it goes into the oven for between 12 to 15 minutes in the middle of the oven, the middle rack, so keep an eye on it.
Everybody's opens a different.
We just want a little golden ish color on top will be perfect, and this is out of the oven.
We're gonna transfer them on a cooling rack and allow them to cool.
Well, you work on the strawberries.
Colin brought Lisa about 15 minutes, and here we have some strawberries.
Fresh strawberries.
You can use asthma, strawberries or as little as you want, but probably for this recipe you'll need about four cups of strawberries.
So we're gonna do is just cut them down.
That's approximately half cup off fruit Persia shortcake.
But again, you know, we're using strawberries because they're just wonderful.
Everybody likes them, but you can use the fruits you can use peaches.
You can.
These nectarines you can use blueberries of.
Give me some more ideas.
Basically anything.
Any fruit that you like shopping.
So some of these strawberries were gonna mash down, so I'm gonna cut it a little smaller.
You just take a fork and just gonna likely mash them.
So it kind of forms a little sauce and the remainder of the strawberries.
I'm just cutting it into slices lengthwise so that it looks really pretty.
You get a whole strawberry picked, and I'm also gonna add some sugar in this.
So one of the things about this, uh, little fruit thing is that it doesn't stay.
The strawberries don't hold shape for over 30 minutes or so.
So which is making a small batch just for the two of us and just to show you But if you're doing it for a party or for consuming later on, we just suggest you give it not more than 30 minutes So right now we're just doing a little bit.
But if you drink four cups, you need about three tablespoons of sugar.
I better go again.
It's really too tastes.
And depending on how sweetest robbery za So I'm just gonna add a little bit of sugar in this.
I just mash the Berries down a little bit from a little sauce.
The rest of the strawberries going and mix.
You can taste and see if you want to add more sugar or not, we're gonna put a little bit more on.
Once you finish with this, you want to be sure you keep this in the refrigerator and let all the juices get flowing and it's gonna make a really nice sauce.
So our Shortcakes have cooled down.
People are the strawberries from the for a refrigerator are got whipped cream ready and let's do the assembling.
All right, so we're gonna take this and try to cut it evenly as we can through the center.
And it's really flaky and soft on the inside.
So pretty easy to cut.
Here we go and we're gonna put it on the plate that we serve it, and it's very crumbly.
like cattle mention.
So be a little gentle gonna spoon on the strawberry mixture And we have some whipped cream.
Take a nice, generous And once you have that well, pleased you just take your top portion and you could just Oh, my God, that looks so good.
I think one of those desserts, if you serve it to somebody, they'll be like, Wow, eyes.
Pretty simple to make.
As you can see and for garnishing, we're just gonna put Sprinkle a little bit off mint leaves.
It's ready.
I can't tell you how beautiful that looks.
So, like we mentioned earlier, if you're serving a big crowd, you could make the Shortcakes of well in advance and just keep them, uh, strawberry sauce.
You don't wanna make until, like, 1/2 an hour.
Maximum half an hour before you're gonna be ready to serve.
You can prep the strawberries, cut them, do everything you need to do.
But don't add the sugar.
And because that's what releases all the juices in there.
You gotta try this.
Oh, so soft.
Well, I mean, I'm a chocolate lover, but this is fabulous.
You mean you're not gonna miss any chocolate so and I don't use some heavy ingredients in it.
But the outcome of this is so light.
It's amazing, right?
It's not like a dessert that sits in your stomach for a very long time.
It's just super sweet, either.
So enjoy your strawberry shortcake and join us again on another episode option, with the curry dot com adding a pinch of spice to your life.