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  • - Hey everyone, it's Natasha of

  • And today I'm gonna teach you how

  • to make a chicken and mushroom casserole.

  • Now I've seen this recipe online,

  • or something similar called Chicken Gloria;

  • I can't vouch for those recipes,

  • but I know this one is so good.

  • My sister's mother in law shared this recipe with me,

  • and it's one of the most popular recipes on my website.

  • You guys are gonna love it.

  • (cheerful music)

  • So lets talk about what you need.

  • The ingredients are so simple.

  • We need about four large chicken breast,

  • then some salt and pepper, about a cup of flour,

  • some oil to saute`, about a pound of mushrooms

  • thickly sliced, one medium onion chopped,

  • three medium garlic cloves, minced or pressed;

  • and then for the sauce you need three tablespoons

  • of butter then a cup and a half of chicken broth,

  • three tablespoons of flour, about a tablespoon

  • of lemon juice, and a cup of half and half,

  • or you can mix milk with heavy whipping cream to get a cup.

  • So to get started, lets slice up this chicken.

  • So we're gonna cut it up into about one inch strips.

  • And you can cut them smaller if you want them smaller.

  • (cheerful music)

  • You can also use chicken tenders for this

  • if you want it to be easier and

  • then you don't have to slice anything.

  • Now we're gonna season both sides of

  • the chicken with salt and pepper.

  • (crunching)

  • A little pepper.

  • Okay, lets flip them over and season the other side.

  • (crunching)

  • Okay, nicely seasoned.

  • And now is a good time to preheat

  • a medium large pan with three tablespoons of oil.

  • And I like to set it over medium high heat.

  • (cheerful music)

  • Just drizzle some oil in there.

  • And now what we're gonna do is

  • dredge the chicken in flour.

  • Just to get it nicely coated.

  • You can do several pieces of chicken

  • at a time just to speed things up.

  • And transfer that to a platter.

  • Shake off any excess flour as you go.

  • It's also a good time to preheat your oven

  • to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • (sizzling)

  • And now that our skillet is hot and ready,

  • we can go ahead and saute` our chicken.

  • Don't crowd the pan just put it in one layer at a time.

  • And you want to saute` until it's golden brown.

  • Just a light golden brown.

  • You're not too concerned about cooking

  • the chicken all the way through at this point.

  • Remember you're still gonna bake this dish.

  • Our chicken is golden and we're gonna transfer

  • it into a 13 by 9 baking dish.

  • (pouring) (cheerful music)

  • Scrape the debris out of your pan.

  • Then add another three tablespoons of olive oil.

  • Now we're gonna saute` the mushrooms

  • along with the onions just until they're nice and soft.

  • This will take about five to seven minutes.

  • Then stir in your garlic,

  • and cook that about one to two minutes

  • or until it's nice and fragrant.

  • (sizzling)

  • Transfer the mushroom mixture onto your chicken.

  • Now we're gonna reduce the heat to medium low

  • and wipe out that same skillet with a paper towel.

  • Then melt in three tablespoons of butter.

  • Once that's melted, you're gonna whisk

  • in three tablespoons of flour.

  • And let that saute`, whisking it for about one

  • to two minutes until it's nicely golden.

  • Then whisk in your cup and a help of chicken broth,

  • and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

  • Whisk that together until it's creamy.

  • Finally, mix in one cup of half and half,

  • and bring everything to a light simmer.

  • (whisking)

  • Taste the sauce to see if it needs a little more salt.

  • (cheerful music)

  • Just a teensy bit.

  • So just add a little salt to taste.

  • (crunching)

  • Pour that sauce over the chicken and mushrooms.

  • Now you're just gonna cover this with foil

  • or a lid if you have one.

  • Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes and it's done.

  • (clinking) (cheerful music)

  • Okay our chicken is out of the oven

  • and it smells so good.

  • Taste even better I'll tell you that.

  • Oh yum. Take a look at that.

  • It's so creamy.

  • Of course we have to have a sample.

  • So lets do this thing.

  • (clinking)

  • Get some mushrooms.

  • You can serve this over potatoes,

  • over pasta, rice, anything you can dream up really.

  • Oh creamy and good. It's hot.

  • Can't wait.

  • I really can't wait.

  • (laughing)

  • (cheerful music)

  • (moaning)

  • Wow! It's just like unbelievable flavor.

  • Super creamy, it's a chicken with a gravy all in one. Yum.

  • (moaning)

  • You guys are seriously gonna love this

  • and so will your family, and your friends,

  • and everybody in your church.

  • (chuckles)

  • Thank you so much for joining me in my Kitchen.

  • Enjoy this recipe and we'll see you later.

  • (cheerful music)

- Hey everyone, it's Natasha of


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B1 中級

簡單的雞肉和蘑菇煲食譜-娜塔莎的廚房。 (Easy Chicken and Mushroom Casserole Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen)

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