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  • There are around 329,462,000 people living in the United States right now, and about 80% of them have been told to stay at home.

  • I'm Coral Azzouz.

  • Welcome to CNN.

  • 10.

  • Stay at home shelter in place.

  • Self isolation, social distancing.

  • These are all terms pretty suddenly being used worldwide.

  • Their defense measures against the spread of Corona virus authorities from federal government's down.

  • The local ones are trying to encourage people to avoid others as much as possible.

  • Many continue to ignore these orders, and one reason why health officials air so angry about that is because of this.

  • While some people who contract Cove in 19 have severe and deadly symptoms, others have absolutely none at all.

  • In Iceland, a country that has reported more than 1200 cases, half of those who have tested positive for Corona virus say they've had no symptoms in the United States.

  • Were there been over 200,000 cases.

  • Government health officials estimate that 25% of them have no symptoms.

  • So it's a situation where tens of thousands of people are carrying the virus and possibly spreading it without even knowing it.

  • So now the U.

  • S government is considering a recommendation that the general public wear face masks as long as there are still enough for the health care workers who need them.

  • There are currently shortages in many American hospitals.

  • What's interesting about this is that the World Health Organization, part of the United Nations, has said it doesn't have evidence that masks will protect the general public.

  • But a top American health officials says something doesn't have to be 100% effective toe have some benefit.

  • It is the fashion accessory that could save lives all around the world.

  • Masks of becoming mandatory attire for health workers in the time of covert 19 on where the economy is halted on manufacturers Otherwise shuttered companies large and small are kicking into overdrive, answering the call, trying to meet the incredible demand form or masks.

  • In the United States, the White House says there simply isn't enough supply for everyone to wear a mask.

  • The nation's top infectious disease doctor told CNN health care workers must come first.

  • The one thing you don't want to do, you don't want to take masks away from the health care providers who are in a real and present danger of getting infected.

  • That would be the worst thing we d'oh.

  • And so, in an effort reminiscent of the Second World War, the likes of Gap, General Motors and even Major League Baseball say they're opening their factories on GETTINTO work.

  • When New York Governor Andrew Cuomo asked for help calling on companies to be creative, the designer and Project runway alumni Christian Siriano put his sewing stuff to the task.

  • Were up Thio almost 500 a day.

  • So we will have a couple 1000 about it.

  • End of the week and we're really excited.

  • I mean, who knew that that was what we were gonna be doing?

  • Italy has Bean amongst the hardest hit by Corona virus.

  • It's also home to some of the world's top fashion houses.

  • Prouder says it will make ah 100,000 masks by next week.

  • Gucci says it will make Maur than a 1,000,000 in total throughout Europe.

  • As leaders warn of shortages, the offers are rolling in the owners of France's Eve Sound along Deal, Louie, Vito on Give All Shake Zara Balenciaga In Spain, they're all promising hundreds of thousands of masks in Greece, modern ingenuity is on full display.

  • Startups.

  • They're using three D printers toe crank out face shields, thes congee.

  • Oh, straight to doctors and nurses on the front lines were Having a mask is truly a matter of life and death, The Tunisian fashion designer Collude Gives Me, has re told her small workshop in Tunis into a mask powerhouse she has 30.

  • Taylor's on is making up to 1500 reusable masks every day.

  • With so many people stuck inside, making a mascot home is turning into the perfect social distancing activity Jan from So it online dot com put out this hand you do it yourself guide.

  • What the hospitals have asked us for in masks is they want one side in a different side on the other side, from mom and pop outfits toe household names on multinationals that spun the Globe companies all stepping up, churning out masks.

  • I'm trying to do their part in the fight against Corona virus.

  • 12th Trivia.

  • Which of these nations became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991 Afghanistan, Albania, Georgia or Montenegro?

  • Georgia was the only one of these countries that was officially part of the U.

  • S.

  • S.

  • R until it got its independence in 1991.

  • More people staying at home means fewer people are traveling, so we've teamed up with CNN Travel to take you on a series of virtual vacations.

  • If the real thing could be months away.

  • Located in southwest Asia, you'll find the nation of Georgia between Russia and Turkey, with the Black Sea forming its western border.

  • The name of its capital to police e means warm place in Georgian because there are hot springs nearby.

  • Georgia's capital, Tbilisi is a city best seen on foot.

  • My name is nest on, and this is my Tbilisi three years ago, Nest and Mama.

  • She's really created a website and guidebook to give young travelers an insider's view of the best places to go in the city street level to please his unique mix of influences come to life.

  • Sulfur baths a which this city was founded.

  • This is the one of the musty place in Tbilisi board centuries ago to age old churches and narrow alleyways from a bygone era.

  • This is a city that displays its history and nowhere more so than at one of the C street markets amongst the trinkets and knickknacks.

  • Lots of Soviet memorabilia.

  • We are on Dr Ridge Flea Market, one of my favorite place in Tbilisi.

  • Everything you see here reminds me about my country's past.

  • Georgia was part of the Soviet Union for 70 years until 1991.

  • Traces of Georgia's Communist past are laid out for all to see.

  • This is diploma certificates 1984 course.

  • It's written everything inside in Russian because we were in USSR.

  • But to police, he isn't a city that dwells on its past.

  • Old crumbling buildings are being reimagined as trendy locations, just like Fabrica, a former Soviet sewing factory transformed into one of Tbilisi's hottest urban spaces.

  • It's home to restaurants, one of the most popular hostiles in the city and black dog shop concept store, putting Georgia on the map through its unique alphabet.

  • I love you.

  • So how are you?

  • Fine, thank you.

  • Thes our workshops and all.

  • We're doing our for promoting Georgian off of it.

  • For me, it's so beautiful.

  • It looks like a piece off heart like this.

  • What makes policy unique is that policy is keeping its past, but also is looking farther looking in the future.

  • NBC News It looks like the Dallas Mavericks have defeated the Phoenix Suns, but Carl, you may be saying the N BA has suspended its season because of Corona virus.

  • Well, at least on Twitch, you can see from the score how things were looking in this recent virtual face off between the two teams or gamers playing on behalf of the two teams in N B A.

  • To K 20.

  • Yeah, looks pretty realistic, except for maybe the score.

  • And you could tell how the technology has made a magic fastbreak and become more elite since the March madness of Oh, a shoot out of 98 the hoops of 88.

  • It's all an example of how high voltage electronic arts have come more than midway in achieving a claim in video concept.

  • I'm coral is there's gaming with puns on CNN.

  • 10.

  • The American School of London has been commenting on our YouTube channel.

There are around 329,462,000 people living in the United States right now, and about 80% of them have been told to stay at home.


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製造面具的競賽|2020年4月2日。 (The Race To Make Masks | April 2, 2020)

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