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-Adam Sandler, thank you so much
for doing "Tonight Show: At Home Edition."
I appreciate it, buddy.
-Jimmy -- Jimmy, you look handsome.
What is that, Earth behind you?
-[ Laughs ] I'm in the birch room.
-That is so cool, buddy. I love it.
-Yeah. Birch wallpaper.
-You look good. You look good.
-Yeah? -Oh. You shower today or no?
[ Both laugh ]
You did -- You didn't, did you!
[ Both laugh ]
Jimmy, boy!
I got a shower for you, man.
I took my Jimmy shower. -[ Laughs ]
-Yeah, a shower's now like wearing a hat.
It's the same type of thing. -[ Laughs ]
-How are you doing, buddy? Where are you at?
-Uh, I'm in L.A. I'm with the wife, Jackie,
my two children, and we've been in the same joint
for a long time, just like you, and, uh -- and that's it.
We're hangin' out, trying to get past all this.
-Yeah, good man. I appreciate you doing this,
'cause a lot of people love you, and you raise a lot of spirits.
So this means a lot to me and a lot of people,
so thank you for doing this. -Me too, me too.
I've been watching you, too, Jimmy, and the shows
have been great, and it does take your mind off
when you get to watch something that's happening right now.
Because, man, have I been watching repeats
of old basketball games. -[ Laughs ]
Man, last night, I watched a high school baseball game
from -- I don't know -- 1989 or something.
It's, like, "Wow, I can't believe this is what we do."
-Yeah. So, we made a joke once. It was like ESPN is showing
the best bounce passes of 2009. [ Both laugh ]
-That's funny, man. -Did I ever tell you --
Do you know the Wells story, the David Wells story,
when we went out with him at an "SNL" party?
-I kind of remember this. You and him?
-Yeah, me and Horatio and Lorne. -Right.
-We were at the after party, "SNL" after party,
with David Wells, a great pitcher for the Yankees,
and we're hanging out, we're having some drinks.
And we're going late. It's getting to be like --
And I'm telling you this because he tells the story, too.
So it's getting late. I'd say probably 5:00 --
5:00, 5:30, Lorne leaves. I'm still there.
I think I leave around 5:45, almost 6:00 in the morning,
I leave the party, right? I go home, and I just crash.
I wake up the next day. It's got to be 1:00 or 1:30
the next day, and I turn on the TV,
and David Wells is pitching. -That's right! I know!
He's a mad man!
-It's crazy! So I go, "Maybe it's one of
these classic games."
You know, they show like Yankees classics.
-Right, right, right. -It's got to be that, man.
And it looks real, I do -- So I call up Horatio, I go,
"Dude, wake up, man." He's like, "What's up? What?"
I go, "Turn on channel 11." I go, "Wellsy's pitching."
He goes, "There's no way, dude. We were out till like 6:00."
He was still there. It was late. We left.
And so he's like -- Anyways, turns out
it's a real game... -Yeah, yeah, yeah.
...and he throws a perfect game.
-That's -- That's a pretty famous game there, Jimmy.
That's an insane one.
Can you believe you're a part of that story?
That's -- -[ Laughs ]
It's the craziest thing in the world to see that thing.
I mean, there's so many stories from the "SNL" after parties
and stuff, you go, "Oh, that was a cool thing.
That was fun." -That's a 12, that story.
That -- That's -- Yeah, I mean, I guess
you're more relaxed and loose and not thinking as much
when you're tired or you can't --
You can't question yourself as much.
But that's incredible.
David Wells, he used to hang with my cast, too.
-Did he really? -Yeah, man.
We loved it. Loved it. -I love that dude.
He's such a great guy. -Yes.
-I've been doing this show from my house,
and I'm reading monologue jokes, and now and then,
the kids will be there listening,
and they don't laugh at anything.
-[ Laughs ] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Like, not even a charity laugh.
They like booing, and they go, "Pbht!"
and all that stuff. [ Both laugh ]
No, dude, it's crazy. I was gonna ask you,
do your daughters, do they get your comedy,
or do they watch your movies?
-Guaranteed, when this is on tonight,
we'll watch it together.
They will laugh at everything you say
and stare at everything I say. [ Both laugh ]
I think they just have it where they're nervous that,
for you or me, your own kids are kind of like,
"Oh, no. What's he gonna say that's awful?"
-[ Laughs ] -So they will relax so much.
Like, "Oh, Jimmy!" By the way, we've been
walking around with a Jimmy Fallon beach bag here.
-Do you really? -It's where I keep
my iPad chargers, in my Jimmy Fallon beach bag.
-Oh, I love that you use that. That's awesome, bud.
I was doing jokes the other night,
and I did an impression of you,
and I just want to show you this clip.
This is the first and only time they've ever laughed at me.
Watch. -Oh, I heard! Yes, yes.
-I think two weeks of isolation is starting to take its toll.
I guess I can explain it best through Adam Sandler.
On day one, I felt like, "Okay, kids,
let's, uh, get to some arts and crafts,
put the macaroni and the pipe cleaner, and that's nice."
And by today, it was like, "Stop hitting your sister!
Shut up!" [ Both laugh ]
[ Nonsense noises ]
[ Children laughing ]
[ Nonsense noises continue ]
[ Children laugh ]
Adam Sandler makes everyone laugh.
But I just did, like -- And they loved it.
They both were screaming laughing.
-That's so funny. Nancy texted Jackie that,
that the kids probably laughed at something Jimmy did
and it was an impression of my goofiness.
-Now, you've been very nice to me.
Throughout the years, you've been nice to me
doing your voice.
Do you remember the first time that I called you
and said I had an impression of you?
-No, no. Do you? -I do, yeah.
I remember all our moments. -Yeah, you tell me.
I mean, I'm much older than you, so I forget things now.
-[ Laughs ] -What happened?
-I was on "SNL." -Oh, yeah!
-You said were you doing "Jeopardy!", right?
-Yeah, that's right. Herlihy called.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right!
"We're doing you, and blah blah blah.
Is that okay?" Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I remember. Then what happened?
What did I say to you? -Yeah. No, you go,
"All right, all right, do the impression for me."
So I was like, "Oh, my gosh."
And it was Higgins was there and Herlihy.
We were you in Higgins' office, and I just did the goofy,
"Yabba da ya," and you go, "All right, that's good.
Good luck, kid. That's good."
-Really? That's good. -You were great to me.
You were so nice to me. -Oh, my God.
You know, I do remember back then,
that's like 20 years ago or something, right?
-Yeah. -I do remember always
getting calls from anybody who said,
mentioned your name from my friends in my hometown
going, "Hey, did you see they were making fun of you?
Blah blah blah." I would be like, "Really?"
But as I got older, I was like,
"What the hell is the difference, man?
It's fun. It's -- It's -- Who cares?
I remember on "SNL," I did a few people
that I think they were pissed at me after,
and I didn't understand 'cause I was so young.
And I don't remember which actors and stuff,
but you -- a skit is written.
All of a sudden, you're supposed to do an impression of somebody.
And then, I went to, like, a Knicks game or something,
and somebody I did was there, and they were like --
-Always the Garden where I run into people,
and they go, "Hey. What's up?" -Yeah, they ice you, right?
I know. -It's like, "Yeah, but, dude,
I'm 23, I'm trying to make it, I'm doing anything I can, man.
I'm just trying to make people laugh.
I love you. I have nothing against you."
-I know, I know, I know.
But you get their side, too.
They're just like, "What are you doing to me, man?"
-I love the special. I told you it was so good,
on Netflix. And I know you were on tour,
so you had to cancel a bunch of dates.
-Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm so happy we cancelled that.
That was at the beginning of all this,
when people were questioning, "What should we do?"
And I was like a week away from it,
and I was saying to everybody,
"I don't think it makes sense."
-Yeah. You got to stay in and stay home.