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I love my coffee, and there's nothing better than a Starbucks coffee in the morning.
But ordering Starbucks can be a little bit challenging for a first-timer.
So today I'm going to talk to you about ordering sizes of Starbucks.
To order small mocha at Starbucks, there are 12 ounces, and they're called a tall.
想要點一杯小的摩卡,有12盎司,我們稱為 "tall"
So you would say: I would like a tall mocha, please.
所以你會說:我要一杯 "tall" 摩卡,謝謝
If you wanted a medium mocha, there is 16 ounces, and it's called a grande.
如果你想要中杯的摩卡,有16盎司,叫做 "grande"
This is my 16 ounce coffee mug.
You would say: I would like a grande mocha, please.
你會說:我要一杯 "grande" 摩卡,謝謝
And you will want a big honking cup of coffee,or mocha.
There are 20 ounces, and they're called a venti.
有20盎司,我們稱之為 "venti"
And you would say: I would like a venti coffee, please.
你會說:我要一杯 "venti" 咖啡,謝謝
So I hope everybody enjoys their coffee.