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  • Every modern computer, when you get right down to the bare metal,

  • is doing basically the same sort of thing.

  • I've said before that computers are just overgrown calculators,

  • but how do you go from a simple calculator to playing video games,

  • sending stuff over the internet,

  • or even decompressing and displaying the millions of pixels in this video?

  • In short, what's your computer actually doing?

  • Behind me is a scaled-up version of a computer,

  • but we're going to go much, much simpler.

  • If you take apart your phone or PC,

  • somewhere in the heart of it will a Central Processing Unit, or CPU,

  • connected to all the other devices that make it work.

  • Now, to show a really basic example, we're not going to use all those devices.

  • The first one we are going to use is the clock.

  • With every tick of the clock,

  • our CPU goes through a step in what's called theFetch-Executecycle,

  • orFetch-Decode-Execute”.

  • This clock is slightly magic,

  • in that it ticks (click) every time (click) I click my fingers. (click)

  • (click)

  • In the CPU I'm going to have three registers.

  • These are bits of fast storage where the CPU holds values that it's working on right now.

  • These are: a register that keeps track of our instruction cycle,

  • another that loads our instructions from memory,

  • and an Accumulator.

  • The final thing we need in our simplified computer is somewhere to keep the instructions

  • and any values that we end up calculating.

  • That is RAM, Random Access Memory.

  • We call it Random Access because it doesn't matter when or in what order

  • the information is read or written.

  • So: that is our computer.

  • Let's run a simple program.

  • All it's going to do is count up.

  • The processor has three steps: Fetch, Decode, Execute.

  • It will just repeat those on a loop,

  • that's the one thing that's actually built into it.

  • So we need some instructions, actually in memory,

  • so let's load our program into RAM.

  • The RAM is also used to store our answers, our outputs.

  • In the real world, these would all be stored in binary,

  • but let's not overcomplicate things right now, let's keep them human-readable.

  • An instruction has two parts.

  • The first part is the instruction itself.

  • And the second part is usually a memory address.

  • On each clock tick, the CPU will do one of three things:

  • It will fetch an instruction from a memory address.

  • It will decode that instruction.

  • And it will execute the instruction.

  • Round and round in a loop. So it's going to count up.

  • We're going to begin with a number,

  • and add one to it, over and over again.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • One clock tick. The Program Counter is set to 0,

  • so the CPU fetches the instruction at address 0 in the memory

  • and puts it into the instruction register.

  • (click) Decode.

  • The CPU decodes the instruction.

  • The first part is the instruction,

  • and the second part is a location.

  • In our case, the instruction is LOAD and the address is 6.

  • So we will be loading the value in address 6 into the accumulator.

  • (click) Execute.

  • The CPU executes this instruction.

  • It takes the value at address 6,

  • and loads it into the accumulator.

  • In this case the value is 1.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • The program counter is incremented,

  • and the CPU fetches the next instruction in the next bit of the memory.

  • (click) Decode.

  • The CPU decodes the instruction.

  • This time, it's ADD, and the address is 7.

  • So we'll be adding what's at address 7 into what is already in the accumulator.

  • (click) Execute.

  • The CPU executes the instruction. We add the value at address 7.

  • In this case, it's the value 1.

  • 1 + 1 is 2.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • From the next memory location, number 2.

  • (click) Decode.

  • An instruction to STORE the value in the accumulator into RAM, at address 6.

  • (click) Execute.

  • Now, notice that we are overwriting what's already there,

  • so address 6 now has 2 in it, instead of 1.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • A new instruction: JUMP.

  • With a jump,

  • the next address we fetch from is the one in this instruction.

  • (click) Decode.

  • So we're going to jump to address number 1.

  • (click) Execute.

  • The Program Counter is now back at 1.

  • The ability to jump, to loop, and to build instructions recursively is one of the foundations

  • of computer science. So: we're back up there.

  • (click) Fetch from location 1.

  • (click) Decode.

  • It's the ADD instruction again.

  • (click) Execute.

  • Our accumulator still contains the values from before,

  • so: 2 + 1 = 3.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • (click) Decode.

  • STORE again.

  • (click) Execute.

  • Storing it into location number 6.

  • (click) Fetch.

  • (click) Decode.

  • (click) Execute.

  • And we jump again.

  • (click) Fetch. (click) Decode. (click) Execute. (click) Fetch. (click) Decode. (click) Execute.

  • (continues clicking) We're in a loop, and we're counting upwards

  • by one on every sixth clock cycle. (stops clicking)

  • Our program, with these simple instructions, doesn't have a halt command,

  • or any way to interrupt it,

  • so it will just keep incrementing that value by one (many fast clicks)

  • until the number becomes so large it can no longer be held by the memory address.

  • How it breaks thenwell, that's a whole other video. (stops clicking)

  • And my fingers are tired.

  • This is a very fiddly way to program a computer.

  • In theory, it can be but at this level,

  • these instructions are just encoded in raw binary data,

  • which is basically unreadable for humans.

  • So we can convert that base 2 binary to base 16, hexadecimal,

  • at that level we call it machine code.

  • The next step up from that is a symbolic language called Assembly, which is a bit more readable,

  • but it's still close to working at that bare metal.

  • The original "Prince of Persia" game was completely programmed in assembly.

  • That is almost unbelievable to me:

  • painstakingly figuring out each pixel of animation and encoding it into something that the computer

  • almost understands directly.

  • Programming like that is complex, and hard,

  • and prone to the sort of human error that introduces massive security problems.

  • It is difficult to code and difficult to debug.

  • So rather than dealing with the messiness,

  • or, well, the pristine logic of machine code,

  • higher-level languages were developed as an intermediary step.

  • Those languages handle all of that memory reading and writing for us,

  • so all we need to focus on is what we want the computer to do.

  • So, here's my code:

  • just the same instructions, phrased a little bit differently,

  • phrased for humans to be able to read.

  • I specify a variable, X. I then write a function that loops forever,

  • and each passing through that loop I increment X by 1.

  • Once I've written that code, I then pass it to a compiler,

  • which turns it into that original machine code for me.

  • So when I run the program,

  • it's loaded into the computer's memory, and executed.

  • If I want to run it on a completely different type of computer, a Mac instead of a PC,

  • I can compile it for that CPU instead.

  • But this still doesn't answer the question of how the computer is

  • doing something as complex as decompressing and displaying this video.

  • The answer to that is:

  • speed.

  • At the speed I was clicking, at the end there,

  • we were executing one instruction every couple of seconds on one thread, one bit of the system.

  • A modern CPU executes billions of instructions per secondgigahertzon multiple threads.

  • But at the heart of your PC, or your phone,

  • there is still just a ticking clock and a fetch-execute cycle.

  • I've used a password manager for years,

  • and if you're techie enough to reach the end of this video, you should too.

  • And I'm not just saying that because this video is sponsored by Dashlane, a password manager,

  • and if you go to, you can get a free 30-day trial of their premium version.

  • Why should you use Dashlane? Well, first, reusing passwords is a terrible idea.

  • If you're like me a few years back,

  • then you're reusing very similar passwords that have a few letters changed,

  • or have the site's name stuck somewhere in them.

  • It's not great.

  • One data breach at one of those sites, and it'd be time to start worrying.

  • These days, Dashlane sits in my browser, and when I want to log in somewhere,

  • I unlock Dashlane with the single password that I have to remember,

  • and it autofills it for me.

  • Dashlane also stores and autofills credit cards and address information across your devices,

  • and it's got a VPN to encrypt your traffic on public wifi networks if you want to.

  • If you are the kind of person who can remember

  • 20-character unique symbol-filled passwords for dozens of different sites, congratulations.

  • But if you're not superhuman, then your choice is basically:

  • use insecure passwords or use a password manager.

  • Now, you could use post-it notes on your monitor as a password manager

  • or you could use Dashlane,

  • which generates, stores, and autofills long, secure, different passwords for every site.

  • I don't have to try and type in a 20-character password

  • filled with symbols on my phone any more.

  • I pull up Dashlane instead.

  • Everything just works, synchronised on all my devices,

  • across Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, all automatically.

  • It plugs into Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, even Internet Explorer.

  • And despite the fact that it's all synchronised in the cloud,

  • Dashlane themselves don't know what those passwords are

  • and based on their security architecture, can never find them out.

  • I'll explain that next time.

  • So: for a 30-day free trial of Dashlane Premium,

  • which includes unlimited password storage and sync.

  • And if you like it, you can use the codetomscottfor 10% off.

Every modern computer, when you get right down to the bare metal,


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B1 中級

Fetch-Execute循環。你的電腦到底在做什麼? (The Fetch-Execute Cycle: What's Your Computer Actually Doing?)

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