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What's going on?
Everybody welcome to Part two of the highlights.
Siri's in this video.
A roomy going over is how to go about improving your A I from this point.
So I kind of just go through the pipeline process that I've been doing to incrementally improve my eye.
So first of all, like I was saying in the previous video, it's fun to watch the games that you've won.
But I tend to get the most from the games that I lose.
And if I do watch the games that have one actually usually looking at, why did I went like, Why did the other person lose?
Pretty much I just like to look at Why are people losing?
So you can actually learn a lot, too, from watching not just your games, but other people's games, especially better player games.
Um, anyways, uh, what I'm gonna do is this replay game here on the Purple Player here, and, um, let's just try to identify some of the problems here.
So right out of the gate, one of the problems is all of our ships are going to the exact same place and also passing a lot of planets along the way.
Um, also, we can see here like this is a horrible example.
Where, um, let me just go back a tiny bit, like, not only are we behind, we're not gonna win the race to this planet.
Why're all of our ships going to this same exact planet?
That's kind of a problem.
Um, and men, basically, we're losing battles with other ships.
We've gotten ourselves blown up, and then there were We've been totally eliminated, but at least right out of the gate.
You know, even in the beginning, too.
We passed a lot of good planets.
You know, we're just trying to head to the center, which is not the greatest idea, but really, we just need to pick maybe one or two things that we want to improve for now.
See how we did and then continue to improve from there.
So I'm gonna go ahead and change a couple of things.
One thing, I guess, really, I'm going to change one thing, but because we're changing one thing, we want to change one more thing, and that is first of all, our ships are headed to the exact same planet instead.
Let's say we wantto make allover ships head to unique planets.
Now, if we're going to do that, the next thing that we want to go ahead and do is right now all of our ships are travelling at half speed.
Let me go ahead and just open up the Aye, Aye, so you can see.
So this is the script for our a i.
Again, this is the exact This is just the starter.
But there's nothing else.
I've changed yet.
Um, if we scroll on down to the speeds that we're traveling at, its always at, like the max speed divided by two um, we want to do is probably stop doing that as well, as long as our ships are going in, different directions were not so likely to run into ourselves.
So let's go ahead and just get rid of that as well.
And let's see what kind of change that makes for us.
So let's just say right now we are rank 22,000 346.
Let's make these edits and see how are rank changes.
So to begin, um, what I'm gonna go and do is s o so when we submit.
Like I was saying before, it always has to be called entitled, cased.
You know, my bought dot pie.
So generally, what I do when I create new versions is I'll just copy them, paste the old version, and then we'll rename one of them to be my bought dash V one.
So that's V one.
And then I'll edit the new one, which we've actually already got it up.
And then I'll just call it settler, um v to write V, too.
So, um, so that's like the changes all making the directory.
Um, Now, what we need to do is also, if we're gonna use this bat we're gonna do is edit that, and then we need not only run my butt, but now we need to run my bought envy one.
Um, I'm actually just gonna manually run this command so it doesn't go away, But you could also run the bat.
Anyway, it's not important, but make sure you make those edits.
Now, Uh, what we're gonna do is I'm gonna move this aside.
And like I said, let's go and modify the speed first.
So Max be divided by two.
Let's just not divide by two.
Uh, and then do we travel anywhere else?
So it's just in that one spot that we're gonna go and change.
So, um, so we're gonna divide by two there, and then let's go ahead and make sure they don't all go to the same planet.
So the way that we're gonna do that is just let's just make a list so planned underscore planets.
And for now, that just starts as an empty list.
Now, if our ship decides to go to one of these planned planets, we just need to add that in.
So we're gonna do is we're gonna come down here for ship basically here.
If the ship is docked, we just skip it.
And then we start iterating over these planets.
If the planet is owned, um, then we're gonna skip that planet if the if the ship can dock at the planet.
Well, we want it, Doc.
Otherwise were traveling to the planet, and this is where the problems happening.
It's It's when many, many, many ships air traveling the same planet that's causing trouble for us.
So in here, in this else, this is where we're gonna add kind of our new logic, and that's gonna be first of all, we're going to start by saying if the planet is in are planned planets, we basically just want to skip this planet and continue to the next planets.
So we're just gonna say continue now, um, otherwise else we're gonna run this.
So let me just pass that over there.
And now what we want to do is if if we do start navigating to this planet, basically, at this point, once we've added it to the command Q.
You know, it's a plan, so let's go ahead and add it.
So we're gonna say planned underscore planets, uh dot upend and we're gonna upend the planet.
So once we've done that, that's we're just gonna make those two tiny changes, I think for now, let's go ahead and save that.
Uh, I'm gonna close out, and what we want to do is first, let's go ahead and run this, um, I'm gonna run it with somebody to go to this address bar here, hit CMD and we actually could just run run game dot Bat like that runs through all the turns, and then we basically get to see Okay.
What happened?
At the very end, Actually, these are all being called Settler V two.
That's kind of problematic.
Uh, what did it happen?
Solar V two.
And this one?
I should have been.
When did that happen?
Did this not get edited?
Oh, I didn't I guess I didn't save the edit that I made.
I see.
Anyway, I'll just copy the command.
Let's run that one more time.
Copy, Paste.
Run it.
Okay, so similar V two came in, rank one.
Let's just run it one more time.
Um, similar V two came in rank one.
No time for good measure.
Southerly V two comes in, rank one.
Okay, we're pretty confident.
That's good.
But let's go ahead and check a replay real quick.
Let's just make sure that we haven't made any serious mistakes.
So v two is our purple.
Sure enough, he's going to unique planets every time.
Um, we just ran into ourselves.
That's problematic.
Were also traveling pretty fast.
Let's speed it up.
Uh, so he's getting planets and all that, but yeah, we've definitely secured our victory at this point.
Okay, Cool.
Looking good.
Looking good.
Let's go ahead and submit it.
So what we're gonna do is take my bought dot pie, the highlight part of the Hlt directory.
We're going to go ahead and send to compressed, and we'll call this admission to dot zip and submitted bots.
And you just dragged that in there.
So this is tells you you want to pay attention to the version number so we'll submit the body because you can see here in this old replay, it was on these six.
So now we're gonna be curious about V seven that says it will play with a nice 15 minutes.
But like I said before, it's usually pretty darn quick.
Um, I wouldn't even be surprised if this one since this is the same minute mark policy.
Not that still be six.
Let's go back.
So, actually, we're ranked 24.
03 Right now, Spread hasn't played any more games.
Anyway, I'm gonna go and pause the recording Now wait a few minutes and then I'll start back up and we'll kind of see how we've been doing.
At this point, it's been about only only about three minutes and at least the last V six game I played I was rank around 2500 and we've already dropped 22 56.
But that's probably be pretty volatile for the next, probably while So, yeah, 22.
As you can see, we're making quite a few victories.
I think that this will probably continue to fall.
Um, I was hoping to see that we would maybe even breach the two thousands, but, you know, get into actually really the one thousands.
Ah, but let's see why we lost various games and also why we won various games.
Let's go and check out a couple.
In fact, let me Sorry.
I think I still have an old one up.
I just don't want to get confused.
So this is a game that we've won, I believe.
And we actually blew ourselves up, I think.
Initially there.
But as you can see, first of all these other players air traveling very slow.
So probably one of the major reasons why we're winning right now is we're traveling very fast and they just lose who blew themselves up.
Basically, we ran into them too, I guess.
But yeah, unfortunately, we blew our ships up again, so that's probably why we lost.
So it's a major issue that needs probably addressed.
We almost beat him to that planet bomber.
And they were just spawning ships.
So right away, I can see probably what we want to Dio is start attacking.
Like if we just attack this one guy, we could steal this planet, and we probably could have stolen this planet by now.
Obviously, there's a bunch of ships, but even if we scroll back, kind of initially, we could have started attacking this planet.
This planet.
We could have definitely taken this one.
So a lot of these ships arm sorry.
Planets would have been super easy to take over at this point.
Um, okay, let's refresh again.
There's kind of see where we are now.
Um, Okay, Yes.
So now we are in their 1974 so we're slowly still improving our rank.
Um, this is the highest rank you've ever achieved.
This is the rank.
You are right now.
So, um, I'm actually not even sure how this one got achieved.
This is a new account.
So it must have been like a really temporary rank, like, sometimes you might initially win a bunch of games in your rank will get really good, and then you'll actually finally settle at a certain number.
I'm gonna wait here.
This was a fluke.
Um, because actually, like we saw before, even when I uploaded this one, my rank was actually going up.
I think I hit like a 26 100 I think, before it started going down again.
So there's so much as to chance that, you know, temporarily you might hit a really high rank that you don't actually deserve, but over a long period of time, with the specific by like, you'll definitely have a more realistic rank.
Yeah, so I rank is improving.
Already at 1800 I should just keep refreshing.
We're doing very good.
So, yeah, we have dropped but, hon, by just simply going to a bunch of planets and traveling at a high rate of speed.
Okay, so he just made a couple edits and we've jumped a lot of ranks.
We might even be able to jump over 1000 ranks just with that change.
But we immediately conceive e.
There are things for us to improve.
Even in the games that we've we've won.
Um, we just have all these idols shifts that should be doing something that should either be mining in producing more ships or they should be attacking the other player.
So I think the next steps I would do is start to attack the enemy ships with our ships.
And when we do that, that means we can actually open up other planets.
And then we can basically steal that planet and begin to mine it ourselves.
So, like, all these ships could be attacking this guy, we could end the game.
But instead, we're always pretty much going to go to 300 steps unless we just happen to run into one of them.
So anyways, the next step I think we would take would be to start attacking other players.
So anyways, that's all for now.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, whatever feel free leaving below.