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My name is Ben Cabinet, and it is Thesent.
Unde of every is it?
It is the second of February, and it is Day two.
A quarantine in the world Day one Waas grand.
Absolutely no complaints, huh?
Everyone has just been so helpful.
All the arrow Park staff, all the n h s staff that are here now, Everyone that helped us to get here.
Everyone has just been so helpful.
And we're all so thankful for, um, we have a constant supply of food coming in.
I just had breakfast there.
Maybe an hour ago.
I took a video of it.
Um, we're not going hungry.
We're not bored.
We can socialize with each other if we want to have a game of pool yesterday.
Um, that was foot.
There was the road beyond in the six Nations in the communal area.
So all right.
And one that's good.
If anyone feels sick at any point, we can message through our phones and the doctor will come to our room on check us, see how we're doing.
As of right now, as far as I know, we're all healthy.
But I can't speak for everyone.
People can stay in their room for the entire two weeks if they want.
But like I said, you can go out and socialize to the communal area if you feel like it.
And what if you do?
You take the right precautions, you know you wear your mask.
And when I was playing who were wearing gloves as well, just so we don't touch anything by accident.
There are families here I just saw.
Just as I was getting some water there.
I saw one of one of the young kids.
He was just whacking balls back and forth on the pool table.
There are, I think, 11 more people on the way.
People that couldn't make the first flight are on the way now, Um, and then I think they'll join us.
So hopefully again.
Same story with them in the checked two weeks for them.
Well, they'll get out and we'll all be healthy and get back into the public.
As for the people who are still in my hand, my friends and people I know I can only hope that they still take the right precautions only go out were necessary and hopefully they'll be alright, too.
I'm sure, if I was still there, I'd be thinking the same thing.
You know, when you're in the situation, you don't.
You try your best not to panic.
So when you look at the situation from further afield, that might look worse.
Then it feels when you're in a boat, they're there.
They know how to cope on.
Let's hope they they're OK.
In the end, everyone here that's currently here and everyone that got us here, everyone did just such an amazing job.
I can't imagine how tired some of them where some of them flew over to Wuhan and then came back with us on that.
We just We're just so grateful we can't express how thankful we are.
I don't know.
I don't know how to repay that desk.
That's a huge thing to do.
And we're so thank.
Everyone has been fantastic.
Obviously, we could only bring 15 kg hand luggage with us, just basically a big bit of hand looking.
So this what I'm wearing right now is I've been giving it to me because I only have so many clothes in two weeks is a long time.
So they really do.
They They provided everything we need towels and toiletries and just so many things.
Every room is a TV for entertainment, just so we don't go and crazy.
But even then, if you do feel yourself getting a bit, you know, captain of you, where you can walk out, you go into there's a little courtyard.
The building is shaped like a V so you can go into the courtyard, just fresh air or cigarette or whatever you want.
So we're doing okay.
It's only day two, but so far it's been it's been fantastic.
I mean, everyone's been fantastic.
I mean, the situation isn't fantastic, but the way everyone's dealing with his has been fantastic.
People really are keeping themselves to themselves that you see fairly the same bunch, right?
Say maybe 20 in the communal area throughout the day.
No one's there.
All the everyone goes to the rooms, but it doesn't feel like there's 83 of us, you know.
You see, people come down to get food, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then they just kind of take it away and you don't see them again.
So people are being very cautious.
Some people are obviously I play pool so I'm not being as cautious as I can be.
But you know, you just now that you have the option to see other people in real life, you kind of want to take it.
But other people are being more cautious than me mother.
Other people are just staying in their rooms the entire time, and that's probably for the best.
You know, that's proper self isolation in quarantine.
So hopefully dare grand on.
At the end of the two weeks we're all ground.
We can all go out.
I was chatting yesterday about how we feel to be here on DDE.
In the other videos, I've always said I was in two minds about coming.
I feel like we made the correct decision bus.
Everyone here has left something behind, like I said, even if it's just a material thing.
But like I was there for two years, I know other people have been there for almost a decade or longer.
They have families, they have, you know, their entire lives were there.
So it's weird.
It's the weirdest thing is probably not knowing when we can go back to our lives.
But I think I can't speak very well, but I think we made the direct the correct decision to get out when we did.
Because when we were on the plane, the W H O declared the public out emergency.
So one of the questions people ask me is, Are the health professionals here worried about getting the virus?
If they are worried, they're not showing it at all.
By the way, I don't know if you can hear that.
They're just, uh, cleaning the outside of the building.
That's, um there you go.
Just get in the outside.
I've put the, uh that's not I thought maybe earlier.
That was because we're here.
But apparently that was just scheduled anyway, that that's not because of us.
Apparently, that was always gonna happen.
But yet someone asked me, How did the medical professionals how are they feeling about being with us?
You know, the people who are in who had on dhe, they like I said, they have been fantastic.
They have really been amazing.
They don't Nobody seems worried.
Obviously, everyone was wearing a mask and all the time, So we're all doing the right things to not spread it.
If any of the infected book.
Totally day, too.
No way to know how you have a boat.
I think we'll be okay.
Hopefully, Yeah.
I think that's all I have to save now.
Um, okay.
Thanks very much.
Just one final.
Thank you.
To everyone who has been messaging me personally and all the comments on YouTube.
Everyone has just been so friendly on another thank you.
To all the staff here, Arrow Park and the N H s.
And the cabin crew.
Just everyone there are.
We've encountered so many people in the last three days on that there's no way.
Thank you for what you've done.
But we are so thankful.
Thank you so much for everything you've done for us.
We really appreciate it in our time of need.
People really stepped up on dhe.
We're so thankful.
So thank you for that.