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- We're looking at one of the single canvases
from a series of canvases of the "Campbell's Soup Cans"
by Andy Warhol from 1962 at the Museum of Modern Art.
One of the really important questions that comes up
especially about modern art, is:
-When you ask me that,
a bunch of things surface in my brain.
It does evoke something in me,
so I'm inclined to say yes,
but then there's a bunch of other things
that say if I didn't see this in a museum;
if I just saw this in the marketing department of Cambell's Soup,
would you be viewing it differently?
- Because it's advertising then. (Yes)
But in the context of the museum,
or in the context of Andy Warhol's studio,
it's not quite advertising, right?
-Even if it's the exact same thing? (Yeah!)
And the idea here is, by putting it in the museum
and saying "look at this in a different way"?
-Well that's right. It really does relocate it.
It does change the meaning. It does transform it.
That's really one of the central ideas of modern art
is that you can take something
that's not necessarily based in technical skill
- because I don't think you would say that this is beautifully rendered -
but it relocates it and makes us think about it in a different way.
-So, I guess, he would get credit
for taking something that was very, almost mundane,
something you see in everyone's cupboard,
and making it a focal point.
Like, you should pay attention to this thing.
-I think that's exactly right.
And I think that he's doing it about a subject
that was about as low a subject as one could go.
I mean, cheap advertising art was so far away
from fine art, from the great masters,
and then to focus on something as lowly
as a can of soup
-- and cream of chicken, no less --
-And a lot of it is: if he did it 50 years earlier,
people would have thought this guy is a quack
and if he did it now,
people would think he's just derivative
and I mean it was really just that time where people
happened to think this was art.
-Well I think that that's right.
In 1962, what Warhol is doing is, he is saying:
It was about mass production, it was about factory,
he in a sense said: "Let's not be looking at nature..."
"...as if we were still an agrarian culture."...
..."We are now an industrial culture."...
"...What is the stuff of our visual world now?"
-I think I'm 80% there.
I remember in college
there was a little student-run art exhibit
and as a prank,
a student actually put a little podium there
and put his lunch tray.
He put a little plaquard next to it
"Lunch Tray on Saturday" or something
is what he called it. So he did it as a prank
and everyone thought it was really funny,
But to some degree it's kind of sounding like
maybe what he did was art?
-Well I think that's why it was so funny
because it was so close.
-And to some degree, when someone took a lunch tray,
and gave it proper lighting
and gave it a podium to look at
and wrote a whole description about it,
I did view the lunch tray in a different way.
That is kind of the same idea.
Something that is such a mundane thing, but you use it every day.
What would you say to that?
Is it a prank, or is it art?
-Well I think it is a prank,
but it is also very close to some important art
that had been made earlier in the century.
He had license to do that because of
somebody named Marcel Duchamp.
In fact, Warhol had, in a sense, the same kind of license,
to not focus on the making of something
not focus on the brushwork,
not focus on the composition,
not focus on the color,
but focus on the re-focusing of ideas.
-And the reason why we talk about Warhol
or Duchamp or any of these people
is that, as you said,
it's not like they did something technically profound.
Obviously Campbell's Soup's marketing department
had already done something as equally as profound,
it's more that they were the people
who looked at the world in a slightly different way
and highlighted that?
-I think that that's right.
Warhol was also very conciously working towards
asking the same questions
the prankster at your school was asking.
He's saying, "Can this be art?"
and in fact, he's really pushing it.
Look at the painting closely for a moment.
This is one of the last paintings
that he has actually painted.
He's really defined the calligraphy of this Campbell's.
He's really sort of rendered the reflection of the tin at the top.
But then he stopped.
He said, "I don't want to paint the fleur-de-lis."
You see those little fleur-de-lis down at the bottom?
He said, "I don't want to paint those."
So he actually had a little rubber stamp made of them
and placed them down mechanically.
What does that mean for an artist, then,
to say "I don't even want to bother to paint these..."
"... I'm just going to find a mechanical process to make this easier."?
Warhol is doing something which I think is important
which is reflecting the way we manufacture,
the way we construct our world.
Think about the things we surround ourselves with.
Almost everything was made in a factory.
Almost nothing is singular in the world anymore.
It's not a world where we would normally find beautiful.
-I don't know, sometimes I feel,
and correct me if I'm wrong,
that a decision was made that Warhol
was interesting or great,
and people will interpret his stuff to justify his greatness.
That, 'oh, look, he used a printer instead of drawing it'
which shows he was reflecting the industrial whatever
but then if he'd done the other way,
if he'd hand-drawn it, or hand-drawn it with his elbow
or you know, finger painted it or something
people would say "isn't this tremendous?"
..."You would normally see this thing printed by a machine..."
but now he did it with his hands!"
How much do you think that is the case?
Or do you think I'm just being cynical?
-Well, no, I think there's value in a certain degree of cynicism
and I think that in some ways,
what we're really talking about here is:
"what does it mean to be an Avant-Garde artist?"
What does it mean to change the language of art
and try to find ways that art relates to our historical moment
in some direct and authentic way?
-Maybe it's easy for me to say this
because I remember looking at this when I took 5th grade art class;
Andy Warhol and all that so now it seems almost not that unique.
But in '62 what I'm hearing is
that Warhol was really noteworthy
because he really did push people's thinking.
-I think that Warhol was looking for,
in 1962, a kind of subject matter
that was completely outside of the scope
that we could consider fine art.
One of his contemporaries, Roy Lichtenstein,
was asked what Pop Art was.
He said, "Well, we were looking for subject matter..."
"...that was so despicable, that was so low..."
"... that nobody could possibly believe..."
"... that it was really art."
And I think you are right.
I think now we look at it
and it's so much a part of our visual culture
that we immediatley accept it.
I think it's interesting to retrieve
just how shocking and radical that was.
-This is fascinating.
It seems like there is a lot of potential there.
That stuff that is pseudo-art made for other purposes,
for commerical purposes,
but if you kind of shine a light on it
in the way that a light has been shown on this, it does --
in your mind would that cross the barrier into being art?
--Well, you mentioned before
that if somebody was doing this now,
it would feel very derivative.
I think that that's right.
I think it underscores just how hard
it is to find in our culture now,
ways of making us see the world in new ways.