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  • That said, let's continue, and if you remember last time, we

  • ended up looking at this thing I called square roots bi.

  • This was using something called a bisection method, which is

  • related to something called binary search, which we'll see

  • lots more of later, to find square roots.

  • And the basic idea was that we had some sort of a line, and we

  • knew the answer was somewhere between this point

  • and this point.

  • The line is totally ordered.

  • And what that means, is that anything here is smaller

  • than anything to its right.

  • So the integers are totally ordered, the reals are totally

  • ordered, lots of things are, the rationals are

  • totally ordered.

  • And that idea was, we make a guess in the middle, we test it

  • so this is kind of a guess and check, and if the answer was

  • too big, then we knew that we should be looking over here.

  • If it was too small, we knew we should be looking over here,

  • and then we would repeat.

  • So this is very similar, this is a kind of recursive thinking

  • we talked about earlier, where we take our problem and we

  • make it smaller, we solve a smaller problem, et cetera.

  • All right.

  • So now, we've got it, I've got the code up for you.

  • I want you to notice the specifications to start.

  • We're assuming that x is greater than or equal to 0, and

  • epsilon is strictly greater than 0, and we're going to

  • return some value y such that y squared is within epsilon of x.

  • I'd last time talked about the two assert statements.

  • In some sense, strictly speaking they shouldn't be

  • necessary, because the fact that my specification starts

  • with an assumption, says, hey you, who might call square

  • root, make sure that the things you call me with

  • obey the assumption.

  • On the other hand, as I said, never trust a programmer

  • to do the right thing, so we're going to check it.

  • And just in case the assumptions are not true,

  • we're just going to stop dead in our tracks.

  • All right.

  • Then we're going to set low to-- low and high, and we're

  • going to perform exactly the process I talked about.

  • And along the way, I'm keeping track of how many iterations,

  • at the end I'll print how many iterations I took, before

  • I return the final guess.

  • All right, let's test it.

  • So one of the things I want you to observe here, is that

  • instead of sitting there and typing away a bunch of test

  • cases, I took the trouble to write a function, called

  • test bi in this case.

  • All right, so what that's doing, is it's taking the

  • things I would normally type, and putting them in a function,

  • which I can then call.

  • Why is that better than typing them?

  • Why was it worth creating a function to do this?

  • Pardon?


  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: Then I can I can use it again

  • and again and again.

  • Exactly.

  • By putting it in a function, if I find a bug and I change my

  • program, I can just run the function again.

  • The beauty of this is, it keeps me from getting lazy, and not

  • only testing my program and the thing that found the bug,

  • but in all the things that used to work.

  • We'll talk more about this later, but it often happens

  • that when you change your program to solve one problem,

  • you break it, and things that used to work don't work.

  • And so what you want to do, and again we'll come back to this

  • later in the term, is something called regression testing.

  • This has nothing to do with linear regression.

  • And that's basically trying to make sure our program has not

  • regressed, as to say, gone backwards in how well it works.

  • And so we always test it on everything.

  • All right?

  • So I've created this function, let's give it a shot

  • and see what happens.

  • We'll run test bi.

  • Whoops!

  • All right, well let's look at our answers.

  • I first tested it on the square root of

  • 4, and in one iteration it found

  • 2.

  • I like that answer.

  • I then tested it on the square root of

  • 9, and as I mentioned last time, I didn't find

  • 3.

  • I was not crushed.

  • You know, I was not really disappointed, it found

  • something close enough to

  • 3 that I'm happy.

  • All right.

  • I tried it on

  • 2, I surely didn't expect a precise and exact answer to

  • that, but I got something, and if you square this, you'll

  • find the answer kept pretty darn close to

  • 2.

  • I then tried it on 0.25 One quarter.

  • And what happened was not what I wanted.

  • As you'll see, it crashed.

  • It didn't really crash, it found an assert statement.

  • So if you look at the bottom of the function, you'll see that,

  • in fact, I checked for that.

  • I assert the counter is less than or equal to 0.

  • I'm checking that I didn't leave my program because

  • I didn't find an answer.

  • Well, this is a good thing, it's better than my program

  • running forever, but it's a bad thing because I don't have

  • it the square root of 0.25.

  • What went wrong here?

  • Well, let's think about it for a second.

  • You look like-- someone looks like they're dying

  • to give an answer.

  • No, you just scratching your head?

  • All right.

  • Remember, I said when we do a bisection method, we're

  • assuming the answer lies somewhere between the lower

  • bound and the upper bound.

  • Well, what is the square root of a quarter?

  • It is a half.

  • Well, what-- where did I tell my program to

  • look for an answer?

  • Between 0 and x.

  • So the problem was, the answer was over here somewhere, and so

  • I'm never going to find it cleverly searching in

  • this region, right?

  • So the basic idea was fine, but I failed to satisfy the initial

  • condition that the answer had to be between the lower

  • bound and the upper bound.

  • Right?

  • And why did I do that?

  • Because I forgot what happens when you look at fractions.

  • So what should I do?

  • Actually I lied, by the way, when I said the answer

  • was over there.

  • Where was the answer?

  • Somebody?

  • It was over here.

  • Because the square root of a quarter is not smaller than a

  • quarter, it's bigger than a quarter.

  • Right?

  • A half is strictly greater than a quarter.

  • So it wasn't on the region.

  • So how-- what's the fix?

  • Should be a pretty simple fix, in fact we should be able

  • to do it on the fly, here.

  • What should I change?

  • Do I need to change the lower bound?

  • Is the square root ever going to be less than 0?

  • Doesn't need to be, so, what should I do about

  • the upper bound here?

  • Oh, I could cheat and make, OK, the upper bound a half, but

  • that wouldn't be very honest.

  • What would be a good thing to do here?

  • Pardon?

  • I could square x, but maybe I should just do something

  • pretty simple here.

  • Suppose-- whoops.

  • Suppose I make it the max of x and 1.

  • Then if I'm looking for the square root of something

  • less than 1, I know it will be in my region, right?

  • All right, let's save this, and run it and see what happens.

  • Sure enough, it worked and, did we get-- we got the

  • right answer, 0.5 All right?

  • And by the way, I checked all of my previous ones,

  • and they work too.

  • All right.

  • Any questions about bisection search?

  • One of the things I want you to notice here is the number

  • iterations is certainly not constant.

  • Yeah, when I will looked at

  • 4, it was a nice number like 1,

  • 9 looked like it took me 18,

  • 2 took me 14, if we try some big numbers it

  • might take even longer.

  • These numbers are small, but sometimes when we look at

  • really harder problems, we got ourselves in a position where

  • we do care about the number of iterations, and we care

  • about something called the speed of convergence.

  • Bisection methods were known to the ancient Greeks, and it is

  • believed by many, even to the Babylonians.

  • And as I mentioned last time, this was the state of the

  • art until the 17th century.

  • At which point, things got better.

  • So, let's think about it, and let's think about what we're

  • actually doing when we solve this.

  • When we look for something like the square root of x, what

  • we're really doing, is solving an equation.

  • We're looking at the equation f of guess equals the

  • guess squared minus x.

  • Right, that's what that is equal to, and we're trying

  • to solve the equation that f of guess equals 0.

  • Looking for the root of this equation.

  • So if we looked at it pictorially, what we've got

  • here is, we're looking at f of x, I've plotted it here, and

  • we're asking where it crosses the x axis.

  • Sorry for the overloading of the word x.

  • And I'm looking here at 16.

  • Square root of 16, and my plot basically shows it crosses at

  • 4 and-- well, I think that's minus 4.

  • The perspective is tricky-- and so we're trying

  • to find the roots.

  • Now Isaac Newton and/or Joseph Raphson figured out how to do

  • this kind of thing for all differentiable functions.

  • Don't worry about what that means.

  • The basic idea is, you take a guess, and you -- whoops

  • -- and you find the tangent of that guess.

  • So let's say I guessed

  • 3.

  • I look for the tangent of the curve at

  • 3.

  • All right, so I've got the tangent, and then my next guess

  • is going to be where the tangent crosses the x axis.

  • So instead of dividing it in half, I'm using a different

  • method to find the next guess.

  • The utility of this relies upon the observation that, most of

  • the time-- and I want to emphasize this, most of the

  • time, that implies not all of the time-- the tangent line is

  • a good approximation to the curve for values

  • near the solution.

  • And therefore, the x intercept of the tangent will be closer

  • to the right answer than the current guess.

  • Is that always true, by the way?

  • Show me a place where that's not true, where the tangent

  • line will be really bad.

  • Yeah.

  • Suppose I choose it right down there, I guess 0.

  • Well, the tangent there will not even have an x intercept.

  • So I'm really going to be dead in the water.

  • This is the sort of thing that people who do

  • numerical programming worry about all the time.

  • And there are a lot of a little tricks they use to deal with

  • that, they'll perturb it a little bit, things like that.

  • You should not, at this point, be worrying about those things.

  • This method, interestingly enough, is actually the method

  • used in most hand calculators.

  • So if you've got a calculator that has a square root button,

  • it's actually in the calculator running Newton's method.

  • Now I know you thought it was going to do that thing you

  • learned in high school for finding square roots, which

  • I never could quite understand, but no.

  • It uses Newton's method to do it.

  • So how do we find the intercept of the tangent,

  • the x intercept?

  • Well this is where derivatives come in.

  • What we know is that the slope of the tangent is given by the

  • first derivative of the function f at the

  • point of the guess.

  • So the slope of the guess is the first derivative.

  • Right.

  • Which dy over dx.

  • Change in y divided by change in x.

  • So we can use some algebra, which I won't go through here,

  • and what we would find is that for square root, the

  • derivative, written f prime of the i'th guess is equal to two

  • times the i'th guess.

  • Well, should have left myself a little more

  • room, sorry about that.

  • All right?

  • You could work this out.

  • Right?

  • The derivative of the square root is not a

  • complicated thing.

  • Therefore, and here's the key thing we need to keep in mind,

  • we'll know that we can choose guess i plus 1 to be equal to

  • the old guess, guess i, minus whatever the value is of the

  • new guess-- of the old rather, the old guess-- divided

  • by twice the old guess.

  • All right, again this is straightforward kind of

  • algebraic manipulations to get here.

  • So let's look at an example.

  • Suppose we start looking for the square root

  • of 16 with the guess

  • 3.

  • What's the value of the function f of

  • 3?

  • Well, it's going to be, we looked at our function

  • there, guess squared,

  • 3 times

  • 3 is

  • 9 I think, minus 16, that's what x is in this case,

  • which equals minus 7.

  • That being the case, what's my next guess?

  • Well I start with my old guess, 3, minus f of my old guess,

  • which is minus 7, divided by twice my old guess, which is 6,

  • minus the minus, and I get as my new guess 4.1666

  • or thereabouts.

  • So you can see I've missed, but I am closer.

  • And then I would reiterate this process using that as

  • guess i, and do it again.

  • One way to think about this intuitively, if the derivative

  • is very large, the function is changing quickly, and therefore

  • we want to take small steps.

  • All right.

  • If the derivative is small, it's not changing, maybe want

  • to take a larger step, but let's not worry about

  • that, all right?

  • Does this method work all the time?

  • Well, we already saw no, if my initial guess is zero,

  • I don't get anywhere.

  • In fact, my program crashes because I end up trying to

  • divide by zero, a really bad thing.

  • Hint: if you implement Newton's method, do not

  • make your first guess zero.

  • All right, so let's look at the code for that.

  • All right so-- yeah, how do I get to the code for that?

  • That's interesting.

  • All right.

  • So we have that square root NR.

  • NR for Newton Raphson.

  • First thing I want you to observe is its specification is

  • identical to the specification of square root bi.

  • What that's telling me is that if you're a user of this, you

  • don't care how it's implemented, you

  • care what it does.

  • And therefore, it's fine that the specifications are

  • identical, in fact it's a good thing, so that means if someday

  • Professor Grimson invents something that's better than

  • Newton Raphson, we can all re-implement our square root

  • functions and none of the programs that use it will have

  • to change, as long as the specification is the same.

  • All right, so, not much to see about this.

  • As I said, the specifications is the same, same assertions,

  • and the-- it's basically the same program as the one we were

  • just looking at, but I'm starting with a different

  • guess, in this case x over

  • 2, well I'm going to, couple of different guesses we can start

  • with, we can experiment with different guesses and see

  • whether we get the same answer, and in fact, if we did, we

  • would see we didn't get this, we got different answers,

  • but correct answers.

  • Actually now, we'll just comment that out.

  • I'm going to compute the difference, just as I did on

  • the board, and off we'll go.

  • All right.

  • Now, let's try and compare these things.

  • And what we're going to look at is another procedure, you have

  • the code for these things on your handout so we won't worry,

  • don't need to show you the code, but let's look at how

  • we're going to test it.

  • I'm doing a little trick by the way, I'm using raw input in my

  • function here, as a just a way to stop the display.

  • This way I can torture you between tests by

  • asking you questions.

  • Making it stop.

  • All right, so, we'll try some things.

  • We'll see what it does.

  • Starting with that, well, let's look at some of

  • the things it will do.

  • Yeah, I'll save it..

  • It's a little bit annoying, but it makes the font bigger.

  • All right, so we've tested it, and we haven't tested it yet,

  • we have tested it but, we haven't seen it, well, you

  • know what I'm going to do?

  • I'm going to tort-- I'm going to make the font smaller

  • so we can see more.

  • Sorry about this.

  • Those of you in the back, feel free to move forward.

  • All right.

  • So we've got it, now let's test it.

  • So we're going to do here, we're going to

  • run compare methods.

  • Well we're seeing this famous computers are no damn good.

  • All right.

  • So we're going to try it on

  • 2, and at least we'll notice for

  • 2, that the bisection method took eight iterations, the

  • Newton Raphson only took three, so it was more efficient.

  • They came up with slightly different answers, but both

  • answers are within .01 which is what I gave it here

  • for epsilon, so we're OK.

  • So even though they have different answers, they both

  • satisfy the same specification, so we have no problem.

  • All right?

  • Try it again, just for fun.

  • I gave it here a different epsilon, and you'll note,

  • we get different answers.

  • Again, that's OK.

  • Notice here, when I asked for a more precise answer, bisection

  • took a lot more iterations, but Newton Raphson took only one

  • extra iteration to get that extra precision in the answer.

  • So we're sort of getting the notion that Newton Raphson

  • maybe is considerably better on harder problems.

  • Which, by the way, it is.

  • We'll make it an even harder problem, by making it looking

  • an even smaller epsilon, and again, what you'll see is,

  • Newton Raphson just crept up by one, didn't take it long, and

  • got the better answer, where bisection gets worse and worse.

  • So as you can see, as we escalate the problem

  • difficulty, the difference between the good method and the

  • not quite as good method gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

  • That's an important observation, and as we get to

  • the part of the course, we talk about computational complexity,

  • you'll see that what we really care about is not how efficient

  • the program is on easy problems, but how efficient it

  • is on hard problems.

  • All right.

  • Look at another example.

  • All right, here I gave it a big number, 123456789.

  • And again, I don't want to bore you, but you can see what's

  • going on here with this trend.

  • So here's an interesting question.

  • You may notice that it's always printing out the

  • same number of digits.

  • Why should this be?

  • If you look at it here, what's going on?

  • Something very peculiar is happening here.

  • We're looking at it, and we're getting some funny answers.

  • This gets back to what I talked about before, about some of the

  • precision of floating point numbers.

  • And the thing I'm trying to drive home to you here is

  • perhaps the most important lesson we'll talk

  • about all semester.

  • Which is, answers can be wrong.

  • People tend to think, because the computer says it's

  • so, it must be so.

  • That the computer is-- speaks for God.

  • And therefore it's infallible.

  • Maybe it speaks for the Pope.

  • It speaks for something that's infallible.

  • But in fact, it is not.

  • And so, something I find myself repeating over and over again

  • to myself, to my graduate students, is, when you get an

  • answer from the computer, always ask yourself,

  • why do I believe it?

  • Do I think it's the right answer?

  • Because it isn't necessarily.

  • So if we look at what we've got here, we've got something

  • rather peculiar, right?

  • What's peculiar about what this computer is now

  • printing for us?

  • Why should I be really suspicious about what I

  • see in the screen here?


  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: Well, not only is it different, it's

  • really different, right?

  • If it were just a little bit different, I could say, all

  • right, I have a different approximation.

  • But when it's this different, something is wrong.

  • Right?

  • We'll, later in the term when we get to more detailed

  • numerical things, look at what's wrong.

  • You can run into issues of things like overflow,

  • underflow, with floating point numbers, and when you see a

  • whole bunches of ones, it's particularly a good

  • time to be suspicious.

  • Anyway the only point I'm making here is, paranoia

  • is a healthy human trait.

  • All right.

  • We can look at some other things which will work better.

  • And we'll now move on.

  • OK.

  • So we've looked at how to solve square root we've, looked at

  • two problems, I've tried to instill in you this sense of

  • paranoia which is so valuable, and now we're going to pull

  • back and return to something much simpler than numbers,

  • and that's Python.

  • All right?

  • Numbers are hard.

  • That's why we teach whole semesters worth of courses

  • in number theory.

  • Python it's easy, which is why we do it in about four weeks.

  • All right.

  • I want to return to some non-scalar types.

  • So we've been looking, the last couple of lectures, at floating

  • point numbers and integers.

  • We've looked so far really at two non-scalar types.

  • And those were tuples written with parentheses, and strings.

  • The key thing about both of them is that they

  • were immutable.

  • And I responded to at least one email about this issue, someone

  • quite correctly said tuple are immutable, how can

  • I change one?

  • My answer is, you can't change one, but you can create a new

  • one that is almost like the old one but different

  • in a little bit.

  • Well now we're going to talk about some mutable types.

  • Things you can change.

  • And we're going to start with one that you, many of you, have

  • already bumped into, perhaps by accident, which are lists.

  • Lists differ from strings in two ways; one way is that it's

  • mutable, the other way is that the values need not

  • be characters.

  • They can be numbers, they can be characters, they

  • can be strings, they can even be other lists.

  • So let's look at some examples here.

  • What we'll do, is we'll work on two boards at once.

  • So I could write a statement like, techs, a variable, is

  • equal to the list, written with the square brace, not a

  • parenthesis, MIT, Cal Tech, closed brace.

  • What that basically does, is it takes the variable techs, and

  • it now makes it point to a list with two items in it.

  • One is the string MIT and one is the string Cal Tech.

  • So let's look at it.

  • And we'll now run another little test program, show

  • lists, and I printed it, and it prints the list MIT, Cal Tech.

  • Now suppose I introduce a new variable, we'll call it ivys,

  • and we say that is equal to the list Harvard, Yale, Brown.

  • Three of the ivy league colleges.

  • What that does is, I have a new variable, ivys, and it's now

  • pointing to another, what we call object, in Python and

  • Java, and many other languages, think of these things that are

  • sitting there in memory somewhere as objects.

  • And I won't write it all out, I'll just write it's got

  • Harvard as one in it, and then it's got Yale, and

  • then it's got Brown.

  • And I can now print ivys.

  • And it sure enough prints what we expected it to print.

  • Now, let's say I have univs, for universities,

  • equals the empty list.

  • That would create something over here called univs, another

  • variable, and it will point to the list, an object that

  • contains nothing in it.

  • This is not the same as none.

  • It's it does have a value, it just happens to be the list

  • that has nothing in it.

  • And the next thing I'm going to write is univs dot append tex.

  • What is this going to do?

  • It's going to take this list and add to it something else.

  • Let's look at the code.

  • I'm going to print it, and let's see what it prints.

  • It's kind of interesting.

  • Whoops.

  • Why did it do that?

  • That's not what I expected.

  • It's going to print that.

  • The reason it printed that is I accidentally had my finger on

  • the control key, which said print the last thing you had.

  • Why does it start with square braced square brace?

  • I take it-- yes, go ahead.

  • STUDENT: So you're adding a list to a list?

  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: So I'm adding a list to a list.

  • What have I-- what I've appended to the empty list

  • is not the elements MIT and Cal Tech but the list that

  • contains those elements.

  • So I've appended this whole object.

  • Since that object is itself a list, what I

  • get is a list of lists.

  • Now I should mention this notation here append is what

  • is in Python called a method.

  • Now we'll hear lots more about methods when we get to classes

  • and inheritance, but really, a method is just a fancy word

  • for a function with different syntax.

  • Think of this as a function that takes two arguments, the

  • first of which is univs and the second of which is techs.

  • And this is just a different syntax for writing

  • that function call.

  • Later in the term, we'll see why we have this syntax and why

  • it wasn't just a totally arbitrary brain-dead decision

  • by the designers of Python, and many languages before Python,

  • but in fact is a pretty sensible thing.

  • But for now, think of this as just another way to

  • write a function call.

  • All right, people with me so far?

  • Now let's say we wanted as the next thing we'll do,

  • is we're going to append the ivys to univ.

  • Stick another list on it.

  • All right.

  • So we'll do that, and now we get MIT, Cal Tech, followed

  • by that list followed by the list Harvard, Yale, Brown.

  • So now we have a list containing two lists.

  • What are we going to try next?

  • Well just to see what we know what we're doing, let's

  • look at this code here.

  • I've written a little for loop, which is going to iterate over

  • all of the elements in the list.

  • So remember, before we wrote things like for i in range 10,

  • which iterated over a list or tuple of numbers, here you can

  • iterate over any list, and so we're going to just going to

  • take the list called univs and iterate over it.

  • So the first thing we'll do is, we'll print the element, in

  • this case it will be a list, right?

  • Because it's a list with two lists in it.

  • Then the next thing in the loop, we're going to enter a

  • nested loop, and say for every college in the list e,

  • we're going to print the name of the college.

  • So now if we look what we get-- do you not want to try and

  • execute that?-- it'll first print the list containing

  • MIT and Cal Tech, and then separately the strings MIT and

  • Cal Tech, and then the list containing Harvard, Yale, and

  • Brown, and then the strings Harvard, Yale, and Brown.

  • So we're beginning to see this is a pretty powerful notion,

  • these lists, and that we can do a lot of interesting

  • things with them.

  • Suppose I don't want all of this structure, and I

  • want to do what's called flattening the list.

  • Well I can do that by, instead of using the method append, use

  • the concatenation operator.

  • So I can concatenate techs plus ivys and assign that result to

  • univs, and then when I print it you'll notice I just get

  • a list of five strings.

  • So plus and append do very different things.

  • Append sticks the list on the end of the list,

  • append flattens it, one level of course.

  • If I had lists of lists of lists, then it would only take

  • out the first level of it.

  • OK, very quiet here.

  • Any questions about any of this?

  • All right.

  • Because we're about to get to the hard part Sigh.

  • All right.

  • Let's look at the-- well, suppose I want to,

  • quite understandably, eliminate Harvard.

  • All right, I then get down here, where I'm

  • going to remove it.

  • So this is again another method, this is remove, takes

  • two arguments, the first is ivys, the second is

  • the string Harvard.

  • It's going to search through the list until the first time

  • it finds Harvard and then it's going to yank it away.

  • So what happened here?

  • Did I jump to the wrong place?

  • STUDENT: You hit two returns.

  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: I hit two returns.

  • Pardon?

  • STUDENT: You hit two returns.

  • One was at

  • STUDENT: Pardo


  • STUDENT: No, up one.


  • STUDENT: Right.

  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: But why is Harvard there?

  • STUDENT: I'm sorry, I didn't write it down.

  • PROFESSOR JOHN GUTTAG: Let's look at it again.

  • All right, it's time to interrupt the world, and we'll

  • just type into the shell.

  • Let's see what we get here.

  • All right, so let's just see what we got, we'll print univs.

  • Nope, not defined.

  • All right, well let's do a list equals, and we'll put some

  • interesting things in it, we'll put a number in it, because we

  • can put a number, we'll put MIT in it, because we can put

  • strings, we'll put another number in it, 3.3, because we

  • can put floating points, we can put all sorts of

  • things in this list.

  • We can put a list in the list again, as we've seen before.

  • So let's put the list containing the string a, and

  • I'll print out, so now we see something pretty interesting

  • about a list, that we can mix up all sorts of things

  • in it, and that's OK.

  • You'll notice I have the string with the number 1, a string

  • with MIT, and then it just a plain old number, not a string,

  • again it didn't quite give me 3.3 for reasons we've talked

  • before, and now it in the list a.

  • So, suppose I want to remove something.

  • What should we try and remove from this list?

  • Anybody want to vote?

  • Pardon?

  • All right, someone wants to remove MIT.

  • Sad but true.

  • Now what do we get if we print l?

  • MIT is gone.

  • How do I talk about the different pieces of l?

  • Well I can do this. l sub 0-- whoops-- will give me the first

  • element of the list, just as we could do with strings, and I

  • can look at l sub minus 1 to get the last element of the

  • list, so I can do all the strings, all the things that

  • I could do with strings.

  • It's extremely powerful, but what we haven't

  • seen yet is mutation.

  • Well, we have seen mutation, right?

  • Because notice that what remove did, it was it actually

  • changed the list.

  • Didn't create a new list.

  • The old l is still there, but it's different

  • than it used to be.

  • So this is very different from what we did with slicing, where

  • we got a new copy of something.

  • Here we took the old one and we just changed it.

  • On Thursday, we'll look at why that allows you to do lots of

  • things more conveniently than you can do without mutation.

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A2 初級

Lec 6 | 麻省理工學院6.00計算機科學與程序設計導論,2008年秋季。 (Lec 6 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008)

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    Jason 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日