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  • So there's a difference between active cooling and passive cooling. Passive cooling is what

  • we normally see inside of smartphones, like copper heat pipes or thermal paste...stuff

  • that just allows the heat to flow or passively transfer from one place to another. Active

  • cooling systems, on the other hand, use energy to cool something down. This Black Shark 3

  • Pro gaming phone supposedly has quite a bit of both and I think we should test them out.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • So all of the passive cooling, like I mentioned, is going to be inside of the phone with the

  • double heat pipes and all that. But here on the outside we can start checking out the

  • active cooling. This little package can supposedly get colder than ambient room temperatures,

  • but there's only one way to find out for sure.

  • Starting off we can see that right now the temperature is in the high 70s. As soon as

  • I plug it in, the fan turns on and the multicolored LEDs start flashing, which of course always

  • boosts HP FPS and the LOS of your HUD deterring an RPG, if you know what I mean. Within 30

  • seconds of plugging in the Black Shark fan, already the temperature is magically dropping

  • to the low 50s. I'll set it down for a second and let it cool off some more. And we can

  • check out the other cool thing about this phone.

  • We've seen pop-up cameras before, but what about pop-up buttons? 43 degrees. The Black

  • Shark Pro has two motorized pop-up buttons, one at each end of the phone when you're holding

  • it horizontally. They motor on up out of the phone and can be programmed as if you were

  • physically touching any point on the screen. This video isn't sponsored by Black Shark

  • or Hill Climb in any way, I just think it's super cool. The pop-up buttons can supposedly

  • support rising out of the phone 300,000 times and can be used as a clicky button for more

  • than a million times. That's quite a lot of gaming.

  • Our active cooler is now down to 34 degrees which is pretty crazy. That's as cold as it

  • gets inside of a household refrigerator. We're definitely off to a good start with this guy.

  • The little mount expands to clamp on the exterior of the phone, and probably would work with

  • more phones besides just this one. And that cold surface of the active cooler can wick

  • away the heat from the phone on a much larger scale than passive cooling could accomplish

  • all by itself. Especially if it's located right on top of the processor which might

  • be here dead center in the middle of the phone. Now obviously I'm curious as to how this works

  • and you are too, or else we both wouldn't be here....together...separately. So let's

  • see what makes this thing tick.

  • There are 3 screws inside of the fan, and then another two screws on both sides next

  • to the expandable legs. There's a super thin rubber coating glued down over the massive

  • copper heat sink, probably to protect the glass of the phone as they're clamped together.

  • So far I'm pretty impressed with this thing. It's definitely not designed to come apart,

  • but after a little aggressive persuasion we can finally see the insides.

  • A large slab of copper with a temperature sensor on top. This temperature sensor communicates

  • with the phone so you can physically see the temperature of the cooler while it's running.

  • Six more screws hold the fan shroud to the base of the cooler, and this is where things

  • start to get interesting. The entire middle chunk is made from metal. Each single one

  • of these little fins is acting like a heat sink for the top half of the cooler. And you

  • might think that this heat sink is for the phone, but it's actually for the white square

  • we saw underneath. This white square is a thermoelectric cooler. It's a solid state

  • active cooler that uses electricity to create a temperature difference between two conductors.

  • As one side is getting colder, it's pulling the heat away and the heat has to go somewhere

  • so the other side of the white pad gets ridiculously hot and that's why the metal heat sink has

  • to be so large. As long as the cool side of the electric cooler is against the phone,

  • it should work very well at removing heat. We'll have to check out that internal processor

  • placement during the teardown.

  • Now though, I think we should continue the durability test. Black Shark does make some

  • of the more inexpensive gaming phones compared to the more expensive guys like Razr and ROG.

  • Fun fact: sometimes the screens of smartphones are also used to dissipate heat since usually

  • they're pretty thin and right next to the metal frame. Lucky for us the Black Shark

  • 3 Pro starts seeing scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7. So far,

  • so good.

  • There's 120 megapixel front facing camera up here in the top bezel, along with the top

  • front facing stereo speaker. There's a plastic grill up here covering the earpiece, but it

  • looks like it won't ever be falling out on its own. We have another plastic grill down

  • here at the bottom for the other front facing stereo speaker. No complaints yet.

  • The sides of the phone are made from metal, along with the dedicated gaming button slider

  • which puts you in a 'do not disturb' mode for playing solitaire or whatever the kids

  • are playing these days. Am I out of touch? I think we can all agree though that there

  • is no more Pokemon Go until this corona thing is over. The raising side buttons are made

  • from plastic, on the top at least. I'm looking forward to the teardown to see how these work

  • from the inside. And what is this? A gaming phone with the headphone jack? I guess if

  • an audience is loud enough, Black Shark does listen. And here it is again....back. The

  • headphone jack. Thumbs up for that.

  • On the far side we have the volume rocker and SIM card tray. There is no water ingress

  • protection rating on this phone, and it also does not have expandable memory. There is

  • USB-C charging at the bottom that's capable of 65 watt fast charging, which I think is

  • one of the more powerful chargers we've ever seen. No gaming phone is complete though without

  • a light-up logo on the back, and the glass is also textured. None of that smooth slippery

  • business. The glass portion of this phone doesn't actually even cover the whole back

  • panel.

  • There are three sections of glass bracketed by portions of metal frame. Super strange

  • design which is going to make the teardown all the more complicated. The

  • top triangular piece of glass here has three cameras inside. A 64 megapixel main camera,

  • a 13 megapixel ultra-wide, and a 5 megapixel depth camera. Personally I would have exchanged

  • that depth camera for a telephoto, but that's just me. There's only one flash. Then down

  • here at the bottom we have an attachment point for accessories, like a magnetic wireless

  • charger.

  • Now normally I do a fingerprint scanner scratch test to make sure the fingerprint scanner

  • can handle a bit of abuse. But with this Black Shark 3 Pro, I would almost be finished registering

  • my fingerprint and then it would quit. And this happened three times in a row. So at

  • least on my unit, the optical underscreen fingerprint scanner is unreliable, even without

  • any damage done to the surface of the glass.

  • Now the Black Shark 3 Pro is a pretty big phone. It's got a 7.1 inch 1440p AMOLED display,

  • with a 90 Hertz refresh rate, which is quite a bit faster than a normal non-gaming phone.

  • It makes calculating those Angry Bird trajectories all the quicker. Once again, I am unsure as

  • to what games kids are playing these days. The screen did last about 30 seconds under

  • the heat from my lighter, and then did not recover. There is now a permanent white mark

  • in the center of the screen. So if you're ever sanitizing your phone, you're fine to

  • use alcohol wipes or Clorox wipes, but definitely not flame. It took us 6 years and hundreds

  • of phones and a worldwide pandemic, but we finally almost found a reason for the burn

  • test.

  • And now for the bend test. I would guess that gaming phones probably get abused a bit more

  • than regular smartphones. But no matter what direction pressure gets applied to this phone,

  • from the front or the back, it remains solid. Probably in large part thanks to that massive

  • metal structure across the backside. I'm pretty impressed. This phone has a lot of things

  • going for it. Unsure if they will ever be sold here in the United States. But that active

  • cooling system and motorized buttons are just icing on the cake for an already pretty cool

  • smartphone. It'll be fun to see what Black Shark comes up with again next year. What

  • do you think the ultimate gaming smartphone should have? Let me know down in the comments.

  • Hit that subscribe button if you haven't already so you don't miss the teardown. And come be

  • socially distant with me on Instagram and Twitter. Thanks a ton for watching. I'll see

  • you around.

So there's a difference between active cooling and passive cooling. Passive cooling is what


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彈出式按鈕和主動冷卻?- 黑鯊3專業版耐用性測試! (Pop-Up Buttons AND Active Cooling?! - Black Shark 3 Pro Durability Test!)

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