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Hey, welcome back to pine Crafts, where today we are going to complete a skeleton farm.
Andi, In doing so, we need some dogs.
So finally, after you guys commenting all the time.
Please, God, I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna tame a dog.
Actually, I'm gonna take four.
Then I'm going to stick them in mine carts and make them do my dirty work.
That's right.
It's gonna happen today.
I think I've got everything that you need for this skeleton farm already.
I just need to end a bus there.
Actually, I don't.
I need toe.
I need to do these bup up, up, up, up, up.
Six of these share them all.
Which I did not know give you pumpkin seeds.
I need them to be jackal.
Anton's Did I do this correctly?
Chop these bad boys up with the old silk touch on.
Then if I put them with torches.
123456 Did I do this wrong?
I think I did this wrong.
Uh, Jack?
Oh, no.
You have to put them underneath.
Okay, that makes sense.
Six of these, please, sir.
Thank you for 24 pumpkin seeds From that as Well, that's pretty cool.
All right.
This is the last set of things I need to be able to make this, except I do need one more.
A bucket of water.
And then we are out of here in June.
Last time.
Why, though, took it.
It started so aggressive.
Last time.
We What did we do?
I completely forgot.
Oh, yeah, We found a dungeon.
And then we tested this, which is my my llama fling her offer, and then we bred llamas.
A cz Well, and it turns out, are they grew up?
They all grew up.
That reminds me in Credit Lama.
Incredible arm of the second.
I need to give you a light gray carpet for you to take after your father.
This must happen right now.
Here we go.
I'm of the seconds.
Does not want to be touched at all.
So I have to tame it.
Is that what's going on here?
Don't freak out.
You're gonna lead.
Please don't break it.
I don't lose you as well.
You will love may love me like I love your father.
Hey, there we go.
Now you will take this gift from me to regret.
Alaba's Let's Go Skinny is like, What are you doing?
Why do you duplicate everyone?
I duplicate skinny twice now adjudicating credit lama.
But last time that these guys did a little experiment.
If you didn't go and see it deftly check it out.
They fell from a great height and survived.
It's pretty pretty magical, actually.
We need to head over here now because we need to go and make this skeleton farm.
And the reason I want this is because I want to make a tree.
Farmers Well, because just for the hoppers for this I needed, like, 16 chests.
That's a lot of that's a lot of words.
So I wanna combine a skeleton farm, which gives us the bone meal to then give us a a tree farm, which should be good.
Then we can have a word in the world because I live in a desert.
I have to travel to get the wood.
It's just something I don't want to do.
I want to get lazy and Minecraft, please.
Oh, I repaired the pick as well.
This literally went from almost dead Thio this much repaired with one single piece of Di.
Taken out of one furnace, The X p machine is so good.
The dig, on the other hand, ain't looking too hot.
I should have repaired you too.
I'm sorry.
I've neglected you.
Here we go.
Ah, You ready?
There is a creeper down here.
What are you doing down here?
Friends, We don't need any more friends.
Go away Only for target practice.
We need friends for right.
Last time we dug out this nine by nine a hole, which is exactly what we needed to do.
Now we'll be following another tutorial today because people that make tutorials are legends on.
Today's legend is Nim's TV has made this really cool skeleton farm and we are going to copy it today.
I think we need to be down here for this part.
We done nine by nine, and that is from there.
So 123456789 Now we need to dig somewhere else.
So we need to dio seven blocks down.
Apparently so one, actually two blocks down, seven across.
So 12 one Uh, are you serious?
It spawned a bedrock.
Ah, Why is this even gonna work now?
that's so annoying.
123456 And then seven.
Will this work?
I'm kind of hoping this will just work, because that that sucks right there.
Bedrock of all things that needs to be here.
I can't believe it.
I think we're gonna be fine.
This is just where the skeletons are gonna flow down.
So we just need to make sure that if this is flat, they can still travel.
I'm hoping this is gonna be fine, because I think we then shoot them up through like a, um, through what we've got in the front of my castle like a water elevator.
So we should be okay, So 1234567 And then we need to go 32 blocks up.
36 which is 30 a.
M totals.
This is 1234 567 What was it gonna need to go out?
This side is I don't want it to get to Harry up here.
So this is what is the wire on here?
This is five.
So 38 plus five is 43 right?
I'm pretty sure means go up to 43 41 42 43.
This right here that we're standing on is 43.
Yeah, that's a deep hole.
Now I need to make sure that the spoiler is in front of us.
And I'm pretty sure it's this way and we need to do.
Ah, two by 16.
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 60.
And at the end of here, we need to go down 24 five blocks.
I think so.
We need to be so careful with this.
I think it's 25 here.
There we go.
That's a pretty dark hole.
If something falls down here, by the way, I am so dead.
So I think the next bit needs to be How?
What does it need to be?
I'm so confused.
I think it would be five in each direction.
So 123451234512 Oh, great!
This is fantastic.
I'm so pleased.
This is Is this where it's supposed to be?
I'm really close to where I was before.
Oh, that's strike to start dismantling this, I'm afraid a love you all you blocks or in the way.
So this room needs to be five high.
But it's basically from this point where the hole you dug down from it needs to be five in each direction, including gang rid of these corners.
So these needs to look like this.
And then it has to be five on each side.
So if that makes sense, but also needs to be five up.
So hopefully we don't have anything nasty up here.
Looks like we might be cleans.
Let me dig this out, and I'll be back with you guys in the seconds.
But what you do want to do is you want to leave this tunnel here.
So this tunnel was gonna be where the skeleton this fall down.
I probably need to leave that open.
So that the skeletons, I guess, get stuck there.
I'm not 100% sure why, but I'm sure we'll find out.
Look at this mess.
I think we've done it, though.
This is five high 12345 So that is five high, which is goods.
And this is the tunnel that you think the scallop bones are gonna fall down.
Luckily, nothing else has fallen down here yet.
So we no need to find the place that is facing the skeletons border, which is right here.
That means to cover that bad boy back up.
And we need to go back three blocks.
So right here.
So dig down for six or so, I think.
Includes this one too.
3456 This.
I think this is right.
I'm gonna put some gonna put some courts blocks there.
Oh, quick.
But they need to do for the size of 1234 And this is happening.
Just because we've already dug this bit out, Just talk a little bit far.
No biggie.
1234 Sweet.
Then we need to dig out 6123 Cool.
56 Okay, that should give us the room.
That is big enough.
And six on this side to 123456 19.
Be careful, because there is definitely some live around here somewhere.
I can hear it, and I don't want to meet it.
Okay, there we go.
We need to take out this other big, sweet ovary.
This is going well, so far I feel like it's going well.
The pick is holding up a CZ.
Well, he's doing all right.
Let's go up.
Five a cz.
Well, so that's just 21234 fives That brings us just underneath.
I kind of makes sense because he's gonna be the sorting system underneath.
She need to solve all the rubbish from all the stuff that you actually what?
Which makes sense now Way didn't get told to bring any ladders with us.
I don't think so.
I'm a little bit stuck down here.
I need to get back up there.
I was going to note poulet I'm gonna do it.
I should get down here later because we need to start placing things they're gonna house are wolves.
That's right, our wolves and it starts up here, so I need quartz blocks on Tom and I got so much trash in my inventory.
Now I also need these powered rails as well.
So I need to do this and then the easy this side and then rails have to be going sideways.
And the way you do that is by no, I broke the floor and the way you do that is by putting down your rails.
So you put it down to go sideways, put one next to it, and then just break it.
And then you could get it going the right way.
That means get rid of this, and then we can put down that which I think has to go sideways.
When we put down this two more slabs, get rid of the middle one and then this.
So this is where our wolves are gonna go?
That's right.
Our wolves are gonna go here because they're going to be the ones that are actually killing the skeletons, which is kind of cool.
Actually, it's a red stone up next.
This is gonna be fun.
We need to put blocks here.
I'm using quartz because it looks clean.
But I'm apart from that.
We need to do.
I think it's like this.
Is this right?
I think it is ever go enough.
I think I've got enough.
And then we need to do the Jackal.
Anton's, which is somewhere in here, which I think oh above.
So I'm gonna do this and then this.
That should work on their space above and do that on every single corner and the reason for these?
I didn't actually know this, but I need them for light.
Obviously exude on anything else.
Morning in this room, but apparently Redstone current comm pass through these.
So it's a source of lights to make this machine super compact, but also a way to make sure that you can get Redstone through because they're obviously does not work with a normal torch.
This is where it's going to get super sketchy.
This is where I need to start doing some red store, my friends, I need to grab for these way and these way I need to grab some repeaters.
That's right, I'm doing repeats is right now we need to do one tick repeated here Redstone here and then two more repeaters here at one tick each.
So that means that you haven't touched them whatsoever, that we need to turn around this side and put a red stone torch which I've got in here somewhere.
Let's put that there.
Then we need to four tick repeaters.
So 1234 in total and then four again, which should power this and this is restaurant.
I like to do because on the other side.
We just need to put four Tikrit beaters just like this as long as they are the right way round spoon.
And that should power those up because the Redstone current passes through the ah, I was gonna say pineapple, I meant pumpkin.
Now he needs, I think he said 31 tick repeats is one.
Okay, 123 And that's pretty much complete.
I think if we get rid of how many can we get rid of just the one.
You get rid of one layer of this tunnel here.
I need to be careful.
My pickaxe is really good.
Look at that.
It's kind of, like glowing at a certain rate.
And I'm guessing this is gonna be behind the mechanism That helps us to actually create this this machine.
And now I think we go ahead and do this Red Stone all the way around into this.
Repeat, sir.
And then there.
I think that works.
Did that still turn off?
It still does sign.
I think that's what it's supposed to do.
So now we're gonna see if we actually did this correctly.
We need four iron doors, trap doors, even and they're gonna go like this on.
Hopefully they activate.
There we go.
They activate in deactivate as we go.
Okay, that works.
I think that's what that's players to do.
I did something.
I get the camera.
Get the Carol quick.
So this is going to be where the skeletons drop.
And now we can go into this room and start building the sorting system.
It's gonna be interesting, because I've never done one of these before.
Successfully, Right.
And a chest you're gonna need to provide me with.
I think three levers for this first bit.
We need to come down one block like this, I think, make it a two by three platform and then back on it like that.
I think you could touch the ceiling.
Yeah, I can.
And then we need 123 Bam, bam, bam!
You have to turn these levers on.
Now we need to come round to the front of it, extend to and then across and down one.
I'm pretty sure that's how you do it.
This is boggling.
This advanced Minecraft science right now, even more than the bedrock starts, okay, Never mind these just placeholders We just need this This block right here.
My best friends are love poppers.
We're gonna have to grab those right now.
I've got 13 of these bad boys right now, and I need to put nine of them down.
So I need to put them, I think on top of here, yeah, he's got like, this and then they need to go into each other.
So let's just shell real quick and make sure we do this properly.
So fire along this way.
That's not how you do it.
Five along this way.
And then I think sideways.
And then the rest go along here.
So that's nine in total.
Five and four quick maths.
Then we need some more powered Railsback go up to here.
I tried everything.
This is right.
Yet we need to put three solid blocks.
Otherwise these air going to chain and we don't want them to chain.
I don't think so.
Okay, that one completely wrong how you make them do that?
Bam, bam!
Bam goes this way And then we need it like this.
How do I make it not turn sideways?
How is that a thing?
I could do it like this.
They just go the other way around.
What is this?
What is this?
Why is this happening if I turn this round?
Actually, I think I need to make sure the rails of the other way around.
So if I do this and they will go the other way, I need to turn this whole machine around, which is gonna be phenomenal.
Okay, I believed I have turned this round correctly.
So this is gonna be whether five hoppers go, and you probably should test if you're making this yourself.
Which way your rails go first, just in case you come across the same issue is me.
Now we should be able to get this to work.
Don't forget the blocks, the other side's but but But then you go.
But But But remember, the levers is well, and he's going this underside here and switch them on.
And that should give you Yeah, there we go.
And then we need to grab the mind cuts coming up.
These only to be the hopper variance.
A cz Well, here we go.
The amount of copper mine carts I've had two builds in this so far are insane.
Look at him.
Let him go.
Next up, Jack.
O'Lantern We need a jack o lantern right under this bad boy right here.
I'm pretty sure Jacqueline to the right, and then the solid blocks, whatever you choose on top.
And we need competitors.
I've never used comparative.
Was either one there one there.
This is a ll for the sorting system, by the way.
So really, this is just to make sure that everything you do after you've killed the skeletons I guess it just makes your life easier afterwards.
Sorts the items for years.
You know what?
Your grab in everything is pre sorted, which is great.
I need to learn how to make these normally then Maur repeaters.
So I have some anywhere.
Here we go.
Last two repeaters.
That's good news to me.
Bash those into their then blocks above on dhe behind it.
So it looks like this.
They need to have some red stone dust on them.
Look at this.
Did you ever think a year ago Dante and me would be making Redstone contraptions like this?
I didn't think so.
Why did either?
Then we need Redstone torches grab me two of these one on each side of the pumpkin.
Then I think we do solid blocks here and then grab suit.
Chefs, plop them straight on top.
I think this is where the sorters are gonna end up being.
I think I made this room too small.
So let me just open it out a little bit more orgies.
No, no, you stay back.
Why are you here?
You terrorized me.
Stop it.
Just give myself a little bit more room.
It's a bit too cozy in here.
We don't actually need these blocks here, so I'm gonna take those out.
They're just kind of like dummy blocks.
Then we need our last two hoppers as expensive as they were to be feeding into the back of these chests.
So you still following on?
Hope so because me myself, I'm still pretty lost.
Hopefully I've worked this out correctly.
So next bits, we need to do what you bring out materials, which is a good sign.
Now, this apparently to do with anything that's over flow again.
I am not the Redstone master here.
This is a lot to do of Nimes.
I'm just you know what the main skeleton, but I think is pretty simple.
Actually, there's that little bit of restaurant up top, but I think that's pretty simple.
It's sorting systems that are complicated.
One day I will understand this, but it doesn't look too complicated.
Actually, I'll explain how it works when it's done.
And also I'll give you a walk around so you could build this.
Ah, homos.
Well, we need to grab some more of our quartz.
And apparently we need Thio not build that.
There is but one behind on up like this and one here.
So it's like a U shape with the one on the front.
Oh, and this is, like, really easy.
I like this.
I need to do this.
Actually, I need to do this for my my die.
So we just put a dropper into lava.
That's pretty much all is.
Everything else goes in here, so hopefully we have built this machine correctly.
Otherwise, we're gonna be dropping all of our items into lava, which doesn't sound fun.
More solid blocks are needed for this next section.
As began, even war tight for space.
I think we're actually one too far over, which is not ideal.
To be honest, we're gonna try it anyway.
I think we can put one here, one on the edge here and then fall around, like in an L shape.
Many l plus two.
And then this here.
This is where we're gonna rent out space here.
Hopefully, I don't know how I always done in the wrong place.
Probably because of the direction we had to build in.
But hopefully we could still do this properly.
So in here we need our Comparator.
I think this is the last one.
Yeah, there it is.
It's not even in the chest.
Put it down here.
I need to be in subtracts mode.
I don't I don't really know what that means.
I should definitely learn these things, but I need to be like this anyway.
And then three pieces of red stone here's to it.
Connects in the middle.
Ah, this is kind of cool.
So I didn't know how this works, but this is how you sort a sorting system.
So because you want only one type of item going into the hopper, you need thio.
Which one you're gonna D'oh!
I think it's this one Here is to put this year on put signs here.
But then we need a bone to go in here and then do the same on the other one, which is gonna feed into this chest.
And this is where your arrows, they're going to go now.
This is assuming you want to keep bones and arrows.
I guess you could just get rid of this if you didn't even want to collect arrows.
Because, like us, you've got an infinity bows.
You don't really carry any other arrows.
But let's put one of the arrows in there.
Can we get actually way?
Get a bone meal from somewhere?
I need a skel, a bone.
Actually, we'll have plenty of skeletons.
So neat remembers about bone in there, which I currently don't have no want to check.
This is working.
It doesn't appear to be working.
Why not?
What now is the fun part?
We need to go find dogs.
I don't know.
You guys have been wanting me to get a dog for ages, so I've also got another surprise for you.
Um, let me just fix this and try and get out of here.
Um, how do I Oh, Cheese again fall into my own thing.
I think I need to find a total of four walls.
So I need to go home, get my bones, and then go in tame four walls because the walls are going to be the ones that are gonna be doing the dirty work for us, which I think I meant to do the beginning of the episode.
You know what building farms and Minecraft is fun when they work.
But also, when they don't work, they are sold frustrating.
It is unreal.
But hopefully we get this bad boy to work.
Oh, geez.
This is not good.
We need to get out here as quickly as possible.
All know how that look at this.
The beautiful beacon on the weird cobblestone structure it looks, looks a little bit weird.
But you know what?
I like it.
I sleep, sleep dream of actually completing this farm.
It shouldn't be too hard.
We just need to do the water system.
The hardest bit is going to be finding the wolf.
So findem follicle these.
Let's go.
Let's go see a wolf.
Seen any wolves anywhere?
Not skinny Jr and I haven't seen any wars.
You know what I have though?
And I think there are some to our top.
I think I've seen some over here before, so let me see if my memory serves me well.
You're not a dog.
You're a sheep.
There was definitely dogs around here.
What have you done with them?
Is that a baby horse?
Why is there a baby horse out here by yourself?
Oh, no, wait, wait.
It's just It's just a sure horse.
Never mind.
Never mind.
I thought it was a baby by itself.
Sure, There was some dogs over here.
I need four of them.
Yes, Yes, I found them.
A a buddy, I see you.
Come here.
I've got a surprise for you guys.
Look who's bag.
A little bit of a tribute for you guys who have been long time members of the channel.
We've got ourselves some skeleton dogs.
That's right.
Follow me.
Don't get lost.
We need four more.
Can you tell me where the others are?
We need some more of you.
And it's funny, the or skeletons, because you're gonna be trying to kill the skeletons.
That another one, I'm sure I just saw another one.
Look, there is That's number two.
Okay, come in.
I need your service.
Is why you all Lone Rangers.
What's going on?
Why is my other one so far away?
I think they sport quite a lot in these forests, so I'm gonna have another little cheeky look and see if we've got to Maur home.
We're gonna throw out years.
No way.
Give me Give a Yes.
Is there another one?
There is all in Sochi.
We got four skeleton dogs right now.
I need to bring a ll four of these guys down into the pit of Doom.
The pit of doom for the skeletons, not the skeleton dogs.
Come on, guys.
Let's go.
You follow in.
Good to know there's another dog here.
Actually, you guys follow it out.
Don't do that.
Don't copy me.
They're so cute.
How can I get them to follow me down here?
That's so slow.
They walk like lovers do.
They're following the exact same trail.
You guys gonna come down here?
Yes, you are.
Look at them loyal, loyal servants, companions.
I mean, I'm in companions.
Just come down here.
Don't be falling into the skeleton.
pit, though, because I will be upset with you if we got all four of you guys.
I'm hoping so.
Looking of this.
Lord's through pit.
Let's go.
Come on.
Follow me for me right now.
Please be careful.
I don't have any of you guys.
Yeah, right.
Come on.
Through my glorious, glorious companions, we need to put down some mines cuts.
So I'm gonna get you to sit in here.
Please don't ruin everything.
Just shell.
Everyone chill with missing someone.
Where is he?
You hear?
Oh, there is.
What you doing over there?
Come over here.
What are you doing?
Come on!
This is not a game.
This is another one down there.
Please be gone.
Just get out of here!
Go away!
Stop evading me!
How you still alive?
I've hit you twice.
Oh, no, no.
My dog has gone again.
There is right.
Sit and push him in.
Perfect harmony.
We got one, two, 34 Awesome!
Somehow we need to get these guys into mine carts.
I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that.
I think the best way might be putting this here, doing this and then pushing them in.
Can you even do that?
Don't fall down this hole either.
Let's see what happens.
Okay, that was pretty easy.
We need them to not be sitting as well.
And that seems to work perfectly.
So if I just push this guy in here, he should just chill on this.
There we go.
Okay, That's one is easy.
Always work with animals.
Good boys.
Good boys.
You know punk, Get the mic cut.
Come on, you lucky contestant.
Number three.
Wait for I can't count.
You were going to go right in here.
Dogs dunk.
This is where it's going to get interesting.
My friends, I need to grab some fence skates because this is ready to be opened to the public.
The public being skeletons.
I need soul sand.
I need water.
Um, I should've walked help with me.
I didn't bring kelp.
Well, this is embarrassing.
Let's go into the floor of this and hope that nothing else has spawned in here, because eventually I need to make this completely closed off and dark.
So this is where it's gonna get weird, because this is where I need, um, everything to go correct with my unfortunate bedrock position.
You know what?
I think I might just make this one block higher just so that this works.
Well, if it doesn't have optimum skeleton performance, then I'm not really that bothered.
I just need to make sure that they are transported correctly.
So we need to put fence skates here.
So do 1234 and then open them.
Or I'm not even sure why.
That's a thing, but it is.
Then we need to Maur open fence gates here and here.
And for some reason, we need to do aye.
Open fence gate here.
And then I need to get this right.
So I wanna mess up one down and then to Oh, jeez, it's another.
Oh, my goodness.
It's another piece of bedrock.
Why did you have to be here?
I need to make this one higher again.
Give me two seconds.
I'm gonna make sure this is one higher.
We need to go behind here and put a is a close on open fence gate here.
A closed fence gate on top of that that is right.
Open one, the ones above it and then 12341234 Right.
This should.
Look, I just need to make a infinite water source, because I'm gonna need a lot of water right now.
Um, let's build it.
I think up here is gonna be best.
Walla Walla.
I'm gonna need all the water that I can get water here.
Water here.
Water here on water here should complete them getting sucked in.
I am currently the scallop on right now.
Should work.
Don't get stuck.
Don't get stuck.
This should be fine.
Yeah, that works.
Then we need to do one Maur here.
That should allow the zom bulls.
And that should allow the skeleton score over here.
Now, we're gonna need our help, which I don't have because we need to make one of those elevators.
Go get the kelp.
I knew I'd forget something.
I've got my ended chest.
I don't even care.
I knew I'd have some killed lying around.
I don't know if that's enough, though.
19 kelp don't have any anywhere else.
I don't think I do.
I have to take some shares to the ocean real quick.
Come in.
I need to snip you I need everything.
All right?
So satisfying.
Well, yeah.
Give you all this kelp and we overloaded on kelp.
Look, it'll rise.
This is definitely enough, right?
Let's take this away.
Back to the skeleton farm.
I don't need a quicker way to get there.
So we need to somehow get to the top of here so that we can put, um so we can put this down.
I think it's gonna be okay to go upwards like this because there's nothing really around it.
Okay, We have made it an east end.
I think it needs to end here.
But not to go all the way down to the bomb.
Then if we get rid of the soul sand or needs to that now, go swim, swim, fuss.
And he's given to the Seoul sent key, Man.
Get rid of it.
Get rid of it.
Get rid of it as quick as you can.
Here we go.
So now I just need to put this all the way up.
This will turn it into source blocks.
I think I'm hoping I don't want to die in here either.
There we go.
Now we go back to the bottom.
Replace the stone with soul sand on.
Hopefully all of this will be fixed.
Break this.
There we go.
Break this and replace it with soul sand and we should be thrown away to the top.
Oh, yeah.
That's exactly how the skeletons were gonna feel.
It's gonna be great.
All this is perfect.
And they're going to come down here, huh?
On get killed.
Um, how do we get out of here?
Squish me?
Squish me.
Squish me.
I think I could be squished here.
Yeah, I can be squished.
Oh, you can get out of it pretty easy.
That's nice, because I'm about to fall in.
I just need to do a couple more things.
I need some whether I put the water on panicking.
So if I'm a skeleton, I just be left to my own devices right here.
And I should go straight in, right?
Come on, go in.
You've got to be kidding me, right?
You have to be kidding me.
They can to get stuck here, but surely they'll be a few of them, so it should be fine.
And then we go through here and gets stuck on here and should go straight up.
This bit works.
I just talked with the bit in the beginning.
Looks so this is a bit terrifying, isn't it?
We need to put this year, so the water continues.
Can I put torches up here?
I think I can.
Then we need to grab it.
Cool fence gates as well.
Open one here and then open one.
Not they're here.
Then we confine me.
I think this might be our last piece of water.
Put that there.
And then it continues going, and then they get delivered down here.
Wait, This seems for Oh, no.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Stop, Stop!
Jeez, I think that just pushed all my mind carts out.
I forgot to put another fence gate down.
I need to put another one here, I think, and then it stops the water.
Oh, hasn't broken everything.
If that's going to my read certain and stuff hungry.
It's just moved my wolves.
That is annoying.
But we can get them back wherever we're over rails.
Last puppy going in.
They've gone into full dark mode, so they should be super angry, ready to accept these skeletons.
And I think we're ready to unleash the bones right now.
I'm pretty sure we're ready.
Even though this isn't completely encased, it's a sport, so it doesn't really matter that much.
One thing I do want to do is just make sure that, um, top is completely gone like this.
This is the moment of truth.
I think I need to go back over here and destroy these Garrett Garrett, get rids and then get rid on these.
Yes, this morning.
Our What are you doing, bro?
Stop that.
I'm just here to view.
He's stuck, isn't he?
How does he keep doing that?
I'm taking off.
My thorns always gone.
He's actually gone.
I just need to make sure that these guys sport enough.
Let's take this out.
Let's run across the real quick.
Take this out.
And also take this hours.
Where are Yeah?
Oh, geez.
They're pretty powerful.
Not not sure about them.
It's working, though.
They're going in.
I just need to see if my dogs are going to survive.
Hope Wake it is is always working too well.
Help me.
I'm scared.
Weather's going check on the dog goes and see if everything is going to plan.
Oh, my goodness is I can heal the dig through this actually works.
Even though I didn't completely make the, um, make everything perfect, they did die.
I think there's more coming in.
There we go.
Are they attacking it?
I feel like they're more focused on me.
No, it did work and then all the experience comes to me and I could repair a dig.
I think the dogs doing it somehow they're dying.
I'm pretty sure that's the dogs.
Dogs aren't doing any kind of jump in, but there's no other reason why the skeletons would die, right?
This works perfectly, and underneath it is gonna be collecting the bombings and the staff by Dooney.
Check on that.
Just a check.
It's working, but I think we've got ourselves a work in the skeletons born in here.
They're basically sporting in this sides, which is through here.
I think I can show, you know, I can show you can wait.
That's morning and down here right underneath because we're close enough.
And then they're coming up a way over.
So down here away over here floating up, floating down and getting killed while cute little dog goes.
I'm so pleased.
Look, the armor they've got as well.
I'm pretty sure that's how they're dying.
It doesn't like the dog's doing much, but I'm sure that's how they're dying.
There's no other way.
The skeletons will be dying, right?
I'm sure of it.
I can hear them as they go up.
It's so funny.
I can hear the skeleton's going up.
The tube is kind of creepy, actually.
Come to me.
Come to me.
They kill them before they even get to swing.
I'm gonna quickly check that.
You're gonna grab, grab my chest back.
So I'm done with this.
I'm a farm.
The works.
Let's go.
It's just the sorting system and maybe doesn't work so well.
All McGinnis.
I'm gonna collect all of their other goblins as well.
Let's see what is below right now, uh, we go in here somewhere.
We definitely the best wayto are.
Jeez, I forgot about that.
I need Thio.
Have them not sport on top.
Okay, just chill, guys.
I shouldn't have taken those off, So let's do this.
And they're so they can't sport on top.
Make this area so we can come in and let's check any of these chests or hoppers.
So nothing's going in there.
Nothing is going in.
Their power to rail has made it into their somehow Or is it all going in there?
You're the drop is putting it all in here.
That is no good news.
That is no good news at all.
Have a bucket.
So I'm gonna grab this real quick.
I don't want this stuff dying.
You can hear them dying up there.
It's kind of cool.
I think it's just this sorting system that needs sorting.
If that even makes sense, I might replace this real quick with a chess driving sped chests.
Everything I do is gonna grab this one.
Hop this here like that and we should be able to get ourselves some goodies.
You can hear them dying.
But where is all the stuff going?
I feel like there should be.
There should be drops getting picked up.
There are drops getting picked up.
Oh, this one in the middle isn't going.
Go on, Move!
Move, you little punk.
Yeah, That one's got everything inside.
It is gone.
fire protection.
Labor is not moving.
There we go.
That works.
So you need to put it on the end for it to work that we do this.
And this.
And then put that on the end.
There we go.
That on the ends.
There we go.
Now, they should all work properly.
Yeah, OK, those three.
And now, scoot in a way, and that's a ll end up in here.
We have got bows for days.
Okay, I see why he needed the soaring system.
Now, the soy and system has toe work, because if it doesn't, then you get clogged up with all kinds of bows and stuff, which you really don't want.
Dewey, we're gonna grab this other chest just for now.
Just that we've got a double going on.
Then we've got some experience to grab A CZ.
Well, which is gonna be great.
Many bones.
We've already This is so good.
Let's go and check.
If you got any experience, we can top up on that.
Be perfect.
Any experience appear for lads.
Here we go.
Let's see if he goes up.
Ah, Uh whoa.
I should have taken my armor off.
Completely forgot.
If I take my armor off lede, it gets way more, but this is perfect.
And the idea of this is that we somehow put two farms next to each other so that we have maybe a tree farm here so weak, unusual the bone meal from this.
And then you get an experience from this while you're f k.
And you're also growing trees and getting wood, which is perfect.
So this is work in Even though I didn't build the sorting system property.
That's the only thing that I need. 00:38