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  • Alami: Hello, everybody, and welcome

  • to "Secrets and Surprises of the Google Geo APIs".

  • My name is Ossama Alami. I'm a developer advocate

  • on our Geo Developer Relations team,

  • and I'm here today presenting with Aaron Jacobs,

  • who is a software engineer on the Maps API team.

  • So what do I mean when I say

  • "Secrets and Surprises of the Google Geo APIs"?

  • Well, what I want to do--

  • what we want to do in today's session is give you,

  • firstly, an overview of your options as a developer

  • when you think about Geo, Spatial,

  • and Geospatial APIs at Google,

  • and then go into some specific features of the Maps API,

  • the Earth API, Fusion Tables, our web services,

  • and the Static Maps API, to highlight some features

  • that you may not know about, some features

  • that you may have seen but don't know how to use,

  • and give you an idea of what's new,

  • and some exciting features.

  • So we'll start with the overview.

  • When you think of Geo at Google, people typically think of

  • the Maps API Version 3, or the Maps API,

  • the JavaScript Maps API.

  • Our JavaScript Maps APIs are now active on over 600,000 sites,

  • and it is our primary mapping API,

  • and what you typically think of when you think of Maps at Google

  • as a developer.

  • But we have more than just these,

  • what I'll call user-facing APIs, these mapping APIs.

  • There's the Earth API, which we'll talk about today.

  • This lets you embed Google Earth and a web page

  • and has a JavaScript API you can work with.

  • There's a Maps API for Flash,

  • for any action script developers in the audience.

  • We have a Static Maps API, which we'll also talk about today.

  • And then for Android and IOS devices,

  • we have a native SDK, that you can use for mapping

  • if you're building a native application.

  • But there's more than just these user-facing APIs.

  • There's a suite of developer tools,

  • supporting APIs within Geospatial at Google,

  • that support you as a developer in building these applications.

  • There's our web services, Fusion Tables,

  • both of which we'll talk about, KML, which is an open standard

  • for representing geospatial data,

  • SketchUp, which is a tool for 3D modeling,

  • and you can then take those models

  • and put it on Google Earth,

  • and then Earth and Earth Pro themselves,

  • which are client applications that you can use

  • to visualize your data

  • as well as work with certain data formats.

  • But there's more to it.

  • Google has over 100 different APIs and developer products,

  • and lots of them that you may not immediately think of

  • actually have a notion of place,

  • a notion of location or some geospatial aspect to them.

  • You can get a user's location using the Latitude API,

  • geotag imagery using Panoramio and Picasa,

  • or geotag videos with YouTube API,

  • updates using the Buzz API,

  • and then there's some developer tools,

  • if you are an organization or a developer

  • that has lots of geospatial data, you know,

  • satellite images yourself, you can use Earth Builder

  • and Earth Enterprise to work with and visualize that data,

  • and then tools like Refine and BigQuery,

  • that don't necessarily have a specific geospatial application,

  • sorry, a specific geospatial feature--

  • but they are tools that you can use to work

  • with geospatial data sets, and then query them,

  • or refine that.

  • So that's sort of a very quick, broad overview

  • of what is available to you as a developer

  • when you think of Geospatial at Google.

  • And we'll go right now into some really exciting features

  • of Maps API Version 3--

  • again, some features you may not know about

  • and some features that are brand-new.

  • First, I'll start with an overview of the Maps API.

  • We released Maps API Version 3 at last year's I/O, out of labs.

  • Now if you're-- and we deprecated Version 2.

  • Now if you have an active Version 2 site,

  • I don't want you to worry.

  • We have a 3-year deprecation policy.

  • But I hope some of the things you see today encourages you

  • to switch to Version 3,

  • because that's where our active development is,

  • and that's where all of our new features are built upon.

  • The advantage of Version 3 is also that it was built

  • from the ground up to be both a desktop

  • and a mobile web-mapping API.

  • So in addition to support and the mobile browsers

  • for Android and Safari, we also support Blackberry 6 devices,

  • and the Samsung Bada browser,

  • and then the standard desktop browser support as well.

  • You'll notice IE 6 isn't listed here.

  • While we--while the maps-- thank you.

  • While the Maps API will work in IE 6 and will not break,

  • there are certain features that will--

  • they'll degrade well, but they won't be available to IE 6.

  • But you can rest assured that your map will continue to work

  • and function with Internet Explorer 6.

  • I said "loads of features". Here are just some of them.

  • The things in blue are some of the things

  • that we're going to talk about today.

  • As you can see, there's more to it than just a map and markers.

  • You can do so much more with the Maps API.

  • And the first thing I want to talk about

  • is 45-degree imagery.

  • So this 45-degree imagery, you'll notice

  • I'm looking at an angle, an oblique angle.

  • If I zoom out-- this, by the way,

  • is Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California,

  • which is about 40 miles south of us here--

  • if I zoom out, I have the standard satellite imagery.

  • Now, I have the smooth transition as a user

  • when I zoom in to switch to a 45-degree imagery,

  • and right now I'm looking north, which we'll call 40--

  • which we'll call, sorry, zero degrees.

  • I can look east at 90 degrees, 180, 270, and back to zero.

  • And this is really high-resolution imagery,

  • so you can see as I zoom in, you get a lot--

  • a lot of detail, more than what you would get

  • with just satellite maps.

  • And as a user, I can turn off 45-degree imagery,

  • or go back and add labels.

  • We have an ever-increasing list of cities

  • that's available worldwide.

  • So I was gonna show you Santa Cruz,

  • which is just further south of us here,

  • and we also have Venice, Italy,

  • as well as a large, ever-increasing amount of cities

  • available globally.

  • And so what's the code look like

  • to enable this 45-degree imagery?

  • It's not enabled by default for the Maps API,

  • but it's really, really simple, and this will be a common theme

  • in this presentation.

  • The code to enable these features

  • is actually really, really simple, really easy.

  • Only a couple lines of code, and you can have a world

  • of new possibilities and features in the Maps API.

  • So I simply set the map to-- set, on the map,

  • call "set tilt," pass in "45" for 45 degrees,

  • and this enables 45-degree imagery,

  • so when a user zooms in at an appropriate zoom level,

  • it'll naturally switch to that 45-degree imagery.

  • And then to reset it,

  • if I want to disable satellite imagery,

  • I just call "map.set tilt to 0."

  • And if I want to programmatically

  • set the heading,

  • I just call "map.set heading," and pass in one of those--

  • one of those degrees.

  • Another feature that is unrelated to 45-degree imagery,

  • but I do like to demo with 45-degree imagery,

  • because it really gives you an idea of the surrounding area,

  • is this overview map control.

  • So this, I can move the box either in here,

  • or as I pan, the overview map control will update,

  • and if I go back to map, it'll switch to map.

  • This gives me a higher perspective,

  • a zoomed out perspective of where I am looking at,

  • so the user can really understand the location,

  • and this will collapse or expand.

  • So the code to this is, again, very, very simple.

  • When I create a map, I pass in "map options."

  • If I want the overview map control,

  • I just pass in "overview map control true,"

  • and if I want it open by default,

  • I pass in an overview map control option,

  • and I say "opened equals true."

  • A new feature in the Maps API which I really like

  • is marker animations.

  • We have two animations that we support.

  • You can see those markers dropping.

  • There's the drop animation, and there's--

  • as I move this marker, we have draggable markers as well.

  • You can see the marker drops and animates.

  • This makes it a little bit more of an interactive experience

  • for the user, feel like they're actually performing an action,

  • and confirmation that it worked,

  • because they see the animation.

  • And then we also have the ability

  • to make all the markers bounce.

  • I really urge you to use this feature with caution,

  • because a little bit is fun.

  • Too much is a little annoying.

  • We'll leave those bouncing.

  • When I create a marker, if I want to pass in an animation,

  • or if I want to animate it, during creation of the marker,

  • I just pass in the animation option here

  • and I set the animation that I want.

  • In this case, "drop."

  • The other animation we support is "bounce."

  • If I've already created a marker and I want to set an animation,

  • I just call marker--

  • on the marker I call "set animation"

  • and I pass in the animation that I want.

  • And then if I want to clear the animation,

  • just call "set null"-- sorry, "set animation,"

  • "pass," and "null."

  • So there's been lots and lots of improvements to markers

  • in Version 3 of the Maps API very recently,

  • including many speed improvements.

  • If you want to learn more about this stuff,

  • you should go to the session entitled "Speedy Maps"

  • which is 10:45 A.M. tomorrow.

  • Layers is another feature of the Maps API

  • that you may not know about.

  • This enables you to very easily add additional data

  • on top of the map.

  • We support various types of layers.

  • The first UM I'm going to demo-- Geo RSS--

  • let's you consume a Geo RSS file or a service

  • and then easily display that on the map.

  • In this case, we're hitting the Flickr API

  • to get geotagged imagery of our tech writer's dog

  • across North America.

  • And then the other way that you can get your data

  • on top of it, on top of the map very easily

  • is to use KML.

  • And in this example,

  • I'm just loading KML for transit lines in Chicago.

  • So the other examples here are more using Google's data

  • and showing that on top of the map.

  • In this case, I'm showing traffic in Chicago.

  • Every time I practice this,

  • this highway has always been red,

  • so I don't know what's going on there.

  • And then, bicycling-- this changes the view of the map

  • and then highlights bicycling routes,

  • roads that are known to be good for biking,

  • and roads with bike paths.

  • You can see, as a bicyclist, I can get a really good idea

  • of what's easy to bike through in Chicago.

  • And then, Panoramio--

  • I talked about Panoramio briefly earlier.

  • Panoramio is an image-hosting site

  • that has exclusively geotagged imagery,

  • and we've added a Panoramio layer,

  • and it's more than just pulling in imagery.

  • You can see here, I get a good idea

  • of user-contributed images of Chicago,

  • but I can also filter by either a specific user--

  • so if you have a Panoramio account

  • and only want to show your photos on the map,

  • that's very easy to do-- or I can filter by a tag.

  • So here I'll search for Wrigley, and you see,

  • the stadium shows up here and there are various images

  • that I can pull up.

  • And then down south,

  • there's actually a Wrigley Building in Chicago as well,

  • and that's coming up.

  • So all these layers work pretty similarly.

  • It's very easy to instantiate them

  • for both KML and RSS.

  • I use the google.maps KML layer.

  • It understands both formats,

  • and I pass in the path to that file or that service

  • that's returning either KML or Geo RSS.

  • Traffic layer and bike layer and Panoramio layer,

  • I just instantiate it.

  • And then, for the Panoramio layer,

  • if I want to filter by user or by tag,

  • I just call "Panoramio layer.set tag"

  • or ".set user ID" to filter by those.

  • And then in all cases, to add it to the map,

  • I just call the set map property of the layer,

  • and I pass in the map that I want it to appear on.

  • If I want to remove it from the map,

  • I just call "set map, null." I talked briefly about KML.

  • If you want to learn how to create highly performant KML

  • for both consumption in the Google Maps API

  • and Google Earth, you should go to the session

  • titled "High Performance KML for Maps and Earth"

  • which is this afternoon at 3:45.

  • Draggable directions is one of my favorite features.

  • It was a highly requested feature for the Maps API,

  • because people saw this on

  • They saw that they could drag directions,

  • and now whenever they see directions,

  • they want to drag it, right?

  • The user sometimes knows a better path

  • to get to a location.

  • Here, I'm mapping from Moscone to our headquarters

  • in Mountain View, and you know, maybe I know that 101

  • is really terrible this time of day,

  • and I'd rather take 280.

  • I can very quickly click and drag that over,

  • and it'll update the textual directions

  • on the right automatically.

  • Another feature that you may not know about is

  • these text directions actually link up directly to the map,

  • so as I click, a user can see that individual turn.

  • Draggable directions, again very easy to add to a map.

  • This example shows you how to add directions to a map.

  • The things I want to highlight are the top,

  • these renderer options.

  • I'm setting draggable to true, and I'm passing this

  • into a directions renderer.

  • Directions renderer is the object

  • that manages rendering the directions,

  • both in textual format and on top of the map.

  • Now, since the user has an ability to drag directions,

  • you as a developer may want to know

  • when they've interacted with that

  • and when the directions have changed.

  • You just need to listen to directions changed event,

  • which we now expose.

  • And then you can perform some action.

  • Street View is another very, very popular feature.

  • We have a huge Street View coverage around the globe,

  • and when we implemented Version 3 of the Maps API,

  • we wanted to implement it in such a way

  • that it was usable on all mobile devices.

  • So we can't rely on Flash being installed, for example.

  • So Street View in V3 of the Maps API

  • is implemented purely in HTML and JavaScript,

  • and this gives us the ability to support you as the developer

  • adding overlays on top of the Street View,

  • so markers and info windows,

  • as well as completely custom Street View,

  • which is a really exciting feature that I'll demo.

  • And then, we've also exposed the Street View service,

  • the data service, which lets you query us

  • to find out where Street View imagery is available

  • and some other data about that Street View imagery.

  • Here's an example of overlays.

  • In this case, these overlays are just markers.

  • I have just a cafe, and a bank,

  • and here I'm programmatically going to switch to Street View

  • using this button.

  • And you can see, the marker shows up here,

  • and so does the info window on top of the Street View.

  • Meanwhile, I'm panning, and everything updates.

  • As I move down the street,

  • you can see there's another marker here

  • that gets larger as I get closer.

  • Naturally, it's a Starbucks.

  • And that works fine as well.

  • So this gives you more options when you're working

  • with Street View in displaying data on top of it.

  • Another feature I'm going to demo is custom Street View.

  • Here we have Street View imagery--

  • our Google Street View imagery-- outside of our Sydney office.

  • There's a bunch of buses parked in front

  • because it's across the street from a casino.

  • As I move down the street, you can see this is

  • the standard Street View imagery.

  • If I move up the street, I've added a link,

  • for this demo, to the Google Sydney office.

  • This is not part of our Street View imagery

  • that we provide to you,

  • but something that you can do as a developer.

  • And here, I've taken a panoramic image of the interior

  • of the Sydney office, the lobby, and I can view this,

  • and then, again, link back out into the street.

  • It's a great way to do indoor mapping,

  • and so that the imagery for Street View doesn't end

  • on the street, but rather takes you into a building.

  • If you want to learn how to do this, you should go to

  • the "Map Your Business Inside and Out" session,

  • which is at 1:45 P.M. tomorrow.

  • So I said V3, we optimized it for mobile.

  • We are also very concerned about keeping speed up

  • and latency down.

  • So when we wanted to add features to the Maps API,

  • we didn't want to bulk up the JavaScript that the user

  • has to download and then the browser has to parse,

  • but we wanted to add some new and exciting features

  • and keep the load time down.

  • So we've introduced this concept called libraries.

  • And using a library is very simple.

  • When you load the Maps API, there's just a script tag

  • to load the Maps API.

  • I specify a libraries parameter.

  • I pass in a comma-separated list of libraries.

  • In this example, you see Panoramio,

  • which I demoed earlier, is actually a library

  • that I loaded for that demo.

  • And here I have Geometry, AdSense and Places,

  • which I'll demo right now.

  • Geometry is a library that lets you compute angles,

  • distances, and areas from latitudes and longitudes.

  • So if you want to do some spherical geometry queries,

  • you can use it-- load this library and use it.

  • And it also comes with an encoding library

  • that lets you encode a path,

  • so encode an array of latitudes and longitudes

  • into a string representation of that,

  • as well as decode that back into latitudes and longitudes.

  • AdSense.

  • I imagine most of you are familiar with AdSense, yeah?

  • Okay.

  • AdSense is a way for you, as a developer or a publisher,

  • to monetize your site by placing relevant ads on your site,

  • and then there's a revenue-sharing model.

  • What we found was that a lot of web pages have just a map,

  • or a map is the core component of it.

  • That's what the user is interacting with.

  • And AdSense only displays relevant ads

  • based on the context, the textual content of your website.

  • So it wasn't getting the relevancy

  • of where the user was looking at to display relevant ads.

  • Well, we fixed that with the AdSense library

  • for the Maps API Version 3.

  • This is a library that you can use to monetize, now,

  • your mapping application.

  • And it takes what the user is looking at

  • and serves relevant ads for that.

  • So if a user is looking in wine country,

  • north of us in San Francisco, they'll likely see ads

  • about hotels, or winery tours, or things like that.

  • So it becomes much more relevant ads

  • that a user is likely to click on.

  • It's very easy to add this to your map as well.

  • All you do is create arbitrary div for the Ad Sense ad

  • to live in, pass in the format of the ad,

  • which is a standard AdSense format,

  • and then if you want the ad to live on top of the map,

  • you can pass in a control position for the ad,

  • but the ad can also live off the map

  • and still be tied to the context of the map--

  • your publisher ID, so we know where to send the checks,

  • the map that it's tied to,

  • and then whether it's visible by default.

  • And then I just create the ad unit "new google.maps.adsense,"

  • add unit, pass in the div that it's living on,

  • and the ad unit options that I just described.

  • And this is what it looks like.

  • This is an example of an ad showing up on top of the map.

  • Here you can see, I'm looking in Monterey,

  • which is south of us, another tourist destination,

  • has a famous golf course nearby, so I'm seeing ads for hotels

  • and a golf course.

  • Oh, man.

  • Okay.

  • So you can see, I'm moving.

  • This moves to the bottom left.

  • Let's see if this works.

  • Sorry about this, guys. This moves to the right.

  • Apparently if I use a drop-down box three times,

  • it'll fix itself.

  • [indistinct chatter]

  • [laughs]

  • So very, very easy to-- so that sort of shows you

  • where it can live on the map and then the format will change,

  • the actual format of the ad--

  • I'm not going to click on that right now--

  • to either--any of the standard AdSense formats.

  • So you know, one of them is a long bar,

  • one of them is a bigger box,

  • one of them is a smaller box, et cetera.

  • And then Places-- Places we announced

  • that we launched out of developer preview

  • in the session earlier today.

  • There's also a Places library that you can load

  • for the Maps API Version 3.

  • It supports two services: auto-complete,

  • which, if you're familiar with,

  • when you start typing, you see a list of possible results,

  • auto-completion of addresses

  • or auto-completion of business locations.

  • We're giving you the ability to have that same feature

  • on your sites,

  • using the auto-complete functionality and Places.

  • And then we have a Places search service,

  • which given a bounting box or a latitude and longitude

  • and a radius,

  • will let you search for local business listings

  • and points of interest.

  • If you want to learn more about how to use Places,

  • including the web services we're launching with Places,

  • you should go to the "Location-Based Development

  • Using Google APIs" session,

  • 3:00 P.M. tomorrow.

  • And so I talked about libraries,

  • but what we also make available are utility libraries.

  • These aren't loaded through the libraries tag in the Maps API,

  • but are instead open-source utilities that you can download,

  • modify, and then use in conjunction with your map.

  • They are developed by the Maps API team,

  • and we do actively develop them and support them.

  • You'll find utilities that do clustering,

  • that do custom markers and info windows,

  • that do root boxing, and then a very highly requested feature,

  • Google Earth integration,

  • we recently released as an open source library.

  • So you can download this library

  • and get the Earth button on Maps.

  • You know, it's Map, Satellites, Earth,

  • and it'll transfer all the items that you have on your map

  • to the Earth instance and sync the two.

  • So a user can now view the map-- view your content

  • using Earth as well--

  • which leads me into discussion about the Earth API.

  • Again, the Earth API is a way for you to embed Earth

  • in a web page, and it has a JavaScript API around it,

  • so that you can define the user experience

  • and what content is displayed on top of it.

  • It does require a browser plug-in, the Earth plug-in,

  • which has support on both Windows and Mac.

  • And what does this look like?

  • There we go. So here's Google Earth.

  • I can turn on borders.

  • There are various options for what I can do.

  • I programmatically set a button

  • that just jumps to San Francisco.

  • I can pan down here and turn on or off terrain.

  • One of my favorite features is the buildings layer.

  • This gives you a really good idea

  • of what a city looks like in 3D

  • as opposed to a top-down view of a map.

  • Excuse me.

  • And as this loads,

  • you'll see more and more detail will come in,

  • in San Francisco and the Bay Bridge.

  • And then, we recently added trees to Google Earth.

  • We have over 80 million trees mapped.

  • We get this data from a variety of sources.

  • A lot of it is actually from satellite imagery now,

  • so it's where we pick up trees

  • and add the specific type of tree to that location.

  • Let's see.

  • Here we have trees, and if you don't believe me,

  • we have also enabled Street View.

  • If I click and drag this here,

  • there are all the trees.

  • Another thing I'll show you in Street View--

  • we'll jump to Moscone here--

  • is, as opposed to Street View

  • on Google Maps and the Maps API,

  • Street View in Earth is actually continuous.

  • It does interpolation of the imagery, between panoramas,

  • and so it's a much more fluid experience

  • going up and down the streets.

  • So that's a very cool feature, only available in Google Earth.

  • I must say though, my favorite feature in Google Earth

  • is historical imagery.

  • This gives you access to Google's historical imagery,

  • satellite imagery.

  • Google is a relatively young company.

  • We've been around for about a decade,

  • and Keyhole, the company that was acquired,

  • that then built Google Earth, is even younger than that,

  • but we've been actively acquiring historical imagery

  • and adding it to Google Earth,

  • which you can access through the API.

  • This enables you to build really new types of applications

  • that deal with history and the context of a place.

  • Here I'll show you.

  • I'll enable historical imagery.

  • I've got a slider-- which as a developer,

  • you can show or not show.

  • And then, I can disable it, re-enable it,

  • and I'll jump to San Francisco in 1988

  • to show you a cool demo that I like to show.

  • So there was an earthquake in San Francisco in 1989

  • that collapsed this freeway here

  • that led sort of through the heart of the city.

  • I'll show you. This is the city.

  • So we can actually see that.

  • This is prior to the earthquake,

  • and if I move the historical imagery forward to 1993,

  • you can see that the earthquake--

  • or, sorry, the highway collapsed,

  • and then they took down the freeway.

  • But there's still a freeway here, and as I move forward,

  • you can see that they actually tore down that entire freeway

  • and built this ground-level promenade.

  • And then, jumping to the current time,

  • you can see that they've added trees

  • and it actually looks quite pretty.

  • But what I love to show about this demo

  • is that, even 20 years later, there is a scar

  • that runs through the city.

  • Where the freeway used to be is now all parking lots.

  • In fact, this is the only new building that's been developed,

  • and if I jump back to 2008,

  • you can see it's a parking lot as well.

  • So 20 years later, after the earthquake,

  • there is still a visible scar that you can see

  • through the city, that you can now--

  • you can tell these stories

  • using our historical imagery in the Earth API.

  • And then I want to talk about Fusion Tables.

  • Fusion Tables is basically a tool for storing,

  • collaborating, and sharing large amounts of data.

  • You can think of it as a cloud-based database,

  • with tight integration with the Maps API,

  • spatial query support,

  • and a sequel-like query syntax and API.

  • The best way to show you Fusion Tables

  • is to actually do a quick demo.

  • So here I have Fusion Tables.

  • I have a list of tables that I own,

  • and I'm going to show you two examples.

  • First is this table of roughly 2,000 Brazilian beaches.

  • I have the name of the beach, latitude, and longitude.

  • One of the most difficult-- one of the most common questions

  • I get is, you know, "I have 10,000 points

  • "that I want to show on the map.

  • What's an easy way to do this?"

  • Well, creating an individual marker for those points

  • gets quite cumbersome and very slow,

  • can be very slow in a browser.

  • So Fusion Tables supports a very easy way

  • to visualize this data.

  • I can just click "visualize map," and you see,

  • it's rendered out all these 2,000 markers

  • on top of 256-pixel square tiles,

  • which is the same tiling scheme that the Maps API uses,

  • so it's a transparent tile with just the markers,

  • and then through JavaScript, it does the hit testing

  • to determine where a marker is and then pull that data through.

  • So this is a very quick map.

  • There is no lag.

  • I very quickly added these 2,000 points.

  • And then if I want to display a heat map,

  • I just click a check box.

  • Now, it's very easy to display a heat map.

  • A heat map is, in case you don't know,

  • not a map of temperature.

  • It is a map of density.

  • So there is a high density of beaches located down here,

  • and it's not quite as dense with beaches over here.

  • And then the other demo I'll show you is this.

  • So I downloaded a CSV from the American Community Survey,

  • which is this government organization

  • that puts out demographic data every year.

  • So it's broken down by congressional districts,

  • and it has some demographic data,

  • like what's the median age of this congressional district.

  • And then, using Fusion Tables, I merged this CSV.

  • I uploaded the CSV to a fusion table,

  • and then I merged that fusion table

  • with a fusion table of all the U.S. Congressional districts,

  • the shapes of the U.S. congressional districts,

  • which I found on Fusion Tables.

  • We have a set of public tables that you can download from,

  • and you can make your data public as well.

  • So you can see, you know, here is a shape of--

  • or various shapes of the first Alaskan Congressional district.

  • Maybe there's only one.

  • There's only one.

  • And I can visualize this on a map,

  • so it supports more than just points.

  • It supports polylines and polygons.

  • This is not a particularly interesting map, because,

  • you know, I can click on this and I get all the data,

  • but it doesn't really tell me anything.

  • I can very quickly click on configure styles.

  • Let's say I want to color this map

  • based on the median age of the population--

  • let's say from green to red

  • and 25-50.

  • And you see now I get a thematic map,

  • a map that I can very quickly look at

  • and see which Congressional districts trend older

  • and which Congressional districts trend younger.

  • And then if you're done, if this is all you want to show,

  • I can actually just get an embeddable link here,

  • copy and paste into my web page, and I get a map.

  • But there's more.

  • I mentioned tight integration with Fusion Tables

  • in the Maps API Version 3.

  • Well, that's exposed through another layer

  • called the Fusion Tables layer.

  • You can see this is a Maps API site,

  • not an embedded I-frame from Fusion Tables.

  • It is in fact styled,

  • which is a feature Aaron will talk about in a little bit,

  • and here I'm displaying the Brazilian beaches

  • on top of my Maps API site,

  • so I can just define the experience however I want.

  • And I can enable heat map through the Maps API.

  • Maybe I need to click this two more times.

  • Yay, that worked.

  • And so I'm also going to show you

  • the Congressional districts maps that I just made.

  • And it supports arbitrary queries, so here,

  • I'm selecting the shape of the congressional district

  • from my table ID, where the median age

  • of the total population is over 30,

  • but I can very quickly switch this to 40,

  • and very quickly I get dynamic results back,

  • so you can build really

  • lots of exciting applications this way.

  • Okay.

  • There we go.

  • Fusion Tables layer works like the other layers.

  • You just create a new Fusion Tables layer.

  • In this case, I pass in a query.

  • If all I want to show is my fusion table

  • without refining or filtering the query at all,

  • I can just provide the table ID.

  • Otherwise, the sequel-like syntax,

  • where you can say average age is above 40, and then

  • if I want it to be a heat map or not,

  • I just set heat map to true or false.

  • If I want to set it, it's the same as other layers.

  • Just call "set map," or call "set map," "pass,"

  • and "null" to clear it.

  • So that's just a tiny bit of the features of Fusion Tables.

  • If you want to learn more about Fusion Tables,

  • how it integrates with the Maps API,

  • and some new features we're launching,

  • you should go to the "Managing and Visualizing

  • Your Geospatial Data with Fusion Tables" session,

  • which is today at 1:15.

  • With that, I'll bring up Aaron.

  • There you go.

  • Jacobs: Thanks, Ossama.

  • Is this on? Yes.

  • Thanks, Ossama. And, hi, everybody.

  • I'm here to talk about Maps API web services

  • and the Static Maps API.

  • What is the Maps API web service?

  • Well, in contrast to the user-facing APIs

  • that Ossama discussed-- the JavaScript, Flash,

  • Static Maps API and so on-- this is a database service

  • for you to call from your native code or backend server

  • and to consume information in JSON or XML.

  • It lets you benefit from Google's expertise

  • in geospatial data, so you can do geocoding to find out

  • where a street address is on Earth,

  • in latitude/longitude, and other information about it.

  • You can do directions queries and more,

  • which I'm going to talk about here.

  • I do remember that we have a terms of service

  • that requires you to eventually do something with this data

  • on a Google map, through the JavaScript,

  • Flash, Static Maps API, Earth API, so the idea here

  • is you can do further computation with your server

  • or your application and eventually display a map

  • to a user doing something intelligent

  • based on the results of that computation.

  • Oh, also, I should mention, most of the services

  • I'm going to talk about here are also available

  • in the JavaScript API, so look at the documentation

  • for that to see that you can also use it from the client

  • if that's appropriate for your app.

  • So the first one I'm going to talk about

  • that you may have missed is the Elevation API.

  • Now this is exactly what it sounds like.

  • It allows you to give us a line or a set of points

  • and to find out the elevation of those points on earth.

  • That's both elevation above sea level

  • and below sea level for points that are underwater

  • in oceans and lakes.

  • This uses our cool bathymetry data that we have

  • that you can see on Google Earth, previously.

  • Now you could use this to visualize elevation profiles

  • or do intelligent things for bikers or walkers

  • and other stuff that I haven't thought of.

  • You guys are the creative ones.

  • It's really easy to use.

  • For example, here I have sort of a trivial request that says,

  • "Given a path from lat. long. 0-0 to 0-10--"

  • this is from the Atlantic Ocean to the shore of Africa--

  • "sample this path three times."

  • You could use a much larger number.

  • This is for my example.

  • "And tell me the elevations of the points along that path."

  • So you get back a JSON or XML response

  • that looks something like this.

  • You see we sampled it at 3.00010 and one in the middle,

  • and you can see that you go from approximately

  • 5 kilometers under the ocean to a little bit shallower,

  • to about sea level as you hit the coast of Africa.

  • It's that easy to use.

  • Check out the documentation.

  • It has a couple other clever features,

  • like you can specify points as addresses

  • if that's helpful for you.

  • Another service I'd like to talk about

  • that we launched last week is called the Distance Matrix API.

  • This is where you have a set of origins and destinations,

  • and you want to find out for each pair of origin/destination

  • how far they are from each other.

  • Now, this is in terms of drive time and drive distance

  • or walk time and walk distance, not as the crow flies,

  • so this can be pretty useful to you.

  • It uses our Directions API data.

  • So for example, if you want to find out how far it is

  • from L.A. to San Diego and--

  • sorry, from L.A. or San Diego to San Francisco or Sacramento,

  • you would make a request that looks like this--

  • you see it's very easy-- and get back this information.

  • Now what's this good for? You could, for example,

  • use this to make an advance store finder app,

  • which given a set of your stores or locations

  • or whatever it is that you are displaying,

  • and the user's location, or a couple of users' locations,

  • home and work,

  • you can do intelligent things based on this,

  • much smarter than getting the closest store as the crow flies,

  • which might involve a heavily trafficked road

  • or something like that.

  • Yes.

  • Another directions related service is route optimization.

  • Now, if you've used the Directions API,

  • you know that you can give an origin and a destination.

  • Say the user wants to go from A to D, via B and C,

  • so that means you need to hit points B and C in the middle.

  • Previously, if you tell us this, we'll just naively follow

  • the set of points that you specify,

  • but this may not be optimum.

  • What we allow you to do is, in your way point list,

  • you can say "optimize true," and what we'll do is

  • we'll reorder those intermediate way points for you

  • so that the user, or whoever's traveling,

  • has the most efficient route through all these points.

  • This is known as the traveling salesman problem,

  • for those who are familiar from computer science.

  • As with all of the things I've mentioned so far,

  • it's very easy to use. You just say "optimize, true."

  • We hold the origin and destination fixed

  • because we assume that's where the user wants to start

  • and wind up, and we do the magic for you.

  • We'll give back the right directions

  • based on the optimum order, and if your application

  • needs to know how they were reordered for some reason,

  • we return the field called "way point order"

  • that tells you that.

  • So for example, with this query here,

  • I've generated a few maps using aesthetic Maps API--

  • or one map actually-- so this is from L.A. to New York

  • via these intermediate cities.

  • The red path is what you'll get if you do it in the naive order,

  • and you can see that it crisscrosses

  • all over the country.

  • It's very inefficient and probably takes a few days.

  • Whereas the green path, you see it's been reordered

  • to do this in an efficient way.

  • So yeah, it's exactly what it sounds like.

  • Another directions-related feature

  • is bicycling directions.

  • So previously in the Directions API,

  • we only supported driving and walking,

  • and you guys are probably familiar with these

  • from,

  • which allows you to get directions, as you know.

  • We've added support for bicycling directions,

  • and all you do is say "mode equals bicycling,"

  • and we'll use what we know about bike paths and local roads

  • and that sort of thing to find routes

  • that are suitable for biking.

  • So for example,

  • here's a trip from--sorry,

  • from Santa Monica to Hollywood in L.A.,

  • and if you're familiar with L.A., you see this red path,

  • which is the driving path-- takes a couple of freeways

  • that you really don't want to take on a bike.

  • But the green path takes bike paths and local roads,

  • and it's probably quite a bit more pleasant.

  • We also of course adjust all of the drive--sorry, ride times

  • and that sort of thing according to biking speed.

  • Moving on, another announcement that we're making--

  • or have made recently, excuse me--

  • is that now everybody is allowed to use SSL for our web services

  • and JavaScript requests.

  • If you're not familiar with SSL, this is a way

  • to encrypt the data that the browser

  • or your code sends to Google so that nobody in between

  • can snoop on it.

  • You can use this if you have sensitive user application data

  • that you don't want anybody in the middle to see.

  • And it's just kind of a good idea for the Internet,

  • for users' data.

  • Previously this was a feature that was only available

  • to Maps API Premier customers, but now you can all use it.

  • Everybody can use it.

  • It's very easy.

  • All you do is make sure you're sending your request

  • to, and change your URLs

  • to use HTTPs, and it's that simple.

  • You don't need to make any other changes.

  • Right, so moving on to the Static Maps API.

  • The Static Maps API is an alternative to the JavaScript

  • and Flash and Earth APIs, which are for interactive maps

  • that are sort of immersive for the user.

  • They can drag them around and zoom in and out

  • and do what they like.

  • If you're in an environment where you don't have JavaScript

  • or Flash available, or where latency is absolutely critical,

  • what the Static Maps API allows you to do

  • is create an appropriate URL

  • that will return a map image that can contain markers

  • and polylines and custom icons,

  • but is not otherwise interactive.

  • And you simply stick that in an image tag,

  • and now you have a map on your site, or in your mobile app,

  • or whatever environment you're in.

  • I should mention, there is a requirement

  • that if you're in a mobile app or anything like that,

  • you need to link back to in some manner.

  • But it's very easy to use.

  • You simply give a size, and you can say--for example,

  • if you want to show a map of Australia

  • with these cities highlighted with markers,

  • all you do is make a URL like this.

  • You get back a map like this. Isn't that beautiful?

  • I have a couple Static Maps API features to discuss.

  • The first one is high-resolution static maps.

  • So for example, if you are on a mobile device

  • with a high DPI screen or you need a map for printing purposes

  • or anything like that, what you can do is tell us

  • to upscale the map by 2x or 4x.

  • And what we'll do is we'll give you a map back

  • that has twice or four times as many pixels in each dimension,

  • and more rendering detail.

  • So when you show that map at the same physical size

  • on the mobile screen or printed, it will look better.

  • It will look less fuzzy.

  • It's pretty easy to use.

  • You just say "scale equals two," "scale equals four."

  • If you have custom icons for your markers,

  • there's a way to specify that these are

  • the appropriate resolution, and we will render them correctly.

  • So for example, here's a map of Sydney at our usual scale,

  • and I will show you one at 2x scale which--

  • imagine it has gotten twice as large

  • and is now outside the bounds of the slide.

  • It's kind of hard to show on a projector,

  • but you see that all of the labels have gotten larger,

  • the road detail has gotten larger,

  • there's more rendering detail there.

  • So now if you shrunk this back down to the same physical size,

  • it would look better for your user.

  • See the documentation for more explanation of how this works.

  • Finally, one other feature is custom static map styles.

  • Now, this is also available in the JavaScript and Flash APIs.

  • But it's this really nifty feature

  • that allows you to change the default styling of Google Maps

  • to fit the branding of your application or product,

  • or to emphasize particular data by de-emphasizing other data,

  • or coloring it or however you like.

  • It's based on a set of style parameters

  • in the Static Maps API,

  • where you give a list of features

  • that you'd like to restyle-- for example, roads or water

  • or anything like that--

  • elements you'd like to restyle,

  • like their labels or their geometry or both,

  • and then a way to restyle them--

  • for example, changing their color

  • to something that's bluish here.

  • Let me give you an example.

  • This is a map of the area around the Moscone Center

  • where we currently are.

  • You can see it's in the Google style

  • that we all know and love, hopefully.

  • And if you change it,

  • you can change it relatively significantly.

  • I've re-colored the roads to be blue,

  • done some desaturation.

  • I've turned off some labels,

  • for example the P and the-- I can't read it from here,

  • but these labels.

  • And you see it's all gone.

  • You've significantly changed the look and feel of the map.

  • Now we have a--if you Google for "styled map wizard,"

  • we have this nifty tool that will let you interactively

  • create these styles.

  • And you can see that it's pretty powerful.

  • So for example, here's a map of San Francisco.

  • I can easily change the water to red, say add style,

  • and for example, change the roads to green,

  • and now I have a map that seems quite a bit different.

  • It's also very ugly. Please be careful with this,

  • but it's up to you to make things that look nice

  • and emphasize what you want to emphasize.

  • Excuse me, I need to go back to my slides.

  • So in summary, Geo APIs at Google.

  • There are a lot of them.

  • It's not just the JavaScript Maps API.

  • We have Flash, we have Earth,

  • we have all of the other products

  • that have geo-integration that Ossama mentioned.

  • The Maps API itself has a ton of features.

  • You often just see maps that are a base map

  • and markers and that's it. Go beyond that.

  • You can make great user experiences.

  • Fusion Tables is a powerful platform for storing your data

  • and visualizing it in even more advanced ways.

  • We have the Earth API

  • for all these interactive awesomeness and trees.

  • And we have secure web services that you can talk to

  • from your back end,

  • make sure user data doesn't go out from the browser,

  • optimize for latency, whatever you need.

  • And we have the static map.

  • The Static Maps API,

  • when JavaScript and Flash aren't an option,

  • or you need to optimize for latency again, as I said.

  • With that, I'm going to say thank you.

  • I'm going to invite Ossama up for Q&A,

  • and I'm going to mention,

  • if you'd like to give us some feedback on this talk,

  • please do.

  • Here's a short link that you can visit

  • to give us feedback. Thank you.

  • Alami: Thanks very much.

  • Jacobs: Does anybody have any questions?

  • Alami: Go ahead at the mic.

  • man: So a couple quick questions

  • in relation to Fusion Tables.

  • For one, how large of a fusion table

  • do you guys support, and like, could I upload a million points?

  • Alami: I believe we support up to 150 megs.

  • man: Okay.

  • Alami: But you can purchase larger amounts.

  • man: Okay.

  • And then the second question is, I know they come back as images.

  • Is there a special on-click event where I can hook in

  • and have first priority on getting the data

  • of where the point is?

  • And I'll give you my specific use case.

  • Really nice to have all those as an image

  • because it's less-- Alami: Right.

  • man: It's more performant, there's no DOM elements.

  • But if I have a user that hits a mouse down

  • and clicks on the actual point,

  • I'd like to be able to inflate it

  • as a regular DOM element.

  • Is that something I can hook into

  • through an event

  • and get back the dimensions of the place?

  • Alami: Yes. man: Okay.

  • Alami: So we do expose events based on clicks,

  • and you could also query Fusion Tables API separately,

  • but we do expose that through the Fusion Tables layer.

  • man: Okay, so I just take that and I can drop it

  • into a new mount marker, sort of, its own parameters

  • and it'll just create one at that point?

  • Alami: That's right. man: Cool.

  • Alami: We'll take the front.

  • man: So last I checked the-- sorry, the Maps API for GWT

  • is stuck on Version 2. Is that still the case,

  • and do you have plans to update that?

  • Alami: I don't know the answer to that.

  • I know there are-- sorry.

  • The question was, the Maps API for GWT

  • is currently on Version 2.

  • I know there are a couple of open-source Version 3

  • implementations of the Maps API.

  • I don't know what the current plan is for Version 2,

  • the GWT implementation.

  • We'll--back mic.

  • man: I've got two quick questions.

  • One is, I saw you color-code various states on the USA map.

  • Do you actually ship political boundaries that we could use,

  • or do we have to get it ourselves?

  • Alami: So the question was, on the U.S. map

  • for the Fusion Tables example,

  • I showed U.S. Congressional district boundaries.

  • Where did I get that data?

  • I actually pulled that data from Fusion Tables.

  • We have a large set of public tables

  • that we've made available as well as users

  • who have contributed data and made that available publicly.

  • So in Fusion Tables, all you have to do--

  • all I searched for, in fact, was U.S. Congressional districts,

  • and it's the first table I found.

  • man: I see, I see.

  • I have two more quick questions.

  • One is, in a typical map, is there an upper limit

  • to how many markers I can display--

  • like, can I display 20,000 markers?

  • Alami: Yes, so there is an upper limit.

  • The question was--

  • Jacobs: How many markers can you show on a map?

  • We do pretty well these days with lots of them,

  • with thousands even,

  • but if you have, like, a truly ridiculous number,

  • you can use something like Fusion Tables

  • or a KML layer or two to offload some of that work

  • to the server side and save the browser from doing it,

  • and it's even more performant. Alami: Yeah.

  • Specifically, there is no hard limit.

  • You can continue to add as many markers as you like.

  • Your browser performance will suffer.

  • man: I see. Alami: Yeah.

  • man: And the last question is, say I have a database

  • that has like 1 million addresses, customer addresses.

  • Is there a tool Google offers

  • to convert them into lats and longitude?

  • Alami: So the question was, if you have a database

  • full of addresses, and you wanted to geocode

  • all those addresses-- so if you upload them

  • to Fusion Tables,

  • Fusion Tables will take care of the geocoding.

  • Jacobs: There also is the opportunity

  • to use the geocoding web service,

  • which is one of those web services I mentioned.

  • You do need to make sure that you're within

  • the terms of service, using this with a map eventually.

  • I'm not sure of the details. Sorry, I'm not a lawyer.

  • But you can use either of these methods.

  • man: Thank you. Great presentation.

  • Jacobs: Thank you.

  • man: I had a small question regarding the Sun Cells input.

  • Is there anything for, for example, compass,

  • gyroscope, or any accelerational movement?

  • So basically, in the API, if the compass moves around,

  • do you have any simple input or do you need to use a 0,

  • 90, and 180 and so on?

  • Alami: So the question was if there's any tie-in

  • to sensors on the phone, for instance, gyroscope.

  • There isn't anything specific in the Maps API.

  • You'd have to code that yourself.

  • Jacobs: You can of course get it from the HTML5,

  • support for it, or I think there are other technologies--

  • I'm not too familiar with this-- but no, we don't have

  • anything canned for you, sorry.

  • man: Okay. Thanks.

  • Alami: I will do the back mic.

  • man: Yes. Is it possible to work in offline mode?

  • No Internet?

  • Alami: The question was, will the maps work in offline mode?

  • The answer is no. Jacobs: Yeah.

  • Alami: We load map tiles from our servers,

  • as well as if you use services like geocoding,

  • or you rely on any of those.

  • It requires an Internet connection to make that work.

  • man: What if we have Enterprise database?

  • Alami: It would still require Internet connection

  • to make that work.

  • The one--sorry, the follow-up question,

  • I've been told by everybody to repeat the questions.

  • The follow-up question was what if you have

  • an Enterprise database or something.

  • There is a product called Google Earth Enterprise,

  • which will let you--

  • man: That's what I was talking about.

  • Alami: Yeah.

  • So I actually don't know the specifics about that,

  • but if you visit us in office hours,

  • or in the sandbox, I can find somebody

  • to answer that question for you.

  • Jacobs: Maybe at the front here?

  • man: Do you have any integration with Google Latitude?

  • Alami: The question was,

  • are there any integration options with Google Latitude?

  • There are no canned implementations.

  • There is no canned integration,

  • so you would have to write that on your own.

  • man: Okay, great, thank you.

  • Alami: Sure.

  • Jacobs: In the back?

  • man: The Fusion Tables-- you mentioned there was

  • a 150 data point limit on that.

  • Is there a way to layer multiple ones of those?

  • Jacobs: It's actually 150 megs, I think.

  • man: Oh, 150 megs?

  • Jacobs: So you can put a lot of data in there.

  • man: Okay, I've got more than that easily.

  • Is there a way that you can layer multiple layers

  • on top of each other-- to, let's say,

  • do a northwest region or southwest region--

  • and then put those layers

  • and generate heat maps based on that?

  • Alami: Yeah. The question was,

  • can I layer multiple Fusion Tables layers on top of the map,

  • and the answer is yes.

  • man: Excellent.

  • Alami: I believe you can do up to five?

  • Jacobs: You might need to be clever about what to do

  • with the boundaries,

  • especially if you're doing heat maps,

  • but I'll leave that up to you.

  • man: Great. Thank you very much.

  • man: My question is on metadata and coverage information.

  • For example, when you set the tilt to the 45 degrees, to 45,

  • what happens if the data is not available for the area?

  • And in general, I want to ask

  • about coverage information, like,

  • given the latitude and longitude of a city,

  • do we have historical data the area--for the area?

  • I wish you can create like a Google Maps API

  • database offline, manual UI base, to give that information.

  • That would be very valuable.

  • Alami: So a couple of questions.

  • The first was what happens if you call "set tilt"

  • on 45-degree imagery

  • and we don't have that imagery available.

  • It'll simply just show the satellite mode and--

  • Jacobs: More generally, do we have information available

  • about where we have various types of imagery,

  • and I don't know the answer.

  • Alami: You can query for imagery within the Earth API,

  • but we do not have a web service

  • that you can hit, or something within the Maps API

  • that you can query for historical imagery.

  • man: Okay.

  • man: A few questions on other layers you might have.

  • Do you have U.S. ZIP codes?

  • Alami: The question was on additional layers.

  • You can just search Fusion Tables.

  • I don't know off the top of my head

  • what we have loaded in there, and in fact,

  • people have made layers available

  • that I don't know about,

  • so simply go to Tables

  • and search for whatever you want,

  • or you can browse public layers.

  • man: And so this is relatively new, and--

  • Are you expecting a lot of user-contributed data?

  • Jacobs: Please contribute, yes.

  • Alami: Yeah.

  • Fusion Tables-- when did we--

  • so Fusion Tables came out of lab several quarters ago.

  • It is now not only--

  • man: Formally part of the API?

  • Alami: It is--

  • Jacobs: It's sort of an independent product,

  • but we have a little bit of, you know, nice integration here

  • in the Fusion Tables layer that Ossama described.

  • man: Okay. Alami: Yeah.

  • And we are, to answer your question,

  • yes, we are seeing quite a bit of usage of Fusion Tables

  • since we launched.

  • man: Thanks. Jacobs: Up front.

  • woman: Do you provide any documentation

  • on the heuristic that you use for the optimization,

  • for the routing? Jacobs: No, we don't.

  • And I personally don't know, but I could speculate with you

  • if you grab me later.

  • woman: Okay.

  • man: So we all have these Android tablets

  • with beautiful Vector Google maps.

  • Are you planning on bringing that to the browser

  • and opening the Vector Maps API to developers

  • on browser and mobile?

  • Alami: The question was about vector maps on the browser,

  • and the answer is, we typically don't comment

  • on our future product plans.

  • man: Okay.

  • Jacobs: Agreed that it would be sweet though.

  • man: Right. Jacobs: Yeah.

  • man: Hi. The Maps API that returns the JSON objects--

  • I've tried that with Google App Engine,

  • and I've, like, been immediately confronted with--

  • I guess it's like a 403 or something, you know, forbidden.

  • I've exceeded my quota.

  • And I assume it's just because someone else on that node

  • exceeded it.

  • I was wondering if there's a way to use a key for that.

  • Jacobs: So yes, so this is a difficulty

  • that we run into in shared hosting environments.

  • Sorry, the question was, I'm on App Engine

  • or something with a shared IP, and I get lots of quota denials

  • in the web services, geocoding or whatever.

  • This is a problem that we run into because of shared IPs.

  • It's hard to tell who's a user, who's not.

  • There is of course Maps API Premier

  • that you could sign up for and get a key,

  • if you have, like, a big project.

  • Otherwise, maybe you can try to do it on the client

  • where we have a more clever strategy for telling

  • who's an independent user, that sort of thing.

  • I don't have a good answer for you right now,

  • but grab me afterward.

  • Twenty seconds, if that's a quick question back there.

  • man: I'll try to make it quick. Jacobs: Yeah.

  • man: So let's say that I wanted to generate

  • a heat map off of private data,

  • say the last seven days of sales,

  • and it's rapidly changing.

  • I wouldn't want to upload that into Fusion Tables

  • before I make the render request, right?

  • So how would I integrate that kind of live feed

  • for my own private book of record, basically,

  • and generate a heat map on top of this stuff?

  • Alami: The question was about generating heat maps

  • using a live data feed.

  • Ultimately you do have to upload this into Fusion Tables.

  • You can keep the table private,

  • so you're not required to make this data public.

  • Jacobs: Unfortunately, it's a relatively computationally

  • expensive process in general,

  • so we're reliant on that at the moment anyway.

  • man: Right. If I could do a quick one.

  • Alami: Yeah.

  • man: So one thing that we talked with some of your guys about--

  • Alami: Sorry.

  • I'm getting a signal from the back,

  • but if you do have a follow-up question,

  • we'll meet you afterwards. Jacobs: Grab us outside. Sure.

  • Alami: Thank you.

  • Jacobs: Thank you. Thanks for coming.

Alami: Hello, everybody, and welcome


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谷歌的秘密驚喜 (Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs)

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    Albert Wong 發佈於 2014 年 04 月 01 日