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  • NARRATOR: Birds are a natural enemy for any aircraft, and they are currently flocking

  • to the Queen Elizabeth: an ideal ocean perch.

  • Coming in to land, Nathan Grey is about to realise he has unwelcome company.

  • RADIO COMMS: Bringing it down 100ft. Slowing the rate of decel.

  • Looking good, small lateral input. Control, there's a lot of birds around today.

  • We've got birds on the left hand side.

  • Paddles landing, six-five, just be aware there's a lot of bird activity this afternoon.

  • Ok, bringing it into the hover.

  • NARRATOR: And sure enough, one of these little birds comes far too close for comfort.

  • RADIO COMMS: Oh, bird down the left side.

  • NARRATOR: And faster than the eye can see, it's ingested right into the intake fan.

  • The aircraft has been instantly compromised. Something soft, fluffy and weighing less than

  • an ounce brings the mighty F35 to it's knees.

  • A tiny little bird could absolutely do damage.

  • It doesn't take much, sometimes, to damage an aircraft.

  • To check the engine, they put somebody in the intake to crawl up and see the front end of the engine,

  • just to make sure there's been no damage to it.

  • The F35 will not fly again until it's fully checked.

  • The bird would have been instantly vaporised, and the intake fan shows no sign of immediate damage.

  • But, nobody is taking any chances with a hundred-million dollar aircraft.

  • The bird went down the lift fan, so it's important that we check this aircraft out, run the engine

  • and the lift fan up to full power to make sure there's no damage.

  • The F35 is ok, this time.

  • But the birds keep coming, and they're getting bigger.

  • Good evening ladies and gentleman.

  • Some of you have noticed on the upper deck that there seem to be quite a lot of birds

  • around at the moment. It's just a reminder that these are quite dangerous to the aircraft,

  • as you'd expect. In actual fact one of them, today, was sucked into the intakes of the engine.

  • Most importantly, please do not feed them.

  • The most expensive fighter jet in the world needs a lot of looking after.

  • And on the bird front, even nature is lending a hand now.

  • Rather like the ship, starting to police itself.

  • I saw a falcon. We seen him, he caught one of the little sparrow-sized birds before,

  • and he was munching on that down the back end. He's munching on all the

  • small ones and keeping the population down.

  • Obviously we don't want him going down an intake either.

  • The falcon's been with us for about two and a half weeks now.

  • He's fantastic. I mean he's the perfection of flight, I mean

  • that really is the development of nature just there. But what he's been brilliant at, he's

  • going out and catching all the little songbirds we've got and keeping away from the aircraft,

  • both the helicopters and the jets. He's marvellous but he's a beautiful looking bird as well.

  • Has he got a rank yet? Not yet, no. But he's certainly gained his carrier qualification

  • that's for sure. His hover alongside three-spot yesterday was exceptional, whilst eating a bird.

NARRATOR: Birds are a natural enemy for any aircraft, and they are currently flocking


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B1 中級

小鳥擊落史上最昂貴的戰鬥機 - BBC (Tiny bird takes down most expensive fighter jet ever built - BBC)

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