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  • (Image Source: The Verge)


  • China’s water is vanishing, and it is reportedly not linked solely to evaporation. The country

  • claimed to hold an estimated 50,000 rivers within its borders. Now, more than half of

  • them have abruptly disappeared.

  • The results from the first national water census were released March 28. It was conducted

  • by the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources.

  • The study shows that since the 1950s at least one thousand rivers have been disappearing

  • from China’s landscape every year. Half of the rivers gone were over 60 square miles

  • in volume.” (VIDEO: NTDTV)

  • China’s engineers have been debating the cause for the vanishing water. Some argue

  • that it is the unsustainable growth of China, but the Deputy Director of the Chinese Ministry

  • of Water Resources told the South China Morning Post:

  • The disparity in the numbers was caused mainly by inaccurate estimates in the past,

  • as well as climate change and water and soil loss. Due to limited technology in the past,

  • the previous figures were estimated using incomplete topographical maps dating back

  • to the 1950s.”

  • The United Nations lists China as one of the 13 countries most affected by water scarcity.

  • Official Chinese data shows that waste has led to 40% of China's rivers being seriously

  • polluted, causing over 24% of China's water supply to be deemed is completely unusable.

  • In an effort to alleviate the water shortage, the Chinese government remains intent on building

  • the South-North Water Transfer Project.

  • Newser reports with the water transfer project projected at $62 billion, they will divert

  • water from China's southern region to northern rivers. Officials hope the effort will provide

  • some relief to the northern region’s dire water shortage.

  • However The Verge says, Ma Jun, the director of the Beijing-based Institute of Public and

  • Environmental Affairs, said he doesn’t see the transfer project as a long-term solution

  • that will be viable.

  • They could run out of water without this project...but even the current volume of redirected

  • water likely won't be enough to keep up with demand.”

  • China has already implemented tougher regulations on usage and pollutants to try to combat the

  • ever-growing water problem. However, it remains to be seen whether China can enforce the regulations

  • across an expansive and fast-growing population.

(Image Source: The Verge)



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B1 中級

中國的水危機。半數以上的河流消失 (China's Water Crisis: More Than Half of Rivers Disappear)

  • 217 16
    richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日