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Welcome to show me the curry dot com.
I'm hit.
I'm in Asia.
And today we're gonna show you one of those basic recipes You know how to make instant coffee.
Now, this is something I know a lot of people in colleges and schools and study for exams at night, visiting and ripping up, complaining to stay awake on, Have this keep us warm.
So this is one of those things.
But, you know, this is so long back.
Not that I'm old, but yes, And just recently bought a Krishna but above yours reminded us up it.
And it just brought back with sweet memories.
So we thought we'd share it with you right now.
We've all used instant coffee before.
And what do we do?
We take a spoon of instant coffee and just mix it in our milk and drink.
It were perfectly happy with that, but this takes coffee to a new level.
Still using the same instant coffee?
Yes, on Dhe getting your workout today.
Very important.
So we have instant coffee.
You can use any brand that you like, but I know that a said she likes brew because it has some trickery mixed in with it.
So she likes a waiver that we're using Regular desk cafe.
So we take Parker, we take one teaspoon of coffee, so we're making two cups, so we have two teaspoons of coffee into that will add sugar to taste.
And to this, we're gonna add just a couple of drops of water are the key to this whole coffee process is that you want with this thing and whip it, whip it, whip it And it takes sometimes to be patient.
But it'll be all worth while you get nice arms out of it.
But we're gonna whip it until this dark mixture becomes nice and light and frothy.
So here goes.
Had Thio let her take over my arms.
Got enough of a workout?
Look at it.
Oh, my gosh.
It's You just want to eat that.
It is so good.
It's so yummy.
With IHS, it's almost huh?
White ish.
I mean, very, very light.
Almost looks like most Doesn't exactly a great favor.
That's how stiff it is.
That's what a good job I did.
All right?
You wanna make this authentic?
We're gonna We're gonna transfer for 11 of these little things to another more.
We could do it.
Hopefully, we do it correctly and not over ourselves.
The more you do it, you get this nice little frothy topping.
And it's yummy.
So let's try this.
So you would usually do this, like, two cups.
But we want to show you what it looks like.
So we're transferring it to these little buggers we're gonna add.
Listen, so we have, like, about 1.5 cups of milk over here.
You can use lesser milk and more water, depending on what you like, but we've got no fat milk.
So we just stick to that and one in the heart boiling nice and hot.
It's yummy.
You don't waste any of all that hard work.
I did.
We did.
I Come on.
Okay, we just mixed all of that coffee.
Make sure in there.
Here goes.
It's a good time for aprons.
Uh, look at that.
It's already bubbling up.
And if your milk is boiling at this point, doing this actually makes it the perfect temperature to drink the coffee.
He's must actually do.
Six me, Our yard.
So one meter.
We're playing it safe.
Six inches that way.
Don't need any more than that.
All right, press to check that out.
Good job.
Thank you.
But I think the secret is all in the beating.
Not in the mix.
So she says.
But we're gonna enjoy this.
You're gonna take a little break from our work.
Coffee is ready, and I think it's time to drink it before it goes away.
And you have to work fast at this whip.
It would be a Whippet and serve immediately and bar actually to suggest that they could just stone.
So Sprinkle some bringing chocolate on double fits and wild presentation.
So enjoy a simple couple Coffee, Joe or couple job enjoying this again.
And And I was a little Show me the very dot com, adding just spice to your life.