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  • DNA molecules inside a confined environment - just like your headphones inside your backpack -

  • will tend to tie knots... There is a theorem, due to De Witt Sumners & Yuanan Diao that says

  • that the knotting probability goes to 1 as the length of the chain goes to infinity, in r 3.

  • So if you have a very long cable - it doesn't need to be a complicated knot, but eventually - it will knot itself.

  • So 'you have such long molecules in so such small environment, it is to be expected that these molecules

  • will have some topological complexity. Now, we do not know if there is spontaneous knotting...

  • We can anticipate there is. And we do not know - if there is spontaneous knotting - is it important

  • for the cell? We don't know that. We know that the cell typically does not like topological entanglement.

  • So the cell has an army of enzymes that, the moment they see a knot, they'll come here...

  • they say 'Oh, look there is a knot here. Ok, we need to break it. ',

  • They open, they break, they transport, one strand through the break, and they reseal the break.

  • And when they do that, they unknot the knot. So these are little pacmans that go around the cell,

  • they're called 'Type-2-Topoisomerases', and they will just break the chain, transport another strand,

  • reseal the chain, and remove the topological complexity.

  • Type-2-topoisomerases are enzymes that are ubiquitous; they have been found in every possible organism;

  • I mean from archaea to humans, and they are essential to life.

  • meaning: if the Type-2-topoisomerase in the cell doesn't work, the cell dies.

  • So they are wonderful targets for antibiotic drugs, for example... So there's uh...

  • a big family of drugs called 'Fluoroquinolones', ...

  • you may have heard of 'Cyprofloxacin', ...

  • used for... to treat bacterial... uh, like urinary tract infections, or sometimes * infections,...

  • What that drug will do is it will target the Type-2-topoisomerase in the bacterium that is making you sick.

  • In all those bacteria, when the T-2-TopoIsomerase stops working, these bacteria will have an accumulation of

  • interlinked DNA - not knotted, but interlinked DNA - and that accumulation of topology will kill the bacteria.

  • So let's assume this is a DNA molecule that is not helical yet.

  • Okay? So now let's make it into a helix.

  • It has to be a right-handed helix, and I need to twist this an even number of times, because otherwise

  • when I close it, I would get a Möbius band; And that's not what I want.

  • So, now, I'm going to close this chain right here...

  • - So this is not human DNA then, or...? - No, let's assume this is either one of those loops

  • or is a circular DNA molecule that could be a bacterial genome, or it could be just a naturally-occuring plasmin.

  • And this coil is just a natural coil from the double helix.

  • And here I just put two of those turns to make it simpler.

  • But there's many more turns...

  • - Now, what 'you doing? - And now, these scissors are the enzymes that

  • are going to start DNA replication. So the circle - if we assume that this is a bacterial DNA -

  • there will be an origin of replication; replication will go by directionally; there will be first enzymes called helicases

  • that will unwind the DNA. So they will break the hydrogen bonds and open up the two strands.

  • So.. unwind DNA, and we can mimic that by just cutting.

  • And you can imagine another pair of scissors going in the other direction.

  • Okay, replication is done.

  • Now we went from one circle - one circular DNA molecule - to two circular DNA molecules.

  • Well, look what the problem is... We have a topological problem right here...

  • - What's going on there? They're knotted together, they're linked...!

  • - They're interlinked. So they are two independent circles. Each one of them has exactly the same genetic code.

  • But these two circles are interlinked. So, now, if each new cell wants to inherit one circle,

  • they will pull. If they pull, they will break... If DNA breaks, that's a very bad... that's very bad news for your cell.

  • Or, very gently, an enzyme called Type-2-Topoisomerase - your old friend - will come here,

  • will break very gently, will transport one chain through the break, and reseal the break,

  • and then assess 'Am I done?' 'Oh, I'm not done!' 'Okay, then I need to break again!'

  • 'Okay, I'm going to break again, transport, reseal...' 'Okay, now I'm done..!' 'Now I'm done.'

  • Now each one of those chromosomes can segregate to a new daughter cell, and cell division can happen.

  • So this is a problem: when Type-2-Topoisomerases don't work, then the newly-replicated chromosomes are

  • interlinked. And there is nothing you can do about that.

  • And that interlinking will eventually kill the bacterial cells.

  • And this happen every time the DNA is replicated. Every time you go through replication,

  • the DNA is interlinked. Why? Because DNA is a helix. That's the reason.

  • It's a very simple mathematical reason: DNA is a helix, so when you cut it through the center

  • - if it's circular and you cut it through the center -

  • these crossings will become linked - interlinks between two chains.

  • Chromosomes look like notes but the occupy distinct territories within the cell nucleus.

  • And then you're looking here.

  • Well, the question is, is there an organisation here?

DNA molecules inside a confined environment - just like your headphones inside your backpack -


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DNA如何解開自己的結 - Numberphile (How DNA unties its own knots - Numberphile)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日