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  • Hey, dudes. I'm Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking, we're making breakfast enchiladas

  • filled with potatoes and chorizo, topped with fried eggs with a homemade chili sauce. These

  • are going to go great with all of your breakfast margaritas.

  • Alright. Numero uno. That means number one in Spanish. We're going to make our chili

  • sauce. So, I've got here a couple of dried pasilla chilies. They're pretty sweet and

  • tasty and delicious. I'm just going to break the stems off. I've already given them a little

  • rinse, just to get any dust or pesticide residue or anything like that off of them, since they're

  • not organic. Sorry, Jesus. I'm going to add about a cup of water or maybe a little more.

  • All we're going to do is bring this to a boil. When it boils, I'm going to turn the heat

  • off and just let it sit for about ten minutes to get reconstituted. So, I'm actually going

  • to move this to this back burner while that happens. Do a little magic switcharoo here

  • and work on numero two. This totally looks like a number two here.

  • Alright. What this is is not a turd. It's some chorizo sausage, some fresh Mexican chorizo

  • sausage. I'm just going to cook this over sort of a medium-high heat, until it's cooked

  • through and in really fine crumbles. You could totally leave this out. I've made these vegetarian

  • before, and they're just delicious. But I had some chorizo, so I'm going to add it.

  • [music].

  • Once most of the fat has released, you can be pretty sure that it's almost cooked. So,

  • I'm going to add some diced onion. We just want to soften this a little bit. I still

  • want to keep some of the crunch integrity of the onion, but maybe not like fully raw

  • onions. Although, you totally could. It's also fine that way. This is a very flexible

  • recipe, as long as you have the chili sauce and the potatoes, and even, you could totally

  • just buy a can of enchilada sauce and make enchiladas and serve them for breakfast with

  • an egg on top. I don't give two shits. Okay.

  • So, our water on the chilies is boiling. That's great. I'm going to drop in a couple cloves

  • of raw garlic, just like that. Bloop. Put the lid back on it. Turn it off and just let

  • it sit there for ten minutes to get softened up. Okay. Onions are getting just barely translucent.

  • Go ahead and turn the heat off. I've got two red potatoes here that I boiled a couple days

  • ago, and then peeled and just cut into pretty big cubes. And then, I'm also going to add

  • some baby spinach. Tear it up a little bit. Ew. Gross. I want my money back. But like

  • I said, yeah, this is totally still a hearty meal if you leave the chorizo out. The meat

  • is not integral. I don't know. Take it out. It's not necessary for the recipe to work.

  • Just a little extra bonus, because chorizo is the new bacon, y'all. I just declared that

  • for 2014. Pass it on.

  • Just going to mash up those potato chunks a little bit to help this filling stick together.

  • That's just going to make it easier to roll up. Okay. Them the last thing I'm going to

  • add to the filling is some crumbled up cotija cheese. This is a Mexican cheese. It's very

  • firm and salty, kind of reminds me of a merman's dick because it's firm and salty. Okay. Anyway,

  • I'm just imagining that merman have perpetual boners. But anyway, just a little bit of this,

  • maybe an ounce or so. Just add a nice saltiness. So, we're not adding any other salt to this

  • because between the chorizo and the cotija, we've got it made. But if you were leaving

  • either one of those out, you probably want to add a little bit of salt. Mix that around.

  • And this is not a melting cheese. It stays in chunks, and they just kind of get soft.

  • So, it adds a nice little textural bite in there, a little chewy cheese curd kind of

  • feel. You could use other types of cheese too.

  • Just going to pull them out by the tips. Pull it out by the tip and let all the seeds drop

  • out. You could leave them in if you wanted a really spicy sauce, but I don't know. To

  • me, this doesn't really need to be like super hot. These peppers have a really nice fruity

  • flavor. And the little garlic cloves that I dropped in. So, they'll still have a little

  • bit of a rawness to them, but they're not going to be so sharp and spicy. So, I'm going

  • to add, to start with, about a half cup of this soaking liquid. That's why I rinsed these

  • peppers off first, because you want to be able to use this liquid, but not if it's full

  • of weird gross shit, just jizz it around.

  • Important safety note. When you're blending hot things in a blender, pressure builds up,

  • and the lid can blow off. So, make sure that you allow it to like vent, just by sort of

  • leaving a little thing like that. Or if you don't have like a little cap, you can just

  • cover the blender with like a towel or something, doubled up, so you don't splatter your hand

  • with hot liquid. Okay. Safety lesson over. Whoa, guys. That was loud. Okay. I'm going

  • to check the consistency. Alright, that looks pretty good. Smells delicioso. I'm going to

  • add a little bit of salt, maybe a quarter teaspoon or so. That's it. Our sauce is done.

  • So, we can get rid of this. Magically, it goes over there. And then, for the enchilada

  • part, I've got some corn tortillas. Typically, or traditionally, they're sort of like warmed

  • up and softened in some warm oil before you roll the enchiladas. I have a cheer white

  • girl method, and I'm just going to actually spray them with a little bit of spray oil.

  • Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Then, stick them in the microwave for about 30 seconds,

  • and you will see how beautifully pliable they become. Okay. See? These are nice and hot

  • and soft. Your mileage may vary. You might need to put them in for a little bit longer,

  • 60 seconds or so. But, looks good to me.

  • So, we're going to put a little bit of our sauce down here. And then, you just want to

  • dredge each tortilla in a little bit of this sauce. It's going to be a little bit messy.

  • Don't wear your best shirt. Couple tablespoons of your filling. And then, shove it on back.

  • A lot of times when I'm just making these for Chris and I, I'll just do like a half

  • batch, and I won't even bother heating up in the oven. I'll just do it on a plate and

  • like, microwave them or something.

  • So, this last one, you've got to do a little maneuvering, a little Houdini-ing to get it

  • covered, but you can do it. I promise you'll manage. Alright. Muy bien. Now, I'm just going

  • to pour the rest of the sauce over the top. Well, maybe save a little bit back because

  • it looks really pretty when you top it with egg. You can add a little bit more sauce on

  • top of the egg too. Okay. Gorgeous. Alright. I'm going to put this in the oven, really

  • just until I have some eggs fried or poached or however you want to do them.

  • Bonus video recipe tip. How to fry an egg in a cast iron skillet. You have to use butter.

  • Do not screw around with oil and frying eggs in a cast iron skillet. I have no idea why

  • it doesn't work, but it doesn't work. You have to use butter. I'm sure I'm going to

  • get a million comments telling me I'm totally wrong, but in my kitchen, I have to use butter,

  • or the eggs just stick, and they make a huge mess. I'm heating this up over pretty high

  • heat. I'm going to let this butter kind of -- It'll get a little foamy, and then the

  • foam will subside. Don't let me down, butter. Do what I said that you'll do.

  • Okay. I think that's hot enough. It's sort of popping and stuff. It's maybe almost about

  • to turn brown. That's good. So, if you put it in, and it starts popping like that, that's

  • good. It means you're probably not going to have your eggs stick to the pan. It also means

  • you're probably going to get some little crusty brown bits, which I personally like. But if

  • you don't, then you might want to try poaching your eggs or not using a cast iron skillet.

  • Just kind of shimmy it. The handle will get hot, eventually, if you're frying a bunch

  • of eggs. So, don't have to be like me and be all stupid. Turn the heat down if it's

  • popping too much. So, it looks good. The bottom's all set, white. Get it moving like this, and

  • then boop, like that.

  • Turn the heat off immediately, because that residual heat is going to keep cooking it.

  • So, it's not like totally done while I get my enchiladas out of the oven. Alright. Enchiladas

  • are done. Oops. I scrunched it, but that's OK. It's going to taste awesome. Then, I'm

  • going to cover it with a, hopefully, still runny egg. Come on. I'll just do that. Perfect.

  • Okay. There you go. Breakfast enchiladas. I cannot wait to dig in.

  • I have many other enchilada recipes on my website and videos. And also, check out my

  • breakfast playlist, if you are so inclined. Let's just go ahead and see if the egg yolk

  • is still runny. Hey. It's not runny, exactly, but it's moist. Why does that word gross everyone

  • out so much? Okay.

  • Get all this good stuff. I'm just going to take a big old honking bite. God damn it.

  • If I can. Fork. My fork is traitor-ing me. That is what I'm talking about. This is what

  • I want for breakfast if I ever come to stay at your house, like impromptu like bed and

  • breakfast session. This is what I want you to make me. Okay?

  • Thanks. Thanks for watching. Please subscribe if you haven't already. Check out Hilah Cooking

  • for printable recipes, and I'll see you guys next time. Bye.

  • Hey. What's a crab's favorite Mexican food? Pinch-a-lot-as. Get it?

Hey, dudes. I'm Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking, we're making breakfast enchiladas


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