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Welcome to show me the curry dot com on the new job and then people.
And today we have a lot in here and she's in the show us how to make Gluten Free Rainbow Please squeeze have carrot and fresh coriander.
So we're enhancing the food value also on duh.
Why I like this booties again.
It's an occasional thing.
We don't make movies every day.
We don't try every day, but they're good to carry on the good to carry to a dinner.
Say you're going out to dinner and the child with allergies shouldn't only be having rice.
They stay soft, right?
They stay soft in an insulated container.
But if you're carrying them in a small other container also they find for a few hours.
Yeah, Andi, if you're if you're eating them the next day, then you should just stab them in the microwave oven and then they're finding a few seconds.
We're starting off, actually, with the basic gluten free flour way.
Have a recipe for that already.
A video on the Web site you can look for that just made a whole lot of it and kept it so perfect time to use that to be a one cup of that, that we're going to add 1/4 teaspoon off salt to taste one teaspoon off Gina or cumin seeds.
You see, you don't need an accompanying vegetable with these studies with the other.
You need something to go with them, right?
These you can take along even on a journey.
So you don't need that Accompany vegetable picnics and undo I only kids, you know, allergies.
So lunch?
Yes, if you can put in the really one teaspoon of oil.
And now I'm just going to add all this half a cup off.
Finally shed it can.
It was about three small one, and that was to about two people.
They was phones off chopped cilantro, coriander, green chilies to taste again.
Option in its usual.
Are you gonna do with red Chili powder?
You know, she feels just as good.
We have 1/3 cup of water over here, and it's just regular tap water, and we're just gonna add a little at a time.
I don't want to just add all the water at one go, just to see how much the door will take I'm going to need it.
Carrot, add scandal.
God, it is also better Claritin.
Okay, which is an important antioxidant to have and actually cooked carrot yields more better.
Carrot in general.
Really scooped vegetables are more a similar bill by the body.
And here's the balance of the water.
And, um, depending on how fresher drawers you need that much water, you know?
So it's very fresh.
You need less water.
It's a little older.
You need more.
So just put little at the time so you can keep control on it.
But that looks very pretty.
Yes, Like many kids would like the name as well.
And we will let this rest of looking.
It doesn't have to be refrigerated, you know?
I mean, you can keep it outside, believe in a couple of bars.
It's fine.
So do you know me too?
Needed anti whole lot like gluten.
Yeah, I am needing it.
You need It's about five minutes.
Yes, Yes, easily.
So is it the same consistency as regular?
It's looking less a tighter than regular Oakleys.
And sure, the vegetables will let a little bit of 1/4.
Yeah, Yes.
So we're likely coated it with oil.
And now we're gonna cover 15 minutes and we'll be back.
So we also have the oil heated up for defying.
Of course, it's booties.
You have to do that and be the dough has rested for 15 months, so we're ready to get the boot.
Breweries rolling up make small balls.
You know, you can rule out all the booties and then try them if you want to do it that way, just flat in each ball like this in the palm of your hand.
So you get a nice flat boards, dust them a little in the rice flour, and then you just told them out.
Not as often as duties.
There should be a little tickle.
We're gonna test the oil, but yes, it's ready to be played out.
Drop the breweries in very gently and press with a slotted spoon.
Press the brewery down so it has enough time to puff up.
See, these stories are not going to balloon as much as the police, which our plane, because the plan is a little heavy and flip it around after minutes that it took on the underside and then pull it out to the site.
Take out.
Drain out all the excess oil.
Place it on the plates lined paper towel way.
Have the please.
Then they look fantastic.
So they made about 2022 booties and many on the size, which how big you have them.
So I think it's like perfect for family.
I know dimensions before, but some of them will puff beautifully and some of them, but it's okay because even the ones that don't are still nicest.
Mainly this and not just at the yummy, and you want them to be something on them.
To be crispy, be harder to take them around them.
Yeah, you can always back off you wino and foil.
Carry them around with them in the lunch box or something.
Picnics off parties.
Nothing there really good one.
Gluten free lunch challenge, Auntie.
It's even without Lord entry.
It's hard, so I can just imagine so so Absolutely delicious.
Have a great texture whom taste is amazing and enough have a look.
He's so cute, so aptly named.
Fantastic names do well.
The Children that is so tryingto create some names for them.
Yes, that is surgery.
So very, very nice.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us and all of us and join us again on another episode of Show me the card dot com.