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way, buddy.
Welcome back to let's talk mirror.
What are we going to learn today?
Well, today we're going to learn how to wish people good luck and simply cheer them up, make them do their best, or make them perform in a way that they would have not thought off before going on stage.
Probably, you know, in the first place the reason why I really like cheering someone up, even if they're just don't well, not for a particular test or an interview, but just picture them up.
I really like doing that to people because that really boost someone's confidence and wishing someone good luck the right way.
Does the job so much better?
I am telling you that there have been times where just just a simple good luck on that to innovate, very creative way has made my day.
And I have cracked really difficult interviews at one point of time.
And that is when I thought that Hey, let's starting this in our English class today.
Are you guys ready for it?
By the way, there is one quick tip for you as and when we go forward, you would realize that There are a lot of different words instead of combinations which are not regular and grandma right, But they're actually recognized by Google voice recognition, so you can actually try it someday.
And you would realize that Google is now recognizing these weird combination off spellings and alphabets and words altogether.
Okay, let's quickly get started.
All right, the first wait.
Wish someone good luck is Hey, fly high.
What does this mean?
I'm actually trying to tell the person that don't limit yourself to anything.
Just think that sky is the limit.
The possibilities are huge and just go for it.
And you are lucky today and you will get what you want, okay?
And what you've been preparing for, so fly high is just, you know, trying to reach the sky.
Okay, so it's limitless, right?
Sky high off course.
You can message this to someone you can call someone and booster energy.
Cheer them up.
Believe me, they would do if nothing 50% They would give him more than what they were before you wishing them good luck.
Okay, let's look at the next one, Guys, the next one is shine on.
Well, this particularly comes from, you know, diamonds or things that really shine and glow that steal people's heart that make others just get attracted towards something shiny.
Doesn't that happen to you guys as well?
That you see something shining?
You're like, Oh, your attention is immediately immediately goes to It's something shiny, right?
Something that is bright.
So when you wish someone good luck, you can always say, Hey, shine on which means glow and be bright so much that the attention is focused on you and nobody else around you, Right?
So shine on means right, you know, glow and be the best among the others and be the most attractive among amongst the others around you.
Maybe for interview or made just before some, um, campus competitions.
You never know.
But this will definitely work.
Okay, Now, the next one is blow them away.
This particular this one particularly.
I find it's very interesting because you're actually wishing someone by asking them to blow others away, not literally off course, but to blow someone's minds.
And you're like when you perform people in front of you like, Wow, this is fantastic.
He or she took my breath away, probably at an interview.
You give such a witty answer that everyone is super impressed and you've blown their minds off.
That's another way to wish someone good luck.
It's really in its really happy.
It's very peppy.
It does its job really well.
So blowing some, blowing them away.
It's something which is breathtaking.
Okay, all right.
So remember this to wish someone good luck than next time.
Okay, whether it's a stage performance or whether it's a desk doesn't matter.
Okay, then get the game face on.
Have you ever seen sportsmen or people who go to the gym or people who are out there achieving specialist When it comes to physical physical activity, they have a very, very firm and a study in a serious face, which is supremely focused towards the winning goal.
And that's the literal meaning off this wish for this good luck, wish or charm to get the game face on that you start thinking in the most focused manner that the only thing you can see in front of you is victory and is the game that you're going to win.
Okay, so get the game face on actually means when or being focused okay.
This to really helps guys, especially when it comes to physical activities.
Such as ports, for example.
Okay, moving on.
Fun to do the impossible.
This one was recently sent to me by a friend of mine when I was going to perform on stage.
So, um, that was mother.
The performance that I was about to do with something that I've never done before.
It was out of my comfort zone.
And I just get this message right before I go on stage.
It says that Hey, go for it.
It's fun to do the impossible.
And it it was so nice it cheer me up.
It was such a quick kept all by someone, and that friend of mine knew that.
Hey, I know it's impossible.
You're doing something very difficult, but you love it and you know that it's fun.
So go for it and get it and just do it.
Okay, so fun to do the impossible is just just simply means, you know, do the polls do do what you have to do and do what you love.
Okay, there's no particular meaning, but definitely something that has attracted me in the recent most times.
Okay, Quickly moving on to the next one.
Guys, show them Who's the bows now?
Obviously, you might think that.
Hey, Mira.
Mom, you have the spelling is quite not correct.
It's actually b o double s.
But let me tell you guys, this is a very, very slang washing off saying, boss, and the pronunciation to is really, really heavy.
And it goes, it goes balls right with the B a w s e you know, it simply means go get them and show them who's the boss.
Don't think of Don't think any less off yourself.
You are good.
You have been working hard towards this.
Don't think of anything else.
No matter what they ask you.
Don't worry.
You have prepared for it.
You've You've done your hard work.
It's time to shine.
Just go there with a smile, probably, and just take their bread's off and show them that you are no less.
You two are equally good.
Okay, so this just means equally good and hardworking as well going on from here we have something called Is God's Speed.
While this is a very, very it's an American way off wishing someone good luck, especially when it comes to someone who's, you know, taking up on a new journey, whether it's shifting jobs right from one stream to another or someone was shifting from one country to another, right?
So God's speed actually means wishing someone good luck, especially when that person is going on a new journey.
Make sure that the next time you find your friend who tells you that I'm moving out of the city or I'm going, I'm going on a different path.
When it comes to my career to send them God speed, he would do it.
Don't worry about it.
Okay, then next is break a leg?
Well, this actually, it's an ironic way off wishing someone good luck by saying by asking someone to break something.
What that's not what it actually means.
It usually is set for is wished for people who are going to go on stage and performing probably musicians or dances.
That's how it started originally, you know, So you can use is for someone who are going to go on stage, who are performers, stage performers.
Okay, off course.
That doesn't mean you have to just restrict yourself to stage performers.
You can always wish anybody good luck by saying go break a leg.
That means go do what you have to do, and you will do well in it.
And you would fare well in it.
OK, moving on from here.
We have get them, though, that I think this one has been existing.
Um, ever since I have known it just means that he you know what?
Just speed up.
Just run like, you know, like like being a ce fasters the lion and just go get them hard and make sure that you can't what you wanted.
You go for the go and you get it back home.
That's simply that's just what it means.
That that's what get them actually means.
All right.
And the last one that I have is, according to me, something that can boost someone's energy or anybody's energy so much that they will actually end up getting what they wanted.
100% you are it Full stop.
Do not forget the full stop because I think it makes the whole sentence so much more stronger.
You are telling someone that Hey, you know what?
Don't be worried about anything.
Don't think of anything.
You're My luck is with you and you have worked hard for it.
You are it.
There's no competition.
It's just you.
And the kind of luck or the kind of boost that descendants can give someone is really priceless.
It can make someone feel Ace ace, as in Victoria's or the best off them.
All right.
They can always use this.
This means that the person is ace.
This means a person can do whatever he or she has decided to do.
All right, guys, that's all for today.
But do not forget to wish people good luck for their new journey for their performances.
Probably the interviews or the test.
No matter what you want to do, make sure that you use the most innovative and creatively to wish your friends, family, acquaintances, new ones.
Good luck.
Well, that's all for today, But no worries.
I will be coming back very soon.
Right here with a new and interesting list until end.
Guys makes that your practice.
Make sure that your smile is Fred, Lord of Love.
This is me, Mira signing off for the day.