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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and the lock I have for you today was a huge disappointment.

  • It's a Retek, it's brand keypad, and I need to take the cover off to show you what's wrong.

  • Removing the cover is very easy.

  • Just one screw.

  • You see, I bought this to Demo optical tamper sensors for you, and the picture on Amazon clearly showed an optical sensor right here.

  • But this seems to be a totally different circuit board from that pictured on Amazon, and the contacts for that sensor were relocated to the upper right hand corner.

  • Unfortunately, when they move those contacts, they apparently decided not to populate them with an actual sensor.

  • So my options were either to return.

  • This were come up with some way to embarrass it on video.

  • I think you all know where this is going.

  • I figured that in today's world, in which it's becoming increasingly prudent, tow, avoid contact with multi user items like keypads.

  • It might be a good time to answer a question that a whole bunch of you asked, Can I open a lock without touching it?

  • Some of you may recall that in past videos, I've discussed actuate ing the relays and electronic locks using a magnet.

  • Well, if that magnet is powerful enough, it could be done without contact folks.

  • More than once.

  • I've recommended avoiding standalone access control systems, and I think this is a very graphic demonstration of why that's good advice.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below you like this video and would like to see more like it.

  • Please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and the lock I have for you today was a huge disappointment.


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[1064]首創無接觸開放!(Retekess鍵盤) ([1064] First No Touch Open! (Retekess Keypad))

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