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  • Air conditioner, air conditioner, alarm clock, alarm clock, aluminum foil, aluminum foil, apartment apartment, armchair, armchair ashtray, ashtray, attic attic, back door, back door, door door, basement, basement bathmat, bathmat bath towel, bath, towel, bathed, bathed, bathroom, bathroom, bathtub, bathtub, bed, bed, bedroom, bedroom, bench bench, blanket, blanket, bleach, bleach, blender, blender.

  • Blind, blind but case but case.

  • Bookshelf, bookshelf bottle opener, bottle opener, bull bull broom broom brush, brush bucket bucket, bug spray, bug spray build build building, building, buzzer buzzer.

  • Cabinet, Cabinet calendar calendar candle candle, cardboard box.

  • Cardboard box carpet, carpet ceiling ceiling ceiling fan ceiling fan seller, seller cement, cement chain chain chair chair, champagne glass, champagne glass chandelier, chandelier charger, charger, chimney chimney, chopsticks, Chopsticks.

  • City city Clean clean clock clock, closet closet.

  • Close detergent.

  • Close detergent, Clothes line clothes line close.

  • Been close.

  • Been coffee pot, coffee pot, coffee table, coffee table, concrete, concrete, condominium, condominium, conservatory, conservatory, construct construct, cook, cook, cookware, cookware, corkscrew, corkscrew corridor, corridor country country crib, crib Cup cup curtain curtain cutting board cutting board dead.

  • Both luck dead Both luck.

  • Demolish, demolish deposit deposit desk, desk detergent, detergent developer, developer, dining room, dining room, dinner table, dinner table, dish dish this washer, this washer Do laundry.

  • Do laundry doghouse, doghouse door door you are saying you are sane door knob door knob, dormitory dormitory, double bed, double bed drain.

  • Drain drawer, drawer.

  • Dresser, dresser, drill drill.

  • Dry dry dryer dryer, dust dust, dust cloth, dust cloth, dust pan dust pan duster duster eating utensil eating utensil, electric oven, electric oven electricity, electricity elevator, elevator, emergency exit, emergency exit entryway, entryway, escalator, escalator Eviction, eviction fan fan farm farm faucet, faucet, fence, fence, first floor, first floor, flashlight, flashlight flat, flat floor, floor, floor floor, flower bid.

  • Flower bed, fluorescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, flush, flush, fold.

  • Fold.

  • Folding bed, folding bed, folding chair, folding chair, folding table, folding table, foot rest, foot rest, fork, fork, freezer freezer, front door, front door, frying pan frying pan funnel, funnel furniture, furniture, garage, garage, garbage can garbage can garden garden gas burner gas burner gate gate glass, glass, glass, glass, grass, grass grill, grill, guest room guest room Hairdryer, hairdryer hallway, hallway, hammer, hammer hammock, hammock, hangar hangar heater heater hose, hose, house house, household chores, household chores Install in Saul intercom, intercom iron iron iron iron ironing board ironing board.

  • Kettle Kettle key Key kitchen, kitchen knife, knife, knock, knock, ladder ladder ladle.

  • Ladle, Lamp lamp.

  • Landlord Landlord London London Lease Lease level level Lighter noun, Lighter noun Live live living room, Living room lock luck Lumber Lumber mailbox Mailbox Matt Matt Mattress Mattress Microwave Oven Microwave Oven Mirror Mirror, Mixer, Mixer Mop, mop, Mope Ed, Mope Ed Mosquito Net Mosquito Net Mouse trap mouse Trap Move, Move.

  • Mug, mug, Nail nail Nightstand Nightstand Nursing Home Nursing Home office office Oven oven Pack, Pack paint, paint, painting, Painting, pantry, pantry parking, space parking space patio, patio people People Picture frame picture frame pillow, pillow pillowcase, Pillowcase Picture picture, plastic wrap, Plastic wrap plate plate players, players.

  • Policies of furniture policy furniture, porcelain, porcelain portrait portrait pot pot power outlets, power outlets, pressure cooker, pressure cooker Put away.

  • Put away radio, radio, wrench, wrench, razor razor, real estate agent, riel, estate agent recycle, recycle refrigerator, refrigerator, remote control, remote control, rent, rent, resign, resign restrooms, restrooms rocking chair, rocking chair, rolling pin, rolling pin, roof, roof, room room, rural area, rural area.

  • Safe, safe sandpaper, sandpaper, saucepan, saucepan saucer saucer saw, saw scissors, scissors, Scotch tape, Scotch tape.

  • Screw screw screwdriver, screwdriver, scrub scrub.

  • Security camera.

  • Security camera.

  • Security gate security gate So so.

  • Sheet sheet.

  • Shelter, shelter.

  • Single bed, single bed, sink sink.

  • Skyscraper.

  • Skyscraper.

  • Smoke detector, Smoke detector.

  • So soap soapbox soapbox sofa, sofa, sofa bed, sofa bed spatula, Spatula Speaker Speaker Sponge sponge Spoon Spoon Sprinkler Sprinkler stairs, Stairs Steamer Steamer step, step storage locker, storage Locker Stove Stove Strainer Strainer Instruction Instruction Studio studio study Study.

  • Suburb, Suburb.

  • Super on Sunday Superintendent.

  • Sweet, sweet switch switch table table Tablecloth, Tablecloth Table Where.

  • Table Where.

  • Tape measure tape measure.

  • Teacup teacup teapot teapot Television television tenant tenant Tidy up, tidy up Toaster toaster Toilet toilet toilet lid Toilet lid Toilet paper, Toilet paper toolbox Toolbox Toothbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, toothpaste Tell Tell towel rack towel rack Tower tower trash can Trash can turn off.

  • Turn off, Turn on turn on TV Stand TV stand.

  • Urban area.

  • Urban area Vacate.

  • Vacate vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner vase, vase, vegetable garden, vegetable garden, ventilation fan, ventilation Fan Miranda Miranda Village Village Well, well wall clock, wall clock, wallpaper, wallpaper, wardrobe.

  • War drove Wash, wash.

  • Wash the dishes.

  • Wash the dishes.

  • Washing machine washing machine water pipe water pipe window, window wine, glass, wine, glass wipes, wipes walk, walk.

  • Would would yard yard.

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在美國生活的300句有用的話 (300 Useful Words for Living in the United States)

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