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  • Hi!

  • I'm Anna Akana and for the next 17 weeks, I'll be your host for the second half of

  • Crash Course Business.

  • So let's talk about entrepreneurship!

  • Entrepreneurfeels like a buzzword that businessy people throw around, likesynergy

  • orNextGen.”

  • And I'm gonna say it about a thousand times for this series, which can make any word feel

  • like it's losing all meaning.

  • But it has a pretty clear definition: if you see a need in the world and take a financial

  • risk to fill that needyou're an entrepreneur!

  • Congratulations!

  • I'm so proud of you!

  • You know, I didn't think of myself as an entrepreneur when I started doing the whole YouTube thing,

  • and at first I was making money other ways too.

  • But I decided to take the risk, put in a lot of work, and do the art-acting-writing-music-YouTube-etcetera

  • thing full-time.

  • And now I'm a small business owner!

  • A real-life entrepreneur!

  • Everyone's path is different, and because entrepreneurship involves a lot of risk, it's

  • okay to be nervous.

  • And it's okay to fail.

  • We're gonna talk about how to tackle the scary stuff head on, and how to learn from

  • failure so it doesn't turn you into a smoking burned out husk of a human.

  • Over these 17 episodes, we'll start with the seed of any business -- a good idea -- and

  • talk about how to ask for help and grow it into a whole thriving entrepreneurial venture.

  • We'll cover big-picture concepts like how to get helpful feedback, scope out your competition,

  • develop customer relationships, and start making money.

  • And also what the heck to do after you start making money!

  • Plus, we'll make sure to translate all the entrepreneurship jargon and legalese along

  • the way.

  • You'll be throwing around terms likevalue propositionandminimum viable product

  • like a pro.

  • And you'll know the difference between C-corps, co-ops, and LLCs.

  • How entrepreneurial is THAT!

  • Our goal is to help you achieve your goals.

  • With a little grit, determination, and luck, your dreams or hobbies could potentially become

  • a whole career.

  • So join me next week, as we start our journey by asking who entrepreneurs are, and how you

  • might forge your own path to start a business.

  • I'm Anna Akana, this is Crash Course Entrepreneurship, and I'll see you then.



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創業速成班創業預覽 (Crash Course Business: Entrepreneurship Preview)

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