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  • What's up guys, hope you're doing well.

  • So I had a Top 100 video planned for today, but due to recent foolishness I pushed it

  • back one more week to do a second Not About That Life.

  • Now if you're new to the show, in these videos I talk about things that I hate; things I'm

  • just:

  • Not about that life.

  • For example, Manti Te'o.

  • Wow.

  • I don't even know where to begin with this story.

  • So for those of you who don't what happened, basically, this dude, named Manti, played

  • for the University of Notre Dame.

  • He's a college football player.

  • He was up for one of the most prestigious awards that a college football player could

  • win: The Heisman.

  • And he had this great back story: right before they were going to play this huge game verse

  • one of their rivals, his grandma died and in the same day his girlfriend died.

  • Just bad luck, right?

  • Wrong.

  • Turn out his girlfriend never even existed.

  • She was made up!

  • Here's where the story gets even better: some people believe he participated in this whole

  • hoax just so he would have a better chance at winning the Heisman.

  • Now Mantie of course comes out and he says "I didn't have anything to do with it.

  • I didn't know she was fake."

  • And the way this hoax was able to go on for so long is because he never met her in person.

  • Completely online relationship.

  • Manti basically got Catfished.

  • Here's my problem with the whole situation.

  • What are you doing?

  • You can't find one girl at Notre Dame that looks good enough for you to date?

  • You're a football player.

  • You can't find anyone?

  • There must be something going on with the girls at Notre Dame.

  • Here's my biggest problem with the whole situation:

  • Notre Dame hired a team of investigators to go investigate this hoax.

  • My problem with that is this:

  • Her name was Lizzie Seeberg, she was a student at Notre Dame.

  • She said she was raped by a Notre Dame player.

  • What did Notre Dame do?

  • Did they hire some people to go investigate it for the girl who said an athlete raped

  • her?

  • No.

  • This whole story really is just perpetuating athletes being treated better than others;

  • like athletes are somehow above an average student.

  • Not About That Life.

  • Oh and by the way, Lizzie Seeberg committed suicide ten days later after she reported

  • this.

  • Let's continue on.

  • Lance Armstrong.

  • He made it through cancer, he won all these titles, then he goes on Oprah and says "Oh

  • wait, this whole time I've been lying."

  • It's one thing to lie to the media, but you went out of your way to ruin people's careers

  • and lives by calling them out and saying "No, I'm not lying!"

  • What is happening to sports?

  • Really, seriously?

  • Not about that life.

  • Let's continue on with something else.

  • So I was watching TV the other day.

  • There's so much false advertisement on television these days.

  • For example, VitaCraves One A Day for men!

  • I didn't know they had chewable tablets for grown men to eat.

  • I wouldn't eat one cause that's kinda weird.

  • To tell you the truth, I'm a grown man.

  • I'm not going to eat a gummy multi-vitamin tablet.

  • I'm just not going to do it.

  • The problem is you got to eat two a day.

  • But it's called One A Day.

  • Why would you call something One A Day if you have to eat two a day.

  • Not About That Life.

  • Let's talk about American Idol for a second.

  • I used to watch American Idol when it was good.

  • When they had Simon and he would just make fun of everyone.

  • Now the show in itself it's just a joke.

  • The show is the joke.

  • Why, you might ask.

  • Because Nicki Minaj is a judge for American Idol.

  • Now, American Idol is a singing competition.

  • You see what I'm saying here?

  • And Nicki Minaj is a judge of a singing competition.

  • I mean you might as well put 2 Chainz back there.

  • Not About That Life.

  • We have now reached the point of this video where I look at your suggestions and figure

  • out what are you Not About That Life.

  • Jose Manuel tweeted me on Twitter and he said:

  • When I am pooing and there is no toilet paper.

  • I'm not going to lie Jose, that sounds like a personal problem to me.

  • Hopefully you have carpet, if you know what I'm saying.

  • On Facebook, Hayden Welsh just writes:

  • Nicki Minaj.

  • I feel you man.

  • Finally, one of the top comments on my first Not About That Life video, from RoseEnraged,

  • great name by the way:

  • Guys putting me in the friend zone and bragging about their awesome date.

  • Two weeks later, he calls me so he can vent about how she treats him like crap and how

  • he wishes more girls were like me.

  • Ahh, the friend zone.

  • What are you going to do?

  • Well, that's it for this week.

  • Make sure to leave a comment down below about what you're not about that life.

  • Maybe you could be in the video next week.

  • As always, subscribe if you're new and don't forget:

  • Press the like button.

  • New videos every Sunday.

  • No Jugamos Juegos.

  • Throw me the alley.

  • I'm driving down the street, I don't know where else I would be driving down, and arrive

  • in a parking lot.

  • I was on my way to see Les Misérables.

  • Sike!

  • I saw the Hobbit.

What's up guys, hope you're doing well.


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不關乎那個生活2 (Not About That Life 2)

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