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  • Good morning, John. It is our last video of the 20-teens.

  • And I'm tempted to look back: at fidget spinners, at "The Dress", at planking - which was this decade, apparently?!

  • But I can't, because I'm too worried about the future and I feel like a lot of people are, so I want to talk about it.

  • And of course, the future is worrying. It is unknown and unknowable.

  • But I also think that worry can get a bad rap, because we do it wrong.

  • So, let's talk about it.

  • But first, in many ways, the world got better over the last 10 years.

  • Even if you just look at America, the world got better over the last 10 years.

  • I had a Motorola Droid in 2009. Eugh! But also, bigger deal, gay marriage was illegal.

  • Also, the unemployment rate went from 10 percent down to 4, and yet,

  • to me, now feels a bit shakier than then did.

  • I'm not really sure why that is.

  • Part of it has to be that we're starting to feel the real effects of climate change in two different ways.

  • One: the actual real effect - the climate is changing.

  • But then secondly, we have a growing populace of young people,

  • knowing that they are gonna be the ones who actually have to solve this problem,

  • looking to their elected leaders, who aren't recognizing that the problem exists.

  • So yeah, that's gonna cause some tension.

  • Also, this is an election year, and it's gonna be stressful because of that. They're always stressful.

  • And, also, we just impeached our president about the fact that

  • he doesn't have a great deal of respect for the process.

  • So yeah, I'm worried about that.

  • I'm also worried that this tension, some of which is actively manufactured by our leaders,

  • or just the architecture of the social internet, or by Russian bot farms,

  • will continue to pull at the bonds of community.

  • And that's a story of the last decade, but beyond that as well, which has had real negative impact.

  • So I just threw a bunch of stuff at you. I probably made you feel super stressed out.

  • I apologize for that, but here's why.

  • There's somewhat of a tendency to say, like, 2019 was such a trash year.

  • There's no way 2020 could be worse, but like, look.

  • I don't mean to continue to freak you out, but it could always be worse.

  • This is one of the reasons why I like science fiction.

  • It's a way to worry about the future, to like play out scenarios in narrative form.

  • Our first Life's Library book of this year, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler,

  • great example of this.

  • So I actually do worry that we might worry the wrong ways, but I also worry that we might not worry enough!

  • So have fun with that!

  • But here's what's up. We're getting to the point.

  • One of the smartest teachers I ever had once told me that what he looks for in good leaders is worry.

  • People who are brave and bold, yes, but also people who are kept up at night by the possibilities,

  • who think and ruminate and fret.

  • Because worry isn't a disease; it's a symptom of caring.

  • And it's a tool, it's a survival strategy. Being able to think through a situation and assign

  • probabilities to different outcomes, however flawed those probabilities may be, is a human superpower!

  • It is the reason we are alive right now.

  • I don't think all worry is healthy or anything.

  • We do have to find the right ways to be worried and the right things to worry about.

  • We need worries that motivate us and that are also based in reality,

  • rather than ideology or just blind opposition.

  • And also worry almost always works best hand in hand with hope.

  • So, yeah, I'm worried about 2020 because 2020 needs me to be worried about it,

  • just like I need my mom to be worried about me.

  • And I know that it can feel like we are powerless in the face of so many other people

  • who want completely different or slightly different things than we do,

  • and who oftentimes have more resources than we do.

  • But we're not powerless. Who we donate to, who we vote for, the conversations we have,

  • how we choose to imagine the world: all of those things are how the entire human earth gets built.

  • So yes, I'm worried for the future, and yes, I'm glad!

  • John, I'll see you in 2020.

  • P.S. If you are in St. Petersburg, Atlanta, or Raleigh, North Carolina,

  • and you want to come have a good time and also maybe think some big thoughts with us,

  • we're going on a little tour. More information in the description.

Good morning, John. It is our last video of the 20-teens.


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為什麼我對2020年感到擔憂? (Why I'm Worried about 2020)

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