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  • [Music]

  • As a Flipped Classroom teacher,

  • I've seen lots of misconceptions

  • around what the Flipped Classroom is

  • and what the Flipped Classroom is not.

  • So, rather than discussing

  • what the Flipped Classroom

  • is in my practice.

  • I'll discuss a list

  • that most Flipped Classroom teachers can agree

  • the Flipped Classroom is not.

  • So, let's get started.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • the Khan Academy.

  • While the Khan Academy

  • is an excellent resource for use

  • in and out of the classroom,

  • the Flipped Classroom is special

  • because classroom teachers create

  • the videos to suit

  • their students' needs.

  • We want students to be active

  • in their learning

  • not droids sitting in front of screens

  • getting lectured from someone

  • half-way across the globe.

  • The videos are an extension

  • of the teacher,

  • and help create a strong relationship

  • between student and teacher.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • a replacement of teachers.

  • This couldn't be further

  • from the truth.

  • In the Flipped Classroom

  • the role of the teacher

  • is more important than ever.

  • There is no sitting at the back of the class

  • reading the newspaper and having a coffee,

  • as much as I'd like to sometimes.

  • In the Flipped Classroom

  • the teacher is active all day.

  • Teachers get a chance

  • to work with every student,

  • every class.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • all about the videos.

  • Yeah, videos are the backbone

  • of the Flipped Classroom,

  • I am hoping one of these days to produce

  • a video that goes viral

  • and perhaps appear on ELLEN.

  • However, it is the flexibility

  • the videos provide

  • that is the true benefit.

  • Teachers now have additional classroom time

  • where they can develop

  • rich learning activities

  • to extend their students' experience.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • the silver bullet.

  • The Flipped Classroom does not solve

  • all that is broken in education.

  • If it did,

  • I'd probably be filthy rich.

  • It's just one tool

  • to increase student learning.

  • Inflexibility,

  • lack of classroom time in student-centered classrooms

  • are problems that I feel

  • the Flipped Classroom

  • helps solve.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • a one-size-fits-all teaching approach.

  • Each Flipped Classroom teacher develops an approach

  • that works for them

  • and their students.

  • As an example,

  • some teachers have students watch

  • their videos in class,

  • some students watch them at home,

  • in a car, on a bus, on a plane.

  • This is turning into a Dr. Suess book!

  • And some even get the students

  • to create the videos themselves.

  • The limits of the Flipped Classroom

  • is only as limited as

  • the teacher's imagination.

  • The Flipped Classroom

  • is not top-down.

  • The Flipped Classroom

  • is 100% driven by teachers.

  • For them all to be authentic,

  • it needs to be initiated

  • and created

  • by the teacher

  • and for the teacher.

  • How often have we attended

  • a staff meeting

  • to be presented with

  • the newest flavor of the week

  • and never give it another thought?

  • The Flipped Classroom is

  • a flavor teachers want to do

  • because they believe in it.

  • And, it's delicious.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • a teacher holiday.

  • The Flipped Classroom is

  • anything but a holiday.

  • The amount of time

  • that goes into creating quality videos

  • and activities

  • is second to none.

  • In the classroom

  • teachers are no longer

  • spending their time lecturing.

  • Instead, they are constantly

  • interacting with their students,

  • inspiring, observing,

  • and as we all know,

  • sometimes prodding.

  • The Flipped Classroom is not

  • easy.

  • Students have been

  • in the traditional model of school

  • for their entire educational career.

  • They like playing school.

  • Some of them are very good at it.

  • Now that we want them

  • to play learning,

  • it can be a tough

  • pill for them

  • to swallow.

  • And lastly,

  • the Flipped Classroom

  • is not all about

  • students watching videos

  • for homework.

  • It's about students using videos

  • when and where

  • appropriate

  • for their learning journey.

  • Many of my students

  • find that they use their classroom time

  • so effectively

  • they rarely have homework.

  • And, believe me,

  • they love this!

  • Now they have time for things

  • that truly matter for them,

  • like Twitter and Facebook.

  • These are just a couple of things

  • I think the Flipped Classroom is

  • and the Flipped Classroom is not.

  • [Music]



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翻轉課堂不... (The Flipped Classroom is not...)

  • 94 6
    jenny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日