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Hey I'm Jake and I love you.
And I'm also walkingtomatopotato.tk which is an active DONG.
Because I'm being active.
I'm walking.
And a DONG is something you can do online now guys.
Before we start let's check the time on billychasen.com/clock which features digits
composed of these lucky people in uncomfortable positions.
You could use just any clock but why do that when you can fill each second with sick poses
like this and this and this and oh it's later than I thought so let's move on to
Chromata, a generative art tool that can turn an already stunning photo into an even more
breathtaking drawing.
Drag and drop a photo of your beautiful self or this platypus and watch it sketch a majestic
work of art before your very eyes.
But you can take some control by adjusting any or all of these components.
When you do so you'll have to refresh it but that's okay because if this isn't
worth it then I don't know what is.
I spoke too soon!
Look at this incredibly realistic sock I drew on DrawThis, a multiplayer guessing game.
Morty got this one correct.
Good job Morty.
Everyone likes you and you're very good looking...in the face.
When it's your turn to guess, another player will begin drawing and you can keep guessing
in the chat over here.
I know this one, shape.
Look up here as it's being spelled out for a hint.
Oh it's a magnet!
But how do magnets work?
Let's see what you've got while I head over to Butt.kiwi, which is not a website
yet but it could be yours for only $35.99.
And even If you're not looking to buy, dumb.domains is awesome because it takes you to cool names
everytime you refresh the page.
Like frisky.lighting, slippery.gift, fart.pics, or Crossing.us which actually is a real site
where you type in two random names and see if they happen to label an intersection.
Sometimes nothing will come up like in this case with Chuck and Cane.
But with John and Sally there are two intersections in Florida.
Now let's Jake and Kevin...ah man.
Jake and Michael?
Ah darn it.
Kevin and Michael?
Wow...well I feel completely alone but maybe it's because I'm on my very own road to
Philosophy with this recommended DONG.
This site explored the idea that if you follow the first link of a wikipedia article, it
will eventually lead to philosophy.
So let's give it a go.
Alright so here's the supposed link but I'm gonna investigate further by actually
going to the articles.
Taco, Mexican Cuisine, Mesoamerica, Region, Geography, Science, Knowledge, Fact, Verification,
PHILOSOPHY!!! We did it!
Okay enough geography and science and philosophy, it's time for math with Numberonic.
The goal of this game is to create an equation that equals the given value.
There are two versions, normal, or pro.
Pro actually uses the order of operations principle whereas normal just applies the
operation to the result of the previous operation.
The longer the chain you make the more points you achieve.
And if it's hard for you to keep all these numbers in your head then strengthen your
memory with Memorise the squares!
In this game you will be given a grid and a pattern of the squares will flash white.
Once it disappears, select the ones you remember.
It doesn't start off too difficult but when the grid becomes more intricate and the number
of white squares increase, it can be challenging to keep it all in your beautiful, magnificent,
large head.
But you can do it and you Kan...dinsky, a musical painting experiment.
Draw around and press play to listen to music as your paint globs bounce around.
When you're ready for a change in sound just switch up the color!
Look at you go.
Links to all of the DONGs can be found in the description below.
If you need more DONGs in your life, there's a playlist probably over here.
So you can click that.
You can watch more DONGs.
I am really hot right now.
Ya know?
Ahh that Jake he's so hot right now.
But not like that.
It's warm here in NYC.
It's about 90 degrees.
Which in celsius is a number that is lower but would equal the same thing in fahrenheit.
I just can't do the calculation in my head because...and as always, thanks for watching.