字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It’s Q&A Tuesday time b-tches! I don’t know if we can do that. 週二問答時間來啦!婊...我能這麼說嗎? Hey, it’s Marie Forleo here with a "Hell, yeah!" So the mother "bleep" Oh. I can’t say that. 我是 Marie Forleo!嗶... 哈哈說錯話了。 Hey, it’s Marie here with another Q&A Tuesday! 我是 Marie,又來到週二問答時間啦! So today’s question is from Jessica. And Jessica writes: 今天的問題來自 Jessica,她的問題是: "When you get loads of great opportunities in your life, things that you wanna do and hobbies, and simply not enough hours in the day, 「當成堆夢寐以求的機會來到你面前,不論是想做的事或是興趣,一天的時間完全不夠用。 how do you really know what to spend your time on? 如何才能真正把時間花在刀口上? I’m busy constantly and very efficient but stuck feeling that I could have done more or didn’t get enough done. 雖然我的生活步調緊湊,做事也很有效率,但我總覺得我可以完成更多的事。 When there’s more time, I’ll do x, y, and z, but will there really ever be more time?” 如果時間允許,我會做 X、Y 和 Z,但時間真的夠多嗎?」 Every creative person I know, including myself, struggles with that feeling like, "Oh my God, I could've got more done," or "There’s not enough hours in the day!" 每個我認識的創新人才,包含我在內都在和這種感覺拉鋸「天啊!我本來可以完成更多的。」或是「一天的時間根本不夠用!」 But something in your question gave me a clue that we can dive a little deeper here and give you some wisdom that most people skip over, and this is what it is. 但妳的問題給了我一點靈感,一起來從更深的層面了解多數人都忽略的智慧。 That feeling of feeling stuck like you haven’t got enough done, it’s really a thought. 那種永遠完成不夠多的感覺,其實只是執念。 And if all of us, if we listen to our minds you’ll notice that our minds tell us the same junk over and over and over again. 如果我們傾聽自己的想法,會發現大腦一直在重複同樣的垃圾資訊。 Really repetitive thought loops and unfortunately, most of us believe those thoughts are us and we believe that they’re true. 這不斷重複的思考迴圈,讓大多數的人誤以為這才是他們實際的想法,並對此深信不疑。 So when they say, "Oh my God, I could've gotten more done," or "Oh my God, I wish I had more time," 所以當大腦說:「天啊!我能做的更多。」或是「天啊!希望我能有更多的時間,」 we believe that to be true and we stress ourselves out. 我們就深深相信,並把自己搞得精神緊張。 If we listen to minds long enough, all of that boils down to one common threat. 如果我們聽了這些想法夠久,那些複雜的想法就會歸結為一個結論。 That threat is we suck and we’re never doing enough. 那就是我們永遠不夠好、永遠有進步的空間。 Deepak Chopra one of my favorite authors, I love to retweet his tweets 'cause he’s really smart. 我最愛的作者之一迪帕克·喬布拉。我很愛轉貼他的推特,因為他很聰明。 He once quoted a study that says, "We human beings have an average of 65,000 thoughts per day. 他曾經引述一篇研究,「我們人類平均一天閃過 65000 個念頭, Ninety-five percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had the day before and the day before that, and the day before that and so on and so forth." 其中百分之九十五的想法都跟昨天、前天、大前天,甚至是更久的過去一模一樣。」 What does that mean? 那代表了什麼? That means that we’re all talking to ourselves about the same junk over and over again. 代表我們不斷塞給自己同樣的垃圾。 It just doesn’t change and if you’re honest with yourself and you really take a look, you’ll know that to be true for you too. 這樣的念頭不會改變,而如果你誠實的檢視自身,你會了解自己也是如此。 It’s time for rr..rr..rr..rr reframe yo! 該是時候砍~砍~砍~砍掉重練了! Here’s the reframe, next time you notice you’re having the thought, "I didn’t get enough done today," 下一次,當你想到:「我今天做得不夠多。」 I want you to say this to yourself instead, "I got the perfect amount done today." 我希望你能對自己說:「我今天很棒,完成了剛剛好的事情。」 'Cause I’ll tell you this, if you start disengaging from believing the voice in your head to be true and who you are, and put a little space in between you and that nasty little voice, 因為如果你開始跳脫腦袋中的這些想法,不再畫地自限,並跟那些惱人的念頭保持距離。 you’re gonna start dealing with reality which is different then what you tell yourself. 你會開始面對生活中的現實,發現它跟你的想法截然不同。 And you’re gonna be a lot more empowered to get more done, and actually be satisfied and happy with your life. 你會變得更有能力完成更多工作,並真心對自己的生活感到滿意和快樂。 Now, let’s break it down and get practical so we can help you figure out if you’re really spending time on what’s most important to you because after all, your time is your life. 現在,讓我們打破侷限並開始行動,幫助你了解自己是不是把時間花在刀口上,畢竟時間是你的一切。 So here’s a simple exercise, I want you to get out a piece of paper and a pen, and you’re gonna write down the following: 現在來做點小練習,拿出紙和筆,寫出以下東西。 List your top five priorities in life, whatever they are for you. 列出你生命中前五項重要的事情,不論它們對你來說是什麼。 So for example, maybe number one is love and intimacy; 譬如第一,愛情與親情。 number two is your business or your career; number three are family and friends. 第二,事業;第三,家人與朋友。 Perhaps number four is health and spirituality and maybe number five, who knows, creativity. 第四,也許是健康與精神財富,而第五可能是創新。 But the point is write down your top five in order of most importance. 重要的是要按照重要程度排序。 Now, take a look back over your calendar; over the last 30 days and see did you actually spend time on your top five priorities? 現在看一下行事曆,過去 30 天裡,自己有沒有花費相對的時間在你認為前五重要的項事情上? Is there a mismatch between what you say is important and how you actually spend your time? 你花的時間是不是不符合事情的重要程度? If there is any kind of mismatch between what you say is important and how you spend your time, you just got to get it straight, yo! 如果有任何不符合的事項,別再鴕鳥心態了! So what does that mean? It means get honest with what’s really important to you and stop guilt tripping yourself if it doesn’t line up with what you say should be important. 什麼意思?誠實地看待那些重要的事情,別浪費時間在自責自己沒有符合期許。 Or on the flip side, if what you say is important really is important but that’s not how you’re spending your time, make some changes in your schedule and you’ll be all set. 簡單來說,如果你沒有在真正重要的事情上花時間。重新調整你的腳步,一切就沒問題了。 That’s what I got to say about how to manage everything that you want to do in relation to your time. 以上是關於如何有效分配時間的建議。 So Jessica, thank you so much for your question. Jessica,謝謝妳的題問。 If you like this video, like it, leave a comment. 喜歡這支影片,請按讚並留言。 And of course, if you’re not yet on the newsletter list, come on over to marieforleo.com and get on it right away! 如果你還沒有註冊電子報,馬上到 marieforleo.com 註冊吧! Thank you so much for watching and I will catch you next time! 感謝觀看,下次見!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 時間 夠多 完成 重要 想法 創新 你把時間花在正確的事情上了嗎? (Are you spending your time on the right stuff?) 54670 2138 姚易辰 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字