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  • >> Hilah: Hey dudes!

  • It's Hilah, and today I am going to show you how to poach an egg.

  • [music]

  • [How To Poach An Egg]

  • [Learn To Cook]

  • >> Hilah: So, first off I've got a pot of boiling water, and it's about two inches

  • deep.

  • You could go up to four inches.

  • I am going to put maybe a tablespoon of just plain old white vinegar, and that makes the

  • fire die, but then you put in the salt and it goes pwaaaaaaaa again, well, didn't quite

  • do it.

  • Anyway, we're going to give it a little stir to kind of get that dissolved.

  • Okay, it looks like all the salt is dissolved, and now I am going to turn the heat down a

  • little bit, and I want to put it kind of on a low to medium low, and ultimately I want

  • to get the water to around 200 degrees Fahrenheit, so if you have a little thermometer, that's

  • pretty helpful.

  • Just kind of while you're like getting the hang of it to know what to look for with your

  • particular stove, and like, you know, water.

  • So you want like a few little, tiny bubbles that we see here coming up.

  • It's steaming, that's excellent.

  • So, okay, this is kind of slowing down around 200, and the vinegar in the water is gonna

  • to help the egg whites stay together into a nicer shape, and then also having really

  • fresh eggs is gonna to help a lot.

  • I've got an egg here that I just cracked into a little Ramekin, and that's gonna

  • to be a little bit easier to, to get it in besides trying to like crack it in there,

  • so I just want to, let's make a little whirlpool here, and this will help a little bit too,

  • and just slip it in, and it's probably going to sink to the bottom, and this egg actually

  • is pretty fresh because you can see it's staying together.

  • If it was spread out and looking all crazy and gross, you can use like a silicone spatula

  • or a wooden spoon, something, to just kind of delicately scoop these little bits all

  • back into it, and we're just going to let it go three, four minutes is if you want the

  • yolk really runny, I prefer it more like six minutes to where just the middle of the yolk

  • is a little bit runny.

  • I don't like a whole bunch of gushing egg whites, but that's my prerogative, so you

  • do whatever you want, so three minutes, probably minimum, six, seven minutes max, just depending

  • on what you, what you're into.

  • Once it's been in there a few seconds if it's kind of sitting on the bottom you can

  • just gently kind of push at it to get it up.

  • Aha, and I am going to push this one kind of over to the side, and turn my temperature

  • up just a tiny bit so I can get just a couple of more little bubbles going up there, and

  • I'm going to go ahead and do another one, show you how to do two at once, and it's

  • really pretty simple.

  • I did not grow up poaching eggs.

  • We did not poach eggs in my family, and that was weird, but this is something I'm just

  • sort of doing in the last couple of years or so.

  • So again, we get our little vortex going ,and then bloop!

  • Cool!

  • So, maybe this egg wasn't quite as fresh.

  • You can see it's kind of spreading out all willy nilly like the blob or something, but

  • you just go in and you force it.

  • You force it into its correct shape.

  • Ummm hmmm.

  • Ummmm hmmm.

  • Looking pretty good.

  • All right.

  • Now, I've got a bowl of cold water here with just like, just put one ice cube in it,

  • so this what we are gonna do for this demonstration.

  • Of course, you could go ahead and serve this one now, and this yolks, and this yolk is

  • gonna be pretty soft.

  • You can just tell because you can squish it.

  • It looks a little squishy, so if you are serving somebody that likes a squishy yolk, you can

  • totally serve it now, and just kind of drain it off on a little towel, so you don't get

  • like soggy stuff all over your English muffin or whatever, but in this case another little

  • thing you could do if you want to make these all ahead of time, you could actually just

  • slip them into this cold water.

  • That's gonna stop the cooking so they don't get overcooked, and then later on when you're

  • ready to serve them you just heat up the water again, just, just this hot.

  • Drop them in for another like 30 seconds or a minute just to kind of reheat them.

  • That's going to make somebody very happy if they like some egg gravy on their toast.

  • All right, so I am gonna put this aside too, and there you have it folks!

  • There's how to poach and egg, actually two eggs, and if you wanted to make these way

  • ahead of time if you're having a brunch, you can go ahead and put this whole, as long

  • as they are all covered in water, you could put this bowl in the fridge overnight, and

  • then just reheat them the next morning.

  • So, there you go!

  • I hope that was helpful, and I'll be doing an Eggs Benedict recipe on an upcoming episode

  • real soon too, so you'll have some behind the scenes knowledge on that one.

  • All right.

  • [music]

>> Hilah: Hey dudes!


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如何煮雞蛋-完美的水煮蛋食譜! (How To Poach an Egg - Perfect Poached Eggs Recipe!)

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