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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and today we're going to talk briefly about a lock that's often been the laughingstock of the picking community.

  • The master Lock number three.

  • I recently saw them at my local hardware store with a sticker proclaiming that they are now even stronger.

  • My curiosity got the better of me, so I picked a few of them up to see what changed.

  • And it turns out that Master Lock did implement at least one major improvement.

  • If we look at this older variant of the number three, we can see down the shackle whole one of these spring loaded locking lugs that holds the shackle closed.

  • I can just push this side with this piece of metal.

  • There's one of them on either side, and we can also see the square recesses into which those locking lugs fit.

  • Unfortunately, this mechanism has been outdated for at least 50 years, probably longer, and it opens this lock up to a variety of low skill attacks like Shiming and wrapping.

  • In addition, it's not particularly resistant to pulling and prying attacks.

  • Now let's compare that with the new lock.

  • This has a dual bow bearing locking mechanism, which, if we look down the shackle, we can see one of the ball bearings again.

  • They're on either side, and we can also see the half moon shaped cutouts into which those ball bearings fit.

  • This is essentially the gold standard when it comes to holding a shackle closed so well done to Master Lock on that account, unfortunately, went undergoing this major redesign.

  • They didn't address the locks, other major deficiency, and that is the core.

  • It still has only four pins, and it still lacks any security pens.

  • That means despite Master Lock undertaking, significant effort to redesign this lock, it can still be opened in moments with a low skill raking attack.

  • So let's try that right now, using some bottom of the key way tension and one of the's wave rakes.

  • Here we go.

  • Got that one open in a couple seconds and let's try this one as well, and that one opened even faster.

  • So Master lock well done, dropping in a duel, ball bearing locking mechanism.

  • However, now is not the time to rest on your laurels.

  • That's because this lock still needs a few more changes to carry it over the finish line.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do it any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

  • If you like this video and would like to see more like it, please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and today we're going to talk briefly about a lock that's often been the laughingstock of the picking community.


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B1 中級

[833]錯失良機。重新設計的3號主鎖 ([833] Missed Opportunity: The Redesigned Master Lock No. 3)

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