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Marie: Hey it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you want
to create a business and life you love, and this whole shindig is Q&A Tuesday. Today’s
創造你熱愛的事業和生活,而這整個活動就是 "週二問答"。今天的
question comes from Elise and she writes:
“Hi, Marie. Big fan. My question today is about my money mentality. You see, I recently
became aware that I'm surrounded by poor people. What I mean is everyone in my life at the
moment has a poor person mentality including me. It feels like my family, friends and even
my partner are stuck in scarcity. They're scrambling for dollars, stressed out about
bills, complain about the government stealing from them and say everyone’s got their hands
in your pocket. It’s gotten to the point where movies are out of the question, date
nights don’t exist and there are no more nice dinners. It sucks. So my question is
how do you break out of the scarcity mentality when everyone around you is stuck in it? Should
I cut everyone off and move to Greenland or do I have to constantly read books about money?
Help!” – Love, Elise.
救命!"- 愛你的伊利斯
Elise, this is an awesome question and you are so not alone. Not many people I know grew
up with wealth whether that’s actually cash or an abundant money mentality. Here is the
good news. You can totally break out of your scarcity mentality and create a shift in the
energy around you without moving to Greenland.
I know you put a lot of emphasis on the people around you, but as you know, the only person
you can change is yourself so that’s where we got to focus. Here are six ways to turn
that money frown upside down:
1 – You’ve got to write yourself a fat reality check. I know you probably know this
1 - 你得給自己寫一張肥胖的現實支票。我知道你可能知道這一點
but let me remind you almost half the world, almost 3 billion people, live on less than
但讓我提醒你們,世界上有近一半的人,近 30 億人的生活費不足
$2.50 a day and 80% of all humanity lives on less than $10 a day. I did a little research
每天 2.50 美元,而全人類 80% 的人每天的生活費不足 10 美元。我做了一個小研究
on you and I'm pretty sure you don’t fall into either one of those populations.
I'm not making you wrong for wanting more but you got to get that true abundance starts
with appreciation everything you already have right now. So if you want out of that scarcity
mentality, you’ve got to start appreciating what you got and make it a habit. You’ve
got a roof over your head, you have clean running water and you have some damn cute
clothes. Girl, I've seen you; you look fine.
I think Oprah said it best when she said:
“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what
you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
2 – Get an ATM. What? Steal a cash machine? No silly girl. It’s an automatic transformative
2 - 使用自動取款機。什麼?偷提款機?別傻了這是一個自動轉換
manta; that’s just a simple phrase you put on automatic repeat that transforms your money
mindset. This is something I personally use to overcome my own scarcity mentality around
money and I still use it to this day. Here it is:
Any time you part with money whether you're paying a bill or you're buying something,
say this: there's always more where that came from.
This might sound silly but there is real power in the words that we say to ourselves and
immense power and rituals. It’s a super simple way to retrain yourself in the truth
with a T about money.
用 T 表示錢。
3 – B.Y.O.L (Bring Your Own Luxury) Who says you can't have nice dinners at home?
3 - B.Y.O.L(Bring Your Own Luxury)誰說不能在家享用豐盛的晚餐?
In fact, I actually prefer to eat at home. My meals taste way better, they are so much
healthier and they cost a fraction of the price. You can take any inexpensive dinner
and make it a nice dinner if you plate it beautifully and you light some candles and
you put on some music and you wear something nice. With just a little bit of effort, you
can take a cheap dinner and make it an amazing dinner. In fact, one of my favorite resources
for budget friendly recipes is this magazine Cooking Light.
烹飪之光》(Cooking Light)這本雜誌可以為您提供經濟實惠的食譜。
4 – Start a fun fund. Before we go any further I got to say, you and your partner have got
4 - 設立一個娛樂基金。在我們繼續討論之前,我必須說,你和你的伴侶必須
to get on the same page about money. You can't change your family or your friends but it
is vital that you and your man get and stay on the same page regarding finances. You can
make busting out of your scarcity mentality something you work on together and the fun
fund can help.
Here’s what that is. It’s a checking account or a piggy bank or a pickle jar that’s earmarked
for fun and fun only. That money is exclusively for movies or meals out or other things you
and your partner might normally say “we can't afford.” I don’t judge, but just
而你的伴侶通常會說 "我們負擔不起"我不做評判,只是
remember that cabbage is off limits for paying bills or other necessities.
5 – Build your knowledge bank. You said, “Do I have to keep reading book about money,”
5 - 建立你的知識庫。你說:"我必須一直閱讀有關金錢的書籍嗎?
and my answer, until you get your money game together, yes. Whether it’s books or seminars
or audios, its not just about reading or listening, but you actually have to implement it, especially
if you want to have money and keep it.
As for money seminars, they can be a little cheesy and people may try and sell you some
more stuff but that doesn’t matter. You'll still learn a ton and what's even more important,
you're going to be around people who are actively improving their own money mentality.
6 – Spread the wealth. This is another strategy that I've personally used and it’s a little
6 - 傳播財富。這是我個人使用過的另一種策略,它有點
bit counter-intuitive. Anytime you're feeling a lack around money, you got to give some
away. For example, if you catch yourself in major scarcity mode, you should donate a little
bit of money to a cause you believe it. If you're not sure where to donate, we have an
organization that we love. It’s called Kiva and we also have our own lending team and
我們喜歡的組織。它叫 Kiva,我們也有自己的借貸團隊。
I’ll put links below this video so you can check it out.
Another way to spread the wealth is to just be generous with your friends and family.
There's something amazing about saying “I’ll treat,” even if it’s for something simple
說 "我請客 "有一種神奇的力量,即使只是為了簡單的事情
like a coffee or a home cooked meal. As we've discussed, you cannot change your family or
your friends around their money mentality but you can be a living demonstration of a
more abundant reality.
That is my A to your Q, Elise. I hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from you. Have you
broken out of a scarcity mentality around money, and if so, how’d you do it? If you're
currently working through this, I would also love to know which of these six strategies
resonated the most and which can you put in practice starting right now.
As always, the best and richest discussions happen over at MarieForleo.com so come on
一如既往,最精彩、最豐富的討論都發生在 MarieForleo.com 上,快來吧
over there and leave a comment now.
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Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special
gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time
on MarieTV.