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  • Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and life you love, and this is not Q&A Tuesday. It's a very special day. Why? Because I am

  • here with one of my favorite authors of all time, a woman who has made such a huge impact

  • on my life, and I'll tell you about that in a moment. But first, I want to read you her

  • intro.

  • Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Six

  • of her ten published books have been New York Times bestsellers, four of these have been

  • #1 New York Times best sellers. Her first book, A Return to Love, is considered a must

  • read of the new spirituality and in 2006, a Newsweek magazine poll named her one of

  • the 50 most influential baby boomers. Her newest book is called The Law of Divine Compensation

  • on Work, Money and Miracles. Marianne, thank you so much for having us in your home today.

  • Thank you for having me on MarieTV.

  • I have to tell you this before we get into it. I want to tell all you guys. When I was

  • in my early 20s, I was having such a hard time. I was just starting out as a life coach

  • and I was questioning everything and I was having a hard time with my parents, with my

  • vocation and I was really in a tough space. I remember being in Union Square in the Barnes

  • and Noble and looking around for a book and your book A Return to Love just jumped off

  • the shelf at me and I picked it up and I started reading it, and I cried right there at Barnes

  • and Nobles because your words and what you put down in your work spoke so deeply to where

  • I was in my life and you gave me a pathway to get back to what I felt like was really

  • me and to do what I really wanted and to reconnect with my parents in a way that I've never even

  • imagined possible. I just wanted to thank you publically.

  • Thank you. You know so much of that book is based on the agony that I felt much like the

  • one you just described when I was in my 20s, and so much of that was spent in New York

  • City and I found A Course of Miracles in New York City. I was you wandering through Barnes

  • and Noble.

  • Thank you. It was just awesome. First thing I want to ask, we're talking about your new

  • amazing book, The Law of Divine Compensation, which by the way, if you do not have this

  • book, you need to get your hands on this book now. Get five copies, ten copies, and give

  • it to your friend and as we go through this interview, you're gonna hear why. You've written

  • so many books over the course of your career which has been amazing, and this one being

  • about work, money and miracles, when you first started as a writer and a teacher, did you

  • struggle to make ends meet and tell us just a little bit about that part of the journey

  • and how it's evolved.

  • I'm of the generation that grew up in the late 60s and the 70s and everything wasn't

  • so financialized the way it is now. I grew out of a hippie ethic, I needed to work, I

  • needed to pay the bills, but I didn't have this ambition that is so rampant now. When

  • I started lecturing on a course in miracles, there was no reason to think that I would

  • be able to make a living doing that because this career niche did not exist then. You

  • could be a clergy and I didn't see myself being clergy or you could be like a professor

  • of comparative religion in a university somewhere and I didn't see that for myself either. So

  • when I first knew about Judy Scotch going around the country talking about a course

  • in miracles, I thought that was just the most amazing thing, but there was no conceptualization

  • of that as something that you would do for a living. When I started lecturing on a course

  • in miracles, I remember I was working as a temporary secretary and I was working at a

  • building in Santa Monica here in LA that at that time was called the World Savings Building.

  • I'd been doing this temporary secretarial job and I was standing at the elevator bank

  • there and it was as though I heard a voice in my head say "this will be your last secretarial

  • job." It was really one of those things of like "who said that?" and at that time, I

  • had started lecturing on A Course in Miracles at a place called the Philosophical Research

  • Society. I didn't think I would pay my bills doing that and yet more and more people came

  • and I don't remember the specific day, but in fact it happened that enough people were

  • coming to my lectures with their $3 or $5 or $7 donation that I could live on that.

  • For me, that was so amazing. I was bringing in money that others would be strategizing

  • how to make more that I just thought was the coolest thing in the world. Then when my first

  • book came out and it was very successful mainly because of Oprah Winfrey, that was just such

  • a delight and a miracle but nothing I would've ever even conceived of.

  • Wow, so beautiful. What exactly is the law of divine compensation?

  • The law of divine compensation is just a phrase I came up with to describe a particular action

  • of how the universe operates. The universe is both self organizing and self correcting.

  • What do I mean by that? An embryo becomes a baby and a bud turns into a blossom and

  • an acorn turns into an oak tree. Clearly there is an invisible hand of sorts. You have a

  • sperm and you have an egg and then the next thing you know, cells are dividing and the

  • little brain is formed and toes and spleen and heart and lungs; it's so extraordinary.

  • From a metaphysical perspective, that amazing way that the universe supports life in moving

  • forward all the time is not just in physical nature, but in all aspects of things. Just

  • as the little embryo is programmed to become the baby, you and I are programmed to have

  • the best relationship possible. You were programmed to have the best career possible. There is

  • a programming by which this television show would be its best. The difference between

  • you and me and the acorn is that we can say "no."

  • Yes.

  • We can think thoughts and behave in ways that make us deviate from that otherwise perfect

  • self organizing pattern. Usually when we think of making things happen in our lives, we think

  • like you're looking at a computer and you bring up a blank document and then you have

  • to figure out what to write on it. That's one way of looking at life. If you want to

  • make anything happen, you have to bring up that blank document and figure out what to

  • do. Another way of looking at life is to think of an undeletable file that is always in your

  • computer. You might think of it as God's will. You might think of it as divine intelligence.

  • By whatever name you call it, that same force that makes the embryo turn into the baby.

  • The embryo didn't have to figure out how to become a baby. When you think of life that

  • way that I don't have to pull up a blank document and figure things out so much as I have to

  • bring down to the screen, this undeletable file always there but usually not brought

  • down to the screen because it's not the button I push or the file I select, by which every

  • thought and every action not only on my part, but on everyone else's part, including this

  • divine bio-computer of the universe that will make sure that everybody meets who we're supposed

  • to meet and everything happens that's supposed to happen, I can have that. Let's say I pick

  • up a file and the file is God's will document my career. File God's will, natural intelligence,

  • divine hand, whatever; document, career, document, money, and that is a programming in our minds.

  • This is no more true about money and career than it is about anything else. The quote

  • I have at the beginning of the book is from Einstein when he said:

  • "The most important decision we ever make is whether we think we live in a friendly

  • universe or a hostile universe."

  • If you believe you live in a friendly universe, then you believe that you are supported just

  • the way the embryo is supported in becoming the baby. The acorn is supported in becoming

  • an oak tree. You were supported by a universal plan of sorts, a divine architecture. That

  • architecture for the oak tree is within the acorn and there is an architecture within

  • your consciousness by which Marie becomes the highest creative possibility for Marie

  • this lifetime. Every aspect of the universe is already at work making sure every aspect

  • of your life unfolds according to that same divine perfection, but because we are treated

  • to think according to a mindset that rules the human race that is based on fear rather

  • than love, we are constantly thinking thoughts that knock us out of that universal order

  • and there are really only two categories: harmony and order or chaos. It's like a cancer

  • cell. When the cancer cell deviates, a cancer cell is a cell that's gone insane and it disconnects

  • from its natural intelligence and instead of existing to collaborate with other cells

  • in the synergistic way by which they come together to support the higher functioning

  • of the organ, the cancer cell goes off to do its own thing, build its own mass made

  • up of other sick cells, and of course that's destructive to the system. That's the way

  • we live on this earth. We have forgotten our native intelligence and that native intelligence

  • is love itself. When we live with the mind as a conduit asking only... there's a lesson

  • in A Course in Miracles a prayer that we're taught to say every day, "where would you

  • have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say and to whom," then you

  • find yourself flowing down the river in this divine alignment and you really do see that

  • the universe can bring more to you than you can bring to yourself. It's like the difference

  • between seeing a pile of iron shavings and saying "I'm going to put my fingers in there

  • and try to design these beautiful patterns, filament, and beauty." No. the only way I

  • can do that is introducing a magnet and the true self by whatever name you call it, you

  • can talk about it in religious terms or secular terms, it's the Christ self, the Buddha mind,

  • the universal life, whatever name you use for it is a magnet for all things good. The

  • law of divine compensation is not only that the universe is self organizing, but that

  • the universe is self correcting. Just as my body is programmed to work, your lungs breathe

  • and your heart beats, should there be injury to your system, the body is also programmed

  • to repair it and to heal itself. The law of divine compensation is that that is true on

  • every level of nature. What that means is that anytime there is a lack, there is diminishment;

  • there is a deviation from love. Within spiritual substance there is the ability and the intention

  • of the universe who enters into the mortal realm and compensate for whatever lack or

  • diminishment. I think that that is so important because we all have moments of deviation whether

  • I did it or somebody else did it, whether I made a mistake and I was stupid with my

  • money and I went bankrupt or do systems of economic injustice and Wall Street and banks,

  • etc, it was somebody else's fault; it wasn't even my fault. The point is the universe is

  • on it, but if I am in lovelessness, if I am in anger at myself for others, if I am in

  • attack about it, if I in some way constrict rather than open my heart during that period

  • of pain, then the universe cannot move through me to provide the compensation. Every thought

  • of love we co create a miracle because miracles occur naturally as expressions of love, but

  • every thought of lovelessness deflects the miracles, deflects the correction, deflects

  • the healing. That's why in the book, usually if somebody's going through money or career

  • issues, their coach does not say to them "who have you not forgiven" because that person

  • would say "forgiveness? This has nothing to do with forgiveness. This has to do with my

  • career. This has to do with my money." But anyplace we haven't forgiven is a place where

  • we are blocking love, so we are blocking the miracle, and in career as much as in anything

  • else, you never know where the miracle is going to come. You never know what avenue

  • this new opportunity is going to move through, but the universe is literally moment by moment

  • an infinite and endless opportunity machine, but if we're not present in that moment with

  • an open heart, we miss the opportunity.

  • One of my favorite parts of the books is actually in the preface and I literally almost fell

  • off my chair. I was like hooting and hollering because it was just so stinking good and you

  • talk about something that I've actually thought about a lot, and I actually typed it down

  • here. You said:

  • "What happens when someone says 'oh yeah, what about starving kids in Africa? Are they

  • poor because their consciousness is out of alignment with love?' Can you share your response?"

  • Anytime there's a problem, the ultimate cause of the problem was s deviation from love,

  • but that doesn't mean that the deviation from love was on the part of the person who is

  • experiencing the effect of that deviation. If someone gets cancer because there were

  • carcinogens in the water that they were drinking, whoever put the carcinogens there was not

  • thinking if they knowingly did that. The lack of ethics, the deviation from love, and a

  • deviation from the sense of the sacredness of life itself was not on the part of the

  • person who then got the cancer. Are you with me?

  • Yep.

  • We can talk about other factors, etc, but my point is that the deviation itself was

  • not on the part necessarily the person. When you talk about 17,000 children on this planet

  • who die of hunger every single day of starvation, not just hunger, 17,000 children every single

  • day; that's one ever four seconds; starve on this planet. That means since you and I

  • started talking, figure out how many four second intervals there were; that's how many

  • children have starved to death. Obviously we're not saying "at least I'm not" because

  • some people I think are. I am certainly not saying that there's something in the consciousness

  • of that child that somehow is not as loving as ours. I find that obscene actually. I find

  • that viewpoint really morally obscene. However, you can say that those children are starving

  • from a lack of love. The love in this case on the part of the industrializations of the

  • world. In the United States, we spend $700 billion a year on our defense budget. Economist

  • Jeffrey Sacks from Columbia University has established that for $100 billion spent over

  • 10 years, we could eradicate deep poverty from the face of the earth. Deep poverty means

  • the one billion people on the planet who are living on a dollar and a quarter and less

  • a day. About that there's another billion living on $2 and less a day; that bottom billion

  • is called deep poverty and of course it is among those that you have the starving children.

  • you bet it's a lack of love that's allowing this to happen; you bet it is because if the

  • western industrializations and other advanced industrializations of the world got together

  • and said "that is the bottom line, not the short term economic gain of our people, but

  • a recognition on the part of the people of the world of the interdependence, the interconnectedness

  • of all people on this planet and feeding the children who are starving should be the bottom

  • line." That evolution is an evolution in love. That evolution in political and social consciousness

  • will only emerge from that evolution in our capacity to love. Right now, we are stuck

  • as a species on a level of personal love. we are stuck on a level of personal love for

  • people we like or love for people who are like us and the love that will save the world

  • is not just love for people that we like, it's not just love for people that we know,

  • it's not just love for our children; its love for all of the children. It's not just love

  • for our home; it's a realization that the earth itself is our home. Anytime we have

  • any problem, whether it's an individual problem or a collective problem, that's always at

  • the root of it. What is the invitation here? Where is the invitation to step up our game?

  • Where is the invitation to step up your game and it always have to do, what would be a

  • greater level of excellence? What would be a more compassionate heart? What would be

  • a generosity of spirit that I'm not displaying now? I think that's where we are collectively

  • and those 17,000 children starving is just something put up to all of us, I think, and

  • particularly the women of the world because I think when women really move into that space

  • within ourselves where we do what we normally do in the home, which is to make sure the

  • children are fed first above all else. In every advanced mammalian species that survives

  • and thrives, a common anthropological characteristic of the adult female of the species is her

  • fierce protection of her cubs when she feels that there's a threat to the young, even among

  • the hyenas, the female hyenas, the adults and circle the cubs while they're feeding

  • and will not let the adult male hyenas get anywhere near the food until the cubs have

  • been fed. I look at you, I think of myself, surely we could do better than the hyenas.

  • What's exciting about more women, for instance in your audience and yourself perfectly an

  • example, taking advantage of the opportunities we have in a society like ours, having the

  • careers that we have, earning the money that we do, I believe at this point in time the

  • issue is for us to think a little bit less perhaps of "do I have the rights that I want,"

  • not that we have all the rights that we ultimately wish to have, but we have enough of them that

  • the question now becomes "how can I make a better contribution to the rights that I have,"

  • not just "how do I get more money" or "how do I get more of a career" given how much

  • I already have and how much you already have and how we can work together to make the highest

  • level of contributions that we can, and I believe feeding starving children should be

  • number one on our list.

  • Yes, that gets an "amen" from me and I know it's not a Sunday but I had to say it. One

  • of the other things you say in the book... there's so many. I can highlight this book

  • till the cows come home and I have, and you've actually been generous enough to give me a

  • new copy because mine was so beat up. One of the things you talk about is behind every

  • fear, there is a miracle waiting. Tell us what that means.

  • In a course of miracles, it says that there are only two categories of thought: love and

  • fear. Love is who we are. Love is the true thought. It's the thought of the true self.

  • Anytime we deviate from that love, it is like light to darkness. Darkness is not a thing,

  • it's the absence of a thing and you get rid of darkness by turning on the light. Fear

  • is to love what darkness is to light. You don't hit the darkness to get rid of it and

  • you can't just hit the fear to get rid of it, but you turn on the light and the darkness

  • is automatically gone; you turn on the love and the fear is automatically gone. What that

  • means is that in any moment where I need help, what I need is a correction. I need a breakthrough.

  • The correction and the breakthrough needs a miracle and a miracle is a shift in perception

  • from fear to love. Where is the fear? Who am I not forgiving? Where am I living, in

  • the past or the future rather than in this present? Where am I not making myself fully

  • available to the person in front of me? Where am I not being as excellent as I could be?

  • As ethical as I could be? As where am I coming from ambition rather than service? Where am

  • I coming from competition rather than cooperation and collaboration? Where am I not standing

  • in the full shining possibility within myself in any given moment? That is the miracle;

  • giving up the lower thought for the higher thought, the weaker thought for the stronger

  • thought, and it's that cell going back to its divine alignment and then the miracle

  • occurs. The breakthrough on the outside will then occur because we had the breakthrough

  • on the inside.

  • I love it. I could talk to you for hours. This is a good one specifically about money.

  • So many people complain and they blame limiting beliefs about money like "I learned this from

  • my mom or my dad or this is the way that my family's always thought about this," and you

  • talk about in the book how we can transform those thoughts.

  • The issue of childhood programming... the first therapist I ever had, I was in my early

  • 20s and she said something to me that was so stunning and I never forgot it, she said

  • "you know Marianne, your father isn't your real father, your mother is in your real mother,

  • God is your real father and God is your real mother." We have the mortal self and we have

  • a mortal story, but we are more than the mortal self and so we are more than the mortal story.

  • When you accept yourself as a child of the universe, a child of God, a child of the divine,

  • by whatever words we describe these things, you realize that you are not at the effect

  • of mortal limitation once you realize you are an immortal self. Once you move from "I

  • am a child of my family situation" and say "but I am so much more than that," I am a

  • child of God and I am entitled to the miracles that every child of God is entitled to and

  • through that mysterious alchemy, even the broken places within myself, when given up

  • for healing will become part of what I can use to make a greater contribution. Sometimes

  • you get rid of it by taping over it. We tend in the West to think if I analyze a problem

  • enough that will of itself get rid of it and enough of us have spent enough hours in therapy

  • to know of itself that won't work, but in the Eastern tradition, they don't analyze

  • the darkness to get rid of it; they simply go for God knowing that in the presence of

  • the higher mind vibration, all that simply is not you will drop of its own dead weight.

  • When you begin to identify, that's what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is a shift in self identification,

  • from the body to the spirit, from a mortal self to the immortal self. You realize that

  • you are at the effect of the world you identify with. If I identify with a world in which

  • there is a recession and there's scarcity and all of that, this is where we get in trouble.

  • Where you get in trouble is where you meet a limited circumstance with limited thought

  • and you just fall right into "ain't it awful, it's going to take a time for the jobs to

  • come back, the recovery is slow, even if they are hiring somebody, they are not hiring anybody

  • my age." The issue is to answer the limited conditions with a recognition of the law of

  • divine compensation, which means the spirit will compensate for any limit in the material

  • world and that I can meet the knowledge that it's a recession with the knowledge that it's

  • not knowledge; that's perception. Within this mortal world, there is a recession but in

  • God and spirit, there is no recession. There is no lack. There is really abundance.

  • Not for everyone because even if there is a recession, there's many people that you

  • can I both know who are thriving right now.

  • There are Fortune 500 companies that have been founded during recessions, so the consciousness

  • with which we meet a circumstance is really the point here; it's everything. Knowing that

  • and standing in conviction, miracles arise from conviction the course says which I love

  • that line. You have to more than know a principle. Stand on it and that's what I hope the book

  • does, that in reading it, it bolsters the self-confidence with which you actually wield

  • to the power of the knowledge of principle. There is a line in A Course of Miracles where

  • it says:

  • "If you treat these ideas like toys or symbols or metaphors, they'll have the power of a

  • toy or a symbol or a metaphor. But if you treat these ideas like the powers that literally

  • ruled the universe, so shall they be for you."

  • I love you. I'm going to ask one more question before we wrap up. This is something specific

  • that I encounter a lot, especially with women and especially when it comes to the subject

  • of money. Feeling a sense of shame or embarrassment about wanting to make it, about wanting to

  • be successful and something I've heard you say before when you experience that level

  • of shame or embarrassment about wanting to make money, you're sabotaging yourself from

  • actually having any.

  • Some people in our society today are prejudice against poor people, but some people in our

  • society are prejudice against rich people. Not every poor person is some lazy no good-nic,

  • but not every rich person is someone who made their money unethically. No socio-economic

  • group has a monopoly on righteousness and there's nothing beautiful about what happens

  • when money stops circulating; there is nothing beautiful about bread lines. Sometimes people

  • limit themselves. A Course of Miracles says "beware the power of an unrecognized belief."

  • Sometimes we look at people who have money and we make assumptions; it's like we know,

  • and if you have a judgment of people because they created wealth, you will subconsciously

  • sabotage the creation of wealth when it's moving towards you. There is such a thing

  • as unethical wealth creation, there is such a thing as greed and there is such a thing

  • as economic injustice, and those are important topics for us to be aware of at this time

  • in our history. There is no doubt about that. However, that doesn't mean that everybody

  • who is making money is making money from a place that is not loving and good. Anytime

  • we are judging anyone, we can get off that holy high horse of ours because the judgment

  • itself, number one, God judges no one, and number two, if you judge someone else for

  • anything great in their life, you will block the reception of whatever that is into your

  • own. Anytime you see a person having anything you want in any area of life, celebrate it,

  • be happy and take whatever envy you feel and say "God, please take this from me because

  • I know it doesn't serve."

  • I love that. Gorgeous.

  • At the same time, all of this is true; I think it's also important for us to realize always

  • that money isn't everything. To say that you are open to finances should be coupling with

  • an absolute realization that money should never be our bottom line. Love should be our

  • bottom line and that should be true not only as individuals, but it should be true as a

  • society. The great transformation that we need in the world is a shift from an economic

  • ordering principle of human civilization to a humanitarian order and principle of human

  • civilization. The whole point of people like yourself, myself and your audience, of making

  • money is not only to take care of ourselves or our families or our loved ones, but the

  • world, and money is a power and it should be used in all ways very responsibly. The

  • power that accrues to us should not just be buying power; it should be about something

  • much more than consumers. It should be about a conscious sense of responsibility to particularly

  • the children of the earth and to future generations, and I think people like yourself, being so

  • in the forefront of that change, is so significant and I'm happy to be talking to you.

  • You're going to make me cry. I come to see you speak anytime I can and I've loved you

  • for years and one of the things I so adore is that often, and probably almost every time,

  • you end with a prayer. Is that something we can do today?

  • Sure.

  • Dear God, for all of us who are joined here, we place in your hands our burdens and our

  • questions and our responsibilities. We place in your hands our debts and we place in your

  • hands our assets. We place in your hands our fears about money and work and we place in

  • your hands our visions and our prayers and our hopes for money and work. In this and

  • in all things, dear God, we pray to be lifted to the highest level of divine order. May

  • we be who you would have us be that we might do what you would have us do. May our work

  • in the world, dear God, be more than just a job. May it be a calling as each of us now

  • surrender ourselves and ask that we be used by you that whatever we do, it be a conduit

  • for the love that uplifts all things. May the brilliance and the genius that is your

  • spirit within us move through us in collaboration, with the genius moving through everyone else

  • to create the most beautiful world. And so

  • it is together we say "Amen."

  • That was just ridiculous and amazing and what we're going to do now, [unintelligible 0:29:35],

  • we're so filled with so much grace and so much love, what we always do on MarieTV is

  • we challenge you because we want you to take this insight and really turn it into action,

  • and something else I learned from Marianne. One of my favorite things from A Course in

  • Miracles, an idea is more powerful- how does that one go?

  • "An idea is more powerful when it is shared."

  • Yes. Marianne, this has been amazing.

Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business


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