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  • At its heart, engineering is about solving problems.

  • And for better or worse, the world won't have a shortage of those anytime soon.

  • Throughout this series, we've covered many of the areas where these challenges lie and how engineers are making their mark.

  • But we've only just skimmed the surface!

  • While we couldn't get to them all, one thing is certain: the future landscape of engineering will be very different from what we see today.

  • [Theme Music]

  • From the tiny to the large, we've seen engineering in action to deliver drugs, build bridges, and shore up skyscrapers.

  • In general, the kinds of problems that engineers solve depend on what we want and need.

  • Farms, factories, cities, and homes all rely on energy production, civil infrastructure, and communication networks for their basic functions.

  • Society will continue to need those in some form in the future, which is why a lot of focus is put into these fields of engineering.

  • But new engineering specialties are also popping up all the time.

  • In the last decade, the demand for smartphones has driven huge developments in electrical and computer engineering.

  • The industry is working on improving the designs of components like processors and finding cheaper ways of producing them.

  • In other words, economic factors can play a big role in what fields engineers end up working in and what sorts of jobs are available to them.

  • But in the 21st century, there are challenges facing the world that go beyond economics, with implications for our very existence!

  • The environment is changing more radically than ever.

  • There are entirely new threats to our infrastructure.

  • Healthcare and sanitation have the potential to save hundreds of millions of lives.

  • Although engineering has improved the average quality of life to the best it's ever been,

  • big challenges like these need to be addressed if humanity is going to keep thriving.

  • To outline some of these problems, the US National Academy of Engineering, or NAE,

  • has consulted with engineers, scientists, and technologists to create a set of Grand Challenges for Engineers in the 21st century.

  • These goals address some of the most essential global issues in both big and small ways.

  • Broadly speaking, they focus on sustainability, security, health and general quality of life.

  • It all starts with sustainability, or making sure our planet stays a place where we can live.

  • To heal the environment and keep humanity safe, we need to engineer a future that looks very different from our past.

  • To prevent further damage from the burning of fossil fuels, we need to develop cleaner methods for energy production.

  • Engineers are already working to make solar panels more efficient and investigate the possibility of power plants that use nuclear fusion.

  • But producing power isn't the only way we're warming the planet.

  • Modern agriculture uses lots of artificial fertilizers to increase food production.

  • Unfortunately, only some gets absorbed into living things like crops; much of the rest escapes to the atmosphere as nitrogen oxide.

  • There, it acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping in heat and deepening the effects of climate change.

  • Worse still, some returns to Earth in the form of acid rain.

  • To address these problems, engineers need to find ways of stopping nitrogen from leaking out of the food production process.

  • Stopping the release of nitrogen oxide is essential for managing the nitrogen cycle that supports the Earth's ecosystem.

  • And that may mean designing new methods of applying fertilizer, or processing organic waste into more environmentally-friendly alternatives.

  • But it's too late to just change what we do in the future.

  • To fix the warming planet, we need to reverse the effects of greenhouse gases.

  • That's the goal behind carbon sequestration, which aims to take carbon dioxide out the atmosphere and store it safely away.

  • The good news is, sequestration is already possible!

  • There are chemical reactions for capturing CO2, like the kind used to add fizz to soda.

  • The huge challenge is to scale up that technology to remove billions of tonnes of it from the atmosphere in a way that's economically viable.

  • A good start would be capturing carbon dioxide as it is released from fossil fuel-based energy plants.

  • The smokestacks in coal-powered plants could be altered to absorb greenhouse gases at the source.

  • And once we can prevent its release or take it out of the atmosphere, we'll need a way to store that CO2.

  • Engineers are working on finding places, like deep within porous rock formations, where all that carbon could be put away.

  • While preventing environmental ruin is a huge task, there are other risks engineers need to plan for in the future.

  • While civil engineering has provided a lot of infrastructure needed to support our daily lives, not enough work has gone into maintaining it.

  • Old structures and outdated transportation systems are in need of modernization to make them safer and more reliable.

  • As part of these efforts, engineers in the UK are sending electromagnetic waves through the ground

  • to locate buried objects like pipes and cables that are part of the current communication and plumbing networks.

  • This will allow engineers to map them out and improve waste treatment facilities and telephone networks,

  • making those systems more resilient against potential catastrophes.

  • Sadly, the risks posed to infrastructure aren't just because of negligence.

  • As the world becomes more connected, systems like power grids are increasingly coordinated using networks of computers.

  • Unfortunately, that makes them more vulnerable to attacks from hackers!

  • In 2015, hackers managed to disrupt the power grid in Ukraine, temporarily cutting off the supply of electricity to 230,000 residents for several hours.

  • If attacks like this continue to escalate in scale, they could threaten important services like hospitals and firefighters.

  • To prevent hackers from attacking critical infrastructure,

  • computer engineers are developing solutions to ensure that only trusted operators can access the systems that control them.

  • That involves developing more secure software,

  • and even implementing new hardware like fingerprint scanners to make sure only a few designated people can make changes.

  • They can also organize vulnerable computer systems to operate on networks that are entirely disconnected from the internet,

  • so hackers have a harder time accessing them in the first place.

  • But big threats to infrastructure aren't just restricted to cyberspace!

  • Although nuclear weapons haven't been used in warfare since World War II,

  • there's always the chance that a malicious group could turn stolen nuclear material into an improvised bomb.

  • To prevent this, engineers are developing ways to monitor and track the radioactive elements used in places like energy plants, hospitals, and research facilities.

  • For example, devices could be designed that measure the radioactivity near nuclear reactors, giving an indication of the amount of material inside.

  • If that level drops suddenly and without explanation, it could alert investigators that a theft has occurred.

  • Now, this all kinda sounds like the future of engineering is just preventing terrible things from happening.

  • But the good news is that engineering is also an active, positive force for improving lives.

  • Because of the incredible pace at which technology has advanced, engineering can make huge strides in the fields of health and sanitation.

  • We saw a way to provide better access to clean water in the context of engineering design, which is vital for sanitation and preventing the outbreak of disease.

  • But there are lots of ways engineers could help treat diseases, too.

  • The tools of genetic engineering, for example, give us new ways to create medicine, such as specially-designed enzymes that produce cancer drugs more efficiently.

  • Some recent advances like CRISPR might even allow doctors to treat patients based on their DNA and eliminate certain diseases entirely.

  • And as we saw with biodevices, new hardware is being developed to work within the body for medical diagnoses and monitoring.

  • The data that those devices collect, like blood pressure and heart rate, could be used to alert doctors immediately when something goes wrong.

  • Grouped across many patients, this data could also be used to investigate and predict healthcare trends, a field called health informatics.

  • Engineers will play an enormous role in designing the systems that collect, transmit, and even analyze that data.

  • As well as personalizing healthcare, engineering can develop other kinds of tools that are tailored to individuals, like those used in education.

  • Many current resources, including videos like this one, are aimed at a broad audience.

  • In the future, though, resources could be designed to change the style and depth of information they provide based on an individual student's strengths and preferences.

  • Imagine an online textbook that could automatically elaborate on topics you didn't get the first time around,

  • or digital flashcards that adapt to test you on the things you forget most often.

  • New hardware, like virtual or augmented reality headsets, could even provide simulated environments for students to learn and experiment in.

  • Software engineers will be key to bringing these sorts of tools into classrooms and homes.

  • Of course, similar technologies could be applied to every aspect of our lives to allow our thoughts and personalities to influence our environments.

  • But to do that, we'd need to understand the brain a lot better than we do now.

  • Understanding the human brain is one of the biggest scientific challenges there is.

  • Doing so would allow us to develop new medical and psychiatric treatments.

  • Modeling computer systems on the design of the human brain could also give us entirely new ways of solving problems.

  • You've probably heard of the progress being made in fields like artificial intelligence.

  • The goal is to construct systems with problem-solving capabilities similar to the kind humans have,

  • such as driving cars or recognizing tumours in X-ray scans.

  • So far, we can only crudely mimic how brain cells are connected.

  • Understanding how the brain works more completely could help us replicate some of its remarkable abilities.

  • On this front, engineers are developing new hardware to assist in making scientific discoveries, like infrared sensors that measure brain activity.

  • This helps us to understand how physical changes like blood flow and electrical impulses correspond to the act of thinking.

  • And determining that could help us better model individual parts of the brain and improve our efforts at artificial intelligence.

  • From brains to biofuels, it's clear that engineers have lots of ways to impact the future.

  • Despite the challenges laid out by the NAE, the truth is that engineering rarely goes the way we predict.

  • Few people would have thought that less than 70 years would separate the flight of the first airplane from our first steps on the Moon.

  • The development of technology, and the challenges that come with it, are still big questions on the horizon.

  • But what we can say is that whatever the future holds,

  • the problem solving skills and fundamental ideas provided by engineering will put you in a good spot to take a crack at them yourself.

  • Because that's really what engineering is all aboutusing bright ideas to tackle big challenges!

  • And we hope this series has put you on the path to do just that.

  • Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

  • Wanna keep getting smarter with us?

  • Check out Space Time, which explores the outer reaches of space, the depths of astrophysics,

  • the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth.

  • Subscribe at the link in the description.

  • Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

  • And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

At its heart, engineering is about solving problems.


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我們今天面臨的最大問題與工程的未來。工程學速成班#46 (The Biggest Problems We're Facing Today & The Future of Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #46)

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