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  • [♩INTRO]

  • Gamma-ray bursts, called GRBs for short,

  • are one of the biggest mysteries in modern astronomy.

  • They're explosions that release tons of highly energetic gamma radiation,

  • but although we know they come from outside the Milky Way,

  • scientists aren't exactly sure how they happen.

  • They are trying to figure it out, though, especially since these bursts

  • are energetic enough to interfere with satellites and astronauts in space.

  • But there's a long way to go.

  • We've spent more than 50 years trying to understand GRBs.

  • And what's especially surprising is that this mystery began on accident,

  • thanks to, of all things, the Cold War.

  • The story starts in 1963, when the U.S., U.K., and Soviet Union

  • all got together and agreed they wouldn't set off any nuclear bombs

  • in the atmosphere or in space.

  • Of course, since this was right in the middle of the Cold War,

  • it wasn't like everyone was super trusting of each other.

  • So that same year, the U.S. Air Force started launching

  • a bunch of monitoring satellites, collectively called Vela,

  • to help make sure everyone was following the new rules.

  • Vela carried instruments to detect X-rays, gamma radiation,

  • and energetic neutrons.

  • All things that could be released by a nuclear test.

  • The satellites also always orbited in pairs,

  • so there was never an unobserved hemisphere.

  • Over the years, they gathered tons of data,

  • and some of it was pretty unexpected.

  • In 1967, the Vela 4 satellites picked up two big peaks of gamma radiation:

  • first, a tall, sharp one, and then a lower, broader one.

  • The good news is, they at least didn't seem to be coming from Earth.

  • Since the satellites operated in pairs, whichever one was closer to a signal

  • would detect it first, and that would help pinpoint its origin.

  • But this time, both satellites got basically the same signal at the same time.

  • Still, that wasn't anything to stop the presses about.

  • It was just one event, so maybe the detectors malfunctioned.

  • But then it happened again.

  • And again.

  • In fact, by 1973, Velas 5 and 6 had detected 16 more

  • of these mysterious gamma ray bursts,

  • and scientists knew this was a new phenomenon.

  • But that was about all they knew.

  • Besidessomewhere in space”,

  • it still wasn't clear where these GRBs were coming from.

  • We didn't know if they were from inside or outside the galaxy,

  • and researchers certainly didn't know what was causing them:

  • Hypotheses covered everything from supernovas to black holes.

  • Only in 1996, almost 30 years after the first GRB detection,

  • did we finally make some serious progress in figuring things out.

  • That year, the Italian and Dutch space agencies launched BeppoSAX,

  • an Earth-orbiting spacecraft that monitored the skies for objects like GRBs.

  • Specifically, it was equipped to detect something called afterglows.

  • After an object like a star releases a big burst of energy,

  • there's kind of a cool-down period,

  • where you can see a sort of glow in lower wavelengths.

  • After a GRB, you'd expect an afterglow with X-rays and visible light,

  • which could take about a week to fade.

  • BeppoSAX had wide-field cameras that could pinpoint the location of a burst

  • and send that data to Earth really quickly.

  • Fast enough that ground-based telescopes could observe the afterglow.

  • And that technology finally let us pin down the location of a GRB.

  • Less than a year after launch, BeppoSAX detected a burst

  • from some 8 billion light-years away.

  • So, definitely outside the galaxy.

  • And in the years since, we've found plenty of others,

  • all far outside the Milky Way.

  • So we know these bursts aren't from around here.

  • Now, we just need to answer the dozens of other questions.

  • Based on the observations we've made since 1967, we think there are actually

  • several types of GRBs out there, varying in intensity and duration.

  • And that suggests there may not be a single,

  • universal explanation for how they work.

  • It's possible that some might involve supernovas or merging neutron stars

  • the dense cores leftover after a supernova.

  • But there's a lot of gray area, and a lot we have left to learn.

  • To make things more complicated, we'll also never be able to predict GRBs,

  • because we can't know when something like a star is going to die,

  • or when two stars are going to merge together.

  • Plus, the events that might lead to one of these bursts take place on

  • cosmological time scales.

  • Our lives are within the margins of error for these processes.

  • If nothing else, though, we do know a decent amount about what happens

  • when gamma rays interact with Earth.

  • All our detections of GRBs let us know the kinds of energies we can expect

  • from them, which lets us take any necessary precautions to protect our

  • satellites and astronauts.

  • And we can extrapolate from those detections and model what might happen if

  • Earth were closer to a burst

  • all of which informs how we understand habitability in the universe.

  • Realistically, we're a long way from solving this Cold War discovery,

  • but we've learned a lot from the journey, too.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space

  • especially to our amazing patrons on Patreon!

  • Thanks for helping us explore the mysteries of the universe.

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  • you can go to

  • [♩OUTRO]



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我們是如何意外發現伽馬射線爆發的? (How We Accidentally Discovered Gamma-Ray Bursts)

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