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  • Let's say you're me, and you're in math class.

  • And you're supposed to be learning trigonometry,

  • but you're having trouble paying attention

  • because it's boring and stupid.

  • This is not your fault.

  • It's not even your teacher's fault.

  • It's pi's fault, because pi is wrong.

  • I don't mean that pi is incorrect.

  • The ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference

  • is still 3.14 and so on.

  • I mean that pi, as a concept, is a terrible mistake that

  • has gone uncorrected for thousands of years.

  • The problem of pi and Pi Day is the same

  • as the problem with Columbus and Columbus Day.

  • Sure, Christopher Columbus was a real person who did some stuff.

  • But everything you learn about him in school

  • is warped and overemphasized.

  • He didn't discover America.

  • He didn't discover the world was round.

  • And he was a bit of a jerk.

  • So why do we celebrate Columbus Day?

  • Same with pi.

  • You learned in school that pi is the all-important circle

  • constant, and had to memorize a whole bunch of equations

  • involving it because that's the way it's

  • been taught for a very long time.

  • If you found any of these equations confusing,

  • it's not your fault.

  • It's just that pi is wrong.

  • Let me show you what I mean.

  • Radians.

  • Good system for measuring angles when it comes to mathematics.

  • It should make sense.

  • But it doesn't, because pi messes it up.

  • For example, how much pie is this?

  • You might think this should be one pie.

  • But it's not.

  • The full 360 degrees of pi is actually 2 pi.

  • What?

  • Say I ask you how much pie you want, and you say pi over 8.

  • You'd think this should be an eighth of a pie.

  • But it's not.

  • It's a sixteenth of a pie.

  • That's confusing.

  • You may thinking, come on, Vi!

  • It's a simple conversion.

  • All you have to do is divide by 2.

  • Or multiply by 2, if you're going the other way.

  • So you just have to make sure you pay attention to which way

  • you're--

  • No.

  • You're making excuses for pi.

  • Mathematics should be as elegant and beautiful as possible.

  • When you complicate something that

  • should be as simple as one pi equals one pi by adding all

  • these conversions, something gets lost in translation.

  • But Vi, you ask.

  • Is there a better way?

  • Well, for this particular example,

  • there's an easy answer for what you'd

  • have to do to make a pie be 1 pi instead of 2 pi.

  • You could redefine pi to be 2 pi or 6.28.

  • And so on.

  • But I don't want to redefine pi because that

  • would be confusing.

  • So let's use a different letter.

  • Tau.

  • Because tau looks kind of like pi.

  • A full circle would be 1 tau.

  • A half circle would be half tau, or tau over 2.

  • And if you want 1/16 of this pie, you want tau over 16.

  • That would be simple.

  • But Vi, you say, that seems rather arbitrary.

  • Sure, tau makes radians easier, but it

  • would be annoying to have to convert between tau and pi

  • every time you want to work in radians.

  • True.

  • But the way of mathematics is to make stuff

  • up and see what happens.

  • So let's see what happens if we use tau in other equations.

  • Math classes make you memorize stuff like this,

  • so that you can draw graphs like this.

  • I mean, sure you could derive these values every time.

  • But you don't, because it's easier to just memorize it.

  • Or use your calculator, because pi and radians are confusing.

  • This appalling notation makes us forget

  • what the sine wave actually represents,

  • which is how high this point is when you've gone however

  • far around this unit circle.

  • When your radians are notated horrifically,

  • all of trigonometry becomes ugly.

  • But it doesn't have to be this way.

  • What if we used tau?

  • Let's make a sine wave starting with tau at 0.

  • The height of sine tau is also 0.

  • At tau over 4, we've gone a quarter of the way

  • around the circle.

  • The height, or y value of this point,

  • is so obviously 1 when you don't have

  • to do the extra step of the in-your-head conversion of pi

  • over 2 is actually a quarter of a circle.

  • Tau over 2, half a circle around, back at 0.

  • 3/4 tau, 3/4 of the way around, negative 1.

  • A full turn brings us all the way back to 0 and bam.

  • That just makes sense.

  • Why?

  • Because we don't make circles using a diameter.

  • We make circles using a radius.

  • The length of the radius is the fundamental thing

  • that determines the circumference of a circle.

  • So why would we define this circle

  • constant as a ratio of the diameter to the circumference?

  • Defining it by the ratio of the radius to the circumference

  • makes much more sense.

  • And that's how you get our lovely tau.

  • There's a boatload of important equations and identities

  • where 2 pi shows up, which could and should

  • be simplified to tau.

  • But Vi, you say, what about e to the i pi?

  • Are you really suggesting we ruin it by making it e

  • to the i tau over 2 equals negative 1?

  • To which I respond, who do you think I am?

  • I would never suggest doing something so ghastly

  • is killing Euler's identity.

  • Which, by the way, comes from Euler's formula,

  • which is e to the i theta equals cosine theta plus i sine theta.

  • Let replace theta with tau.

  • It's easy to remember that the sine, or y value,

  • of a full tau turn of a unit circle is 0.

  • So this is all 0.

  • Cosine of a full turn is the x value, which is 1.

  • So check this out.

  • E to the i tau equals 1.

  • What now?

  • If you're still not convinced, I'd

  • recommend reading The Tau Manifesto by Michael Hartl, who

  • does a pretty thorough job addressing

  • every possible complaint at

  • If you still want to celebrate Pi Day, that's fine.

  • You can have your pie and eat it.

  • But I hope you'll all join me on June 28,

  • because I'll be making tau and eating two.

  • I've got pie here, and I've got pie there.

  • I'm pie winning.

Let's say you're me, and you're in math class.


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B2 中高級

Pi Is (still) Wrong. (Pi Is (still) Wrong.)

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