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So I'm learning French off of Duolingo, and they keep repeating the same sentence;
Anyway, welcome back to Flag/Fan Friday. Hope you like the Haiti episode.
Seriously man. It's so cool how much of a crucial role yhey played in ending the Atlantic slave trade
and what's even more fascinating is how they came up with their flag which had a lot to do with anger.
You'll see why in a sec, so without further ado,
Everybody, so before we jump in. I just want to mention that as you know,
we do four country episodes, and then I take a little break to research the next four country episodes.
So next week, Geography Go! we'll be up where we go to Iceland and Greenland
I think you're gonna like those episodes plus some really cool update videos are going to come up as well.
I think you're gonna like them. alright back to the flag.
The flag of Haiti is a horizontal by color of blue on the top and red on the bottom.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the founding father essentially created the first flag by taking the French flag
but then the white was ripped out to symbolize the discarding of the white man that had enslaved them.
Later, he asked his goddaughter to sew the two colours together. The blue represents the black citizens of the country and the red,
now you would think the right stands for the blood of those who fought for the country because Haiti had a lot of people fighting for their country
but it actually does not. It refers to the 'Gens de couleur' or the people of color
typically referencing the mixed-race people between the slave owners and the slave mothers.
Now just a heads up, today is actually going to be a three for one deal
because not only does Haiti's Flag have the coat of arms on it
and not only is Haiti's flag a flag-ception flag which is a flag with a picture of its own flags on its own flag
but it's also one of the only few flags that actually has weapons on it.
Aeeeh, man, did they go all out?
The coat of arms is made up of six draped Haitian flags three on each side all behind a palm tree
with a drum at the bottom and cannons lined up in front on a green lawn with six Bayonet muskets
and a Phrygian hat, symbolizing freedom on a pole on top of the palm tree.
Now this is where things get a little technical because not all depictions of the coat of Arms contains the same elements on the green lawn.
Kind of looks like a yard sale with random items dispersed on display
but what you can't expect might include images of, cannonballs,
and I think these are those things you use to cram the cannonballs into the cannons,
anchors, trumpet bugles, axes, I'm guessing this is a mortar and pestle?
Is that a helmet? Yeah, probably a helmet. That's like a flag holder thing -
I'm not sure, but I think these are water canteens
If not, maybe some kind of sickle.
Finally at the bottom lies a banner with the words: "L'union fait la force"
which means unity makes strength.
Now throughout their history, they actually used a number of different flags and actually for a long time
they use black and it was vertical and during the kingdoms and empires times, the coat of arms is crazy detailed
but they always kept the two color background format, and eventually they just went back to this one.
Alright, so that's about it. Now you know what time it is? Geogra-Fanmail Time!
So this week. This is the stuff that you guys sent.
Let's just jump in. This letter is from Aaron from Bastrop, Texas
[I] love Texas you guys are like America's bodyguards if anything crazy happens you guys will step in. Hey Barbie. My name is Aaron
I'm 13 years old from Bastrop, Texas [the] most historic small town in Texas
Oh, I love the size of this flag - it's perfect perfect size
I really enjoyed watching your channel. Can't wait for the future episode keep up the good work. Thanks a lot aaron
This is from [Maura] from Stine for Germany hit Paul I've been watching a video since the cambodia episode
I live in a small city near Minster in North Rhine-Westphalia near the border of the netherlands
I have ancestors in the netherlands France New Zealand and Mongolia wow it's not the best
But I hope you like [it] little picture of me with the [bun] [dear] [tara] flag in the background that is so cool
Thanks, Maura. [oh]
Sokka we from egypt Cairo. Oh, that's cool. Yes
It's like the second thing I've gotten from Africa the other one was from that guy from West Sahara. Hey Barbie. My name is
Stefanos and [I] am 19 years old I live in Cairo. [I] am fully egyptian in the envelope
I have sent you a rare seashell that I found in Sharm, El-sheikh
I also sent you to kinder surprises as I know you don't have them in America anyway
I hope you enjoy that stuff actually a [stefano's]. They're not illegal anymore
We can buy kinder chocolate eggs with the prize things in them. They sell them here
This little toy can't read your first name, but it's from poland. Oh
Your name is go sia, okay. Go sia. I'm a university student from Poland
[I] started watching you around the time you uploaded the cuba episode. This is the old market square of my city
It's nice and full of colors also. Are you up for a dare? I dare you to say?
Good skin what to the long polish word. There's a video on YouTube called Gregor something [ok] I'll look it up
little senses [2] kids
Presenters to get present [it]
[Greggers] let's just give
You can you secure [it] the model some students? Is that what does when corded?
Swing Conscious [Adversity] [Provodnikov] [a]
Hello [my] guys the [polish] languages wow speaking of poles. We got another package from Poland. Oh
This guy's name is a pajama [glue] book of your hometown tour. De [lune]
Oh Christmas card eat us. Just one bite ah a couple weeks
I will I will say Barbie greetings from pull in the country between Eastern western Europe. I've been watching for about half a year
I'm sending you some small gifts. I hope you will enjoy. Thanks to [shemesh]. [I] have this letter is from
West Virginia, hey mate. My name is Walsh. I'm originally from New [Jersey], but I've moved out to West Virginia for work
I don't have any sort of international piece of culture
I can give you since I've never been outside the country much
But I did include a collage of West, Virginia if you get the reference [ten] brownie points to you
This is this [C2]
House I
belong to the Place I
Country Roads take me home to the place
where I belong, West Virginia Mountain
Something yeah, I got it Johnny cash. That's Johnny cash, right?
The further I got this cool letter it's from liechtenstein
[oh], this is so cool. Mission sign that even as a postcard yes. I know what this is I know what this is
The flag of Liechtenstein hey [barbie]. My name is Daniel. I am from the principality of liechtenstein
I think your youtube channel is awesome because it's educational entertaining
can't wait until the release of the
Distant side episode Neither can I and a fun story [me] my mom are possibly thinking of maybe if we can
Driving to this pinch [sign] once we go to switzerland. Just crossing the border
So we might actually be able to go to the finish line and if we do I'd love to meet up with you so this
Was fun. Thank you guys so much, but before we go
You know what time it is return address contest ready not going to look not looking not looking
fred from
[dongseong] switzerland yes, you are the next winner there you go guys thanks so much for watching
You've justin flagged. I haven't said that for the past like eight episodes, but you've just been flagged and this fan fan Friday
Yeah, have a good one. I'll see you guys next week