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I'm Jakes dad! No. I'm Jakes dad. Really I am! I'm Jake's dad. My name is Robert.
I was thinking about catsinsinks.com
I don't know why but it occurred to me that there might be something we can do with cats in sinks.
We can hug them. They're adorable. So that's what you can do now in your dong. Do online now guys.
Hello howwwwwwwwwwwww are you?
You thought that “how” had a lot of w's just wait till you see The W site.
It reportedly contains the longest list of w's on the internet.
Feel free to scroll through them all, even if you can't get to the end.
Challenge accepted.
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolli...oh..that was actually not hard at all.
So I'll give you a bigger challenge.
Count every “w” and let me know how many there are in the comments below.
Ya know what I love about W's?
They're M's upside down.
What starts with M?
Money Quiz.
By the way I also love effortless transitions.
Anyways, this quiz is fun because you get to realize how financially aware or unaware
you are and the way you answer is cool too because you draw circles or connect pairs
by drawing lines.
For example, this one asks you to connect the currency with the corresponding country.
And for this one you have to adjust the slider once you get to the number of movie tickets
you think you could buy with the money needed for a mobile phone.
And I am totally incorrect but HEY, I tried.
I really really TRIEZ…
Geometrize that is.
Which is an artsy website that can transform any image by turning it into geometric primitives.
Upload an image and press step.
Now press it again and again and again.
I'M TOO HECKIN' BUSY!!!...oh okay pressing run makes it go faster...sorry for my outburst.
It can make something cool pretty quickly but you'll notice that if you leave it running
awhile it will continue to add detail.
Now let's detail-eport with
Globe Genie.
It's made possible by Google maps and it's great for if you want a spontaneous trip to
the middle of nowhere but don't feel like getting out of bed and putting on pants.
Just keep pressing this button to go wherever and look around.
HOLY COW!!!!!!
More exaggerated sound effects.
It's really fun and if you're bored of a continent just uncheck it and never worry
about it again...in this context.
Let's click it one more time to see where we end up…
We're on Arpeggios!
What is that?
Thanks for asking.
It's a chord played one note at a time.
And this experiment lets you play them in different patterns as you play around with
major and minor chords.
Check it out.
Now check this out.
But if you need more excitement in your life try changing the notes during it.
Wow that's lovely but I'm in the mood to blast space ships and destroy lives on
Collapsing Ideas which is a simplistic shooter game.
Use arrow keys to move around and z to shoot.
It's pretty unfair when it's two against one but life isn't fair so deal with it.
By dodging attacks and firing your own.
You can defend yourself by pressing shift for a shield.
Whatever happens I'm proud of you.
Win, lose, or draw…
This is getting intense but I don't wanna ruin the stress...I mean fun for you so I'll let you explore it on your own while I go
Find the pug.
I know the URL is www.cbc.ca/kidscbc2/content/games/pug/index.html but it is NOT just for kids because it's
hard and don't let anyone make you feel bad!
Let's begin.
Okay first round done, second done, third...wait where is it….where is it?!?!
I lost.
I will be back for you my sweet little angel pug but in the meantime I'm gonna stretch
Morty's face.
It's really fun and the uncomfortably-vivid sound make it all worthwhile.
Listen to this.
Links to all the DONGs are down in the description below. Wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Now a word from our sponsor.
Oh thanks dad! Hey there!
If you like doing things online now guys I highly recommend checking out the courses on
Brilliant was nice enough to sponsor this episode and they have courses for science, math, physics, all kinds of fun stuff.
I am currently taking one on computer science, more specifically on Artificial Neural Networks,
Learning the Brain which deals with understanding how the brain works in order to build an artificial
learning system.
It's really cool so I would recommend checking at the top of the description for “20% off for
the first 200 people that sign up”.