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Hey it’s Marie Forleo, and you are watching MarieTV - the PLACE to BE to have a business
and life you love. And today we are switching it up a bit, yes we are switching it up a
bit. We are gonna go behind the scenes in my mind. And I wanna tell you a little bit
about how I think and how I make decisions, in a way that’s gonna serve you hopefully.
So a few months ago, I held a scholarship contest for my flagship business training
program called B-School.
It was amazing. We had over 400 video entries for the scholarship contest, and only 10 seats.
Now, it was really hard to choose those 10 winners, but I did. And one video in
particular really captured my heart.
A lot of people ask me how to make better videos or how to sell and market themselves
more effectively. And so many people think that you need a lot of fancy equipment or
you need to follow some “word for word” script in order to do it. Here’s the thing,
you really don't need a ton of fancy equipment and you don't need some word for word script
to do what you need to do, and to really effectively persuade people.
Let’s take a look at Tangela’s winning B-School video and then I’m gonna tell you
the 8 things she did right, that YOU can also do to be more authentically persuasive. Now
heads up: the video is only 1:45 seconds and it is FULLY entertaining. Plus it ends
with my newest FAVORITE coercion technique. Watch this.
“Hey Marie, I’m Tangela Eckhoff from Owasso, Oklahoma. I am a speaker. I am a writer. Woo
hoo! Published writer. Whoop whoop, go me! I’m also looking to add personal coaching
to my list of services. And I’m about to say something crazy, brace yourself. Don’t
fall off your chair. I wanna do my coaching on a pay what you can basis. I wanna use everything
that I’ve learned over the last few years, my husband and I have really gone through
a hard time financially and we’ve been fighting our way out of poverty. And I think that people
that I can help the most are people who can least afford to pay for coaching. So, I’ve
been published on a national scale, I’ve been highlighted in national magazines, I
just don't know how to connect the dots to make some real money off of this! I’m not
really concerned about making money off of the coaching. That is where my ministry is.
That is where my love is. That’s where my heart is. But I know that there have to be
products or some sort of services that I can provide that I can actually make money on,
so that I can help people on a one on one basis. That’s where you come in. I need
B-School, girl. I need me some B-School. I know nothing! I know how to do the PR, I know
how to talk the talk, I know how to live it. I have no idea how to connect the dots. So
I wanna help people, help make a change in the world, help make a change in people’s
lives, but I’d also like to pay my own bills while doing it. Novel concept, huh? Anyway,
I think that B-School will be a great opportunity for me and I would really love the chance
to come. If not, I’m just gonna dance. See? I’m just... everyday I’m just like...
I’m gonna dance bomb you. See? What? What? You don't want that. Anyway, thanks Marie
for the opportunity, and thanks to all the other fantastic with great ideas and great...”
Now I know that video cut off a little bit, but isn’t she great? Here’s what she
did right.
1. She was considerate and followed directions: We told everyone that the videos had to
be 2 minutes MAX. And her video was 1:45 - she saved me and my team some time. And
I like that. When you’re selling or trying to persuade others, think about the other
people. If you can make THEIR lives easier, you’re gonna go farther faster!
2. She’s Enthusiastic & She’s Confident: If you pay attention, around 7 seconds,
she totally celebrates herself for being a published author and a speaker. Her enthusiasm
is contagious, it’s awesome. She is so confident and clear about who she is. If you
wanna sell or persuade anyone about anything, you have got to be enthusiastic!
3. She was Specific & She’s Clear: Notice she told us exactly how she wants to change
the world. There was nothing vague or unclear about it. When you want to persuade or sell
someone something, you’ve gotta make it clear that you’ve “thought things through.”
With Tangela what was awesome, it was clear that she was off the cuff but she wasn’t
making this stuff up on the spot.
4. She Gave A Reason Why: Now whether she knew it or not, she used a proven persuasion
technique that’s very, very effective. In Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence, he says:
“A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do a favor
we will be more successful if we provide a reason.” Here’s an example, from that
book, listen to this:
A woman was standing in line for a copy machine. And she said, “Excuse me, I have five
pages. May I go ahead of you and make my copies?” 60 percent of people said yes.
Now, listen to this: She tried asking a slightly different way. She gave a reason why. This
time she said, “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the copy machine because I’m in
a rush?” And this time, 94% of the people said yes!! That’s one and a half times as
many!! That is a lot of persuasion!!
Now, there’s more to that study, and you can check it out in Cialdini’s book. But
the point here is that when you give people a reason WHY you’re asking for something,
they’re more inclined to give it to you.
And that’s what Tangela did. To paraphrase here, she said she needs B-School because
she needs to connect the dots to create products that pay the bills so she can provide coaching
for people that really need it, but can’t afford it.
5. She has a Totally Open Heart - when you watch this video, you can feel her heart popping
right out from the video. She’s completely authentic and she believes what she’s saying.
If you want to authentically persuade people, and authentically sell them - you need to
lead with your heart and really believe what you’re saying.
6. She’s Grateful & She Acknowledged Others - If you paid attention at the end, she didn’t
just say “Pick ME! Pick ME! I should win” She thanked me for the opportunity and more
importantly, she also acknowledged all the other women who submitted videos too. Now
here’s the thing, I don't know if she even knows she did this, but I really value my
community. And what she did is she acknowledged my community, something VERY important to
me, so I felt heard and taken care of by her expression of gratitude.
7. She Threatened Me: Let me tell ya, Tangela sealed the deal with her threat. And
I do not respond well to threats. Unless, it’s a dance bomb threat!
8. Finally, notice that Tangela did not have any special lighting or equipment or any fancy
graphics. In fact, I think she was shooting in her bathroom. Now ya’ll know I love
me some fancy lighting and some graphics and some editing BUT, it is not necessary if you
wanna be authentically persuasive and get your message out there.
Now, this video is quite different than what we normally do - so do you like it? Do you
like hearing the behind the scenes in my mind and understanding how I make decisions? Do
you want to DANCE bomb? I wanna hear from you.
Now remember, the most exciting things happen after the episode in the comments over at
MarieForleo.com - so come on over there and leave a comment or your dance bomb below!
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And if you want even MORE great insights to improve your business and your life, PLUS
personal insights from me that I only share in email updates--- you gotta come to MarieForleo.com
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Stay on your game and keeping going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift
that only YOU have. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time on MarieTV!